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Sat. 21st July


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Hi to all,

Myself and Thaigerd are coming over from Phuket along with a TV newbie from Bangkok . Would be good to meet some of the regular posters in Patters .

Looking at the one of the threads Friday is normally the piss up, unfortunately wont be there till sat, any die hards up for two nights out?

See you all soon

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P.s The reason for the visit is Buisiness so if you all dont mind taking a few buisiness cards off me and the newbie I'll put a few Baht in the pot for several beers to all who fancy turning up !! :o

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Well, I'll be in town at least. Have to see how things go on the first two nights though (Thursday/Friday). If I'm still semi-coherent on Saturday, I'd be up for another outing !

Is it to be the Rockhouse on Saturday then ?

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When did this happen ?? :D


(Congratulations ! Guess we know who's buying the beers tonight ! :o)

(hmmm, should have enlarged the pic a little more it appears)

Edited by Kerryd
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Was nice to see kerryd again. Also KDF and she who runs with scissors. Bazmlb and I waited at the Rockhouse till about 9:30pm and Gerd, Nathan and Darkside were all MIA. Sorry we missed you guys.

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On my way now !

Good to meet ya Kerryd. Also good to see some of the regular pissers. Sorry conversation was so difficult, hopefully better at the next place.

Where is the next spot?

kdf + she who runs with scissors

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It was a wee bit crowded in there last night. Not sure who/what the party was for. Being a small place to begin with, then adding the food and extra people that were there for the party made it a bit difficult to find a seat or have a conversation.

Spent most of the rest of the night at Slim. On the way home (around 3am), just as I was about to turn on to Pattaya Tai, I had to stop to let a moto pass in front of me.

There was a male driver, a female passenger and two children. I stopped with plenty of time and room for him to pass in front of me. As he went by he looked at me and started yelling "<deleted> you, <deleted> you, <deleted> you".

No idea why, as we were no where close enough to each other to be at risk. Maybe he was just upset at seeing a farang riding alone on a bigger moto, while he had to putt along with the whole family on his little 125 ? :o

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It was a wee bit crowded in there last night. Not sure who/what the party was for. Being a small place to begin with, then adding the food and extra people that were there for the party made it a bit difficult to find a seat or have a conversation.

Spent most of the rest of the night at Slim. On the way home (around 3am), just as I was about to turn on to Pattaya Tai, I had to stop to let a moto pass in front of me.

There was a male driver, a female passenger and two children. I stopped with plenty of time and room for him to pass in front of me. As he went by he looked at me and started yelling "<deleted> you, <deleted> you, <deleted> you".

No idea why, as we were no where close enough to each other to be at risk. Maybe he was just upset at seeing a farang riding alone on a bigger moto, while he had to putt along with the whole family on his little 125 ? :o

Thai are often like the orient inscrutable. In Texican that means something about a screw and lack of tightness.


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Thanks for celebrating my return, I was, uh, busy, and couldn't make it out of the bedro... house. Sort of like a conjugal visit, I suppose my work release program will start as soon as the "excitement" wears off. Don't stop the party on my account...

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