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Ubc (truevisions) - Analogue Or Digital?...


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Hey Everyone,

Just wondering if anyone knows if TrueVisions broadcast in Analogue or Digital or both?...

I've just moved in to a new place with satellite and I'm trying to work out what I've got.

The receiver box looks very old. It's got Dstv on the front and UBC stickers, it's made by Cal-Comp Thailand and has the purple / white menu.

One of my friends has UBC and his menu system is completely different to mine and his box is as well. He had it put in a month ago.

I went to one of the satellite shops but they weren't very helpful so was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction?... If there is a digital option available I'd like to upgrade. My landlady called UBC the other day and said they couldn't help her. I've checked out the TrueVisions website but it doesn't state if it's digital or not.

Any help is appreciated.


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I think the easiest way to find out if you have digital or analogue is to look at the channel numbers on your set-top-box.

for example:

HBO analogue is ch13, digital is ch14

CNN analogue is ch42, digital is ch71

see UBC(truevision) website for more info.

we are on analogue cable and refuse to go digital due to the high additional rental costs for the equipment.


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AFAIK, the sat broadcasts are all in digital (these require the card), while the cable is in both analog and digital (the digital ones require the card). I don't think they offer new analog subscriptions on cable right now.

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Hey Everyone,

Just wondering if anyone knows if TrueVisions broadcast in Analogue or Digital or both?...

I've just moved in to a new place with satellite and I'm trying to work out what I've got.

The receiver box looks very old. It's got Dstv on the front and UBC stickers, it's made by Cal-Comp Thailand and has the purple / white menu.

One of my friends has UBC and his menu system is completely different to mine and his box is as well. He had it put in a month ago.

I went to one of the satellite shops but they weren't very helpful so was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction?... If there is a digital option available I'd like to upgrade. My landlady called UBC the other day and said they couldn't help her. I've checked out the TrueVisions website but it doesn't state if it's digital or not.

Any help is appreciated.

it sux


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