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tint and tone.

Black is non-colour. Colour is wavelengths of light and black is the result when no lightwaves are emitted or reflected. When you add black to a saturated colour in a subtractive palette(CMYK), or subtract white from an additive palette(RGB), you are creating a shade of that colour. Do the same with grey (desaturating), you create a tone. Do it with white, you create a tint. -source from yeolde-wiki-thatyoulovetohate


It’s a controversial method to explain black and white by saying they are not colors.

Light hitting your eye is a combination of brightness and hue or if you like, wavelengths and intensity; the combination of which creates the effect of color received by your eye. Any color bright enough will be received as white, or inversely, black if it is very dark. If you’re in a red room and you turn the lights down, the effect of red vanishes quickly.

White light can be diffracted to show all visible colors and a number of sub and super visual wavelengths as well. Absolute black is virtually impossible.

CMYK black is created by combining colors, rich black adds even more color to make it even blacker.

You can tell I’m putting off work once again. :o

for the record, black and white arent colours, but carry on :o

been waiting for that .......................


My interior designers always suggested using red in the dining room (evidently that invokes hunger), forest green in the library (maybe that invokes learning? not sure why but I do love it), and...well I won't tell you what color in the bedroom, to invoke you know what.

It’s a controversial method to explain black and white by saying they are not colors.

Light hitting your eye is a combination of brightness and hue or if you like, wavelengths and intensity; the combination of which creates the effect of color received by your eye. Any color bright enough will be received as white, or inversely, black if it is very dark. If you’re in a red room and you turn the lights down, the effect of red vanishes quickly.

White light can be diffracted to show all visible colors and a number of sub and super visual wavelengths as well. Absolute black is virtually impossible.

CMYK black is created by combining colors, rich black adds even more color to make it even blacker.

You can tell I’m putting off work once again. :o

Dam-n. Beat me to it. :D

for the record, black and white arent colours, but carry on :D

been waiting for that .......................

sowe! Im the goon that just HAD to bring it up :D

btw: good post canuckamuck :o

Due to the angry nature of some recent posts, I would like to make an effort to hopefully discuss something less hostile.

Therefore, what is your favourite color, and why?

Mine is cyan. Second is dark tourquoise. I like both of those because they can probably go with just about anything. And to me, they are "warm" colors, although some may disagree (but hopefully not in a hostile way which could upset a sensitive person).

If you need help choosing, here is a pretty good website that has a good color chart:


Black is my favorite color whether you choose to say it is a color or not. I love it because it is distant and cold like space, indifferent to other colors I wear with it, and it looks reserved next to other colors. I mean its transparent like a new car that is black looks like your hand will go into it when you touch it. Nothing is finer than a black sports car. And yes people when the car salesman asks me what color I want the car in I just say black. I don’t say I don’t want a color I want black instead of a color! Not such a bad subject Weho. As you have done Weho and described your favorite color in 3 ways. can you name your favorite animal and describe it in 3 ways? It is just funny that u ask this question because I always ask women this when we are on our first date. It can tell you a lot about someone’s perception of reality. That is that every person has a little voice in their head telling them how to interoperate and react to information they receive from their environments. A voice that stems from some traumatic but almost never positive experience in their life. I will give you an example. A person’s favorite color is how they perceive other people. So you see people as warm and want to follow social groups that tend to conform to each other and agree about everything. This gives you comfort because it is easy to gain acceptance by agreeing and mimicking them. But you’re scared of not being accepted by them so you avoid engaging in any kind of disagreement or expressing your own opinion because then you might not be accepted by their group anymore. Thus, you’re subconsciously choosing to think about colors to avoid stressful conversations. You can disagree and argue with me Weho! Come on it will be fun and we will become friends because of it! I really think you need to start engaging in more discussions where we disagree. This allows me as the protagonist to step outside of my own myopic ignorance and see the world from another’s point of view. This allows me to have great insight into any situation. You see no matter what your response is that is valuable to someone. If it is one out of ten then you have given me a ruff guesstamation as to how 10% of the world would respond to my absurd remarks. I learn something about the masses from Weho! Other People can learn from you weather you think you are intelligent or not, when you disagree with them. You see, men sometimes act hostile to each other in a discussion but this is the only way they will learn. Weather they change each others position of the matter is not as important as that learn that everyone has an opinion and they can’t change the world by making a new law. If they didn’t learn through debate then everyone would run around screaming like a child incapable of foresight or cause and effect. I think drug prohibition would be an example of the world’s short comings in this department. What would life be like if we all dressed in uniform, gave ourselves the same haircut, and agreed about everything? Would we have ever gone to the moon? Music would be so terrible. I will confess that sometime I tell people that I disagree with them on the forum when in fact I think the same way they do. I have told people I am a raciest Nazi just to see how they would respond. There are a couple of guys on this forum that I like to insult from time to time just to get their feathers fluffed up. But I think we both know that if we ever met that we would probably be drinking buddies and never have a dull conversation. Oh yes, So your favorite animal? This is how you see yourself. Weho you need to go get a pit bull puppy. I think this would be your favorite animal if you had one. They are so sensitive when they are puppies, follow you everywhere, need to be accepted by you, but they mature into very assertive and confident individuals. A good pet can change your life. They are not popular but you should never let other peoples opinion determine what you like or dislike. Besides no one really cares about what kind of dog you have anyway.


Are we talking here about perceived colour (the light waves hitting the eye) or the actual colours in (say) a tin of paint?

For instance - on the computer screen colours are generated directly by mixing basic light frequencies, but in paint it is various chemicals that are used to achieve what you see.

Anyway, the result is the same - and a medium-brown flesh tone is still my favourite. In large quantities.

tint and tone.

Black is non-colour. Colour is wavelengths of light and black is the result when no lightwaves are emitted or reflected. When you add black to a saturated colour in a subtractive palette(CMYK), or subtract white from an additive palette(RGB), you are creating a shade of that colour. Do the same with grey (desaturating), you create a tone. Do it with white, you create a tint. -source from yeolde-wiki-thatyoulovetohate

So, we're a kill joy as well, eh? :o


I was born on a Thursday; therefore, according the the day-colour chart in Thailand, my favourite colour has to be orange. I guess it can be when I cheer for the British Columbia Lions (football) or the Trail Smoke Eaters (hockey), but actually I prefer navy blue.

tint and tone.

Black is non-colour. Colour is wavelengths of light and black is the result when no lightwaves are emitted or reflected. When you add black to a saturated colour in a subtractive palette(CMYK), or subtract white from an additive palette(RGB), you are creating a shade of that colour. Do the same with grey (desaturating), you create a tone. Do it with white, you create a tint. -source from yeolde-wiki-thatyoulovetohate

So, we're a kill joy as well, eh? :o

Guilty as charged. :D

  • 2 months later...

As my younger son replies always when I ask him what color does he prefer? he replies: Rainbow color!

So rainbow color for me too :o

I do like firebrick color-darkred, teal color and rosybrown .


Buzzkill alert....... :o

I think you need to be more specific as far as this goes. Someone says pink (or whatever color) is their favorite color, would that be for your teeth also ?

Blue is your Favorite color? For what? Porkchops ?

I know it's not a soft and fuzzy answer, but....

I'm just sayin'....


One of my favourite scenes from "Elf" was when Elf answered his Dad's phone and said:

" How are you,what can I do to help,What's your favourite colour ? "

:o Wiley Coyote

I wont sleep either now, can't stop thinking about the bloody Ghanaian. Wife thinks I'm playing tents !!

( Nice colours on their flag. Fond of the contrast ).


You made my day !

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