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Sounds like a lot of wasted energy to me....... if you are not interested in the topic and your only intention is to rise up other people then thats a little sad!.....

Its kinda like being back in school at a debate when you just have to ridicule the other guy even though you dont believe what you are saying....

Oh well, if thats what you're into then go for it.........

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I hope I am wrong, but from your post I get the impression, that this is where you spend your life, not elsewhere.

Why do you hope that?

If it was the case, it would still be my choice.

My life.

For better or for worse.

But do not worry, I spend far less time on this forum than many members.

But I agree, I post more,... :o:D

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but with very few excpetions indeed I get the impression that I have next to nothing in common with the vast majority of you and would prefer to leave it at that. No offence intended.

You have at least one point in common with the other people posting in this forum.

You post in this forum.

But I agree with you, I have also very little in common with the vast majority of you.

This is what makes these meetings interesting, actually.

If you want to speak to people who are the same than you, speak to yourself.

I'm sure you will learn a lot from it,... :o:D

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Maybe! Although I think this may be a cry for help to gain some intelligence? Arse? Very silly I think and not polite! :o:D:D

Having read the majority of your puerile postings, yes I am bored at work etc , I feel "Arse" to be as polite and intelligient as I can muster in reference to their structure and infantile content. Yes , I didn't have to read them , but I have read most posts before you were here , and I expect to read more posts when you are gone.



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When I am gone? I think not you imbecile! So you can't handle other opinions! Get a life you sad little moron and don't even think again of trying to insult me as I will wipe the floor with you!!! :o:D:D

Aggression is not recommended here. Particularly from a hyperactive newbie.

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When I am gone? I think not you imbecile! So you can't handle other opinions! Get a life you sad little moron and don't even think again of trying to insult me as I will wipe the floor with you!!! :o:D:D

A reread of this offering may put it into perspective for you.

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It start to look like the Tony0703 show on this forum.

Please slow down a little bit,it is not all that interesting what you have to say.

Everybody his own opinion but in proportion please.

43 replies the last 24 hours is a new record for a newbie :o

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It start to look like the Tony0703 show on this forum.

Please slow down a little bit,it is not all that interesting what you have to say.

Everybody his own opinion but in proportion please.

43 replies the last 24 hours is a new record for a newbie :o

Dear Dutch, other people are not all that interesting either! If I want to have an opinion then I shall have it! Just like you! Yes maybe slow down a little. But if insults and rudeness are the order of the day then they shall be ignored. I did not start any aggression as dr_ pat _pong is suggesting but merely had an opinion and was told I am a broken record (an insult!) So if you are beyond a newbie, aggression, according to him appears acceptable? Remember I only have opinions, with no intent of aggression! Hyperactive, maybe a little... :D

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Please read my request again.

It is not YOUR forum.!

I only asked for balanced quantity (not to mention quality,because that is subjective).

May be you should have a look at the Bearpit.com.This website (supervised by thaiforum) is special for,what you call,hyperactive persons.

No hard feelings tho.

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So insults are putting it in perspective? :o

I'd recommend against further unsavoury outbursts. Your compehension levels are pretty slow if you thought that outburst of yours was a satisfactory response upon re-examination, and reflection.

Oh Really? Outbursts? Unsavoury? Interesting? NO!!! :D

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When I am gone? I think not you imbecile! So you can't handle other opinions! Get a life you sad little moron and don't even think again of trying to insult me as I will wipe the floor with you!!! :o:D:D

I'd recommend against further unsavoury outbursts. Your compehension levels are pretty slow if you thought that outburst of yours was a satisfactory response upon re-examination, and reflection.

Doc, I agree on the slow but I think that you might add "pretty low" as well.

It's not MY FORUM, but I think that most of the <deleted> that was written (particularly by this 'tony' ??? would be more appropriate on Bangkok Chat, MSN or Yahoo Messenger.

And to Tony, Stroll and Dutch I suggest that you don't lower yourselves any further by responding to this <deleted>.

And in the interests of being consistent I will repeat "anyone who resorts to making 'get a life' comments has invariably not got one themselves" :D

Almost everyone who I have heard (and seen) making such comments has in my experience had a brain about the size of a peppercorn. :D

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