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After a little advice please folks, apologies for the long post.

Today my Thai GF was refused a VV to come and visit me in the UK and obviously we are both very dissapointed. She said they gave her a bit of a grilling.

The reason for refusal was that they were not satisfied that she intended to return to Thailand. I'd like to try again but am a little unsure of how long we should leave it before putting another application in and obviously need a bit of advice as to improvements that could be made to the next application. See some of the summarised points given in the refusal letter below:

1st paragraph - Application requested 1 month to visit her boyfriend (me) for 1 month. She is a student and married to an American man. Stated that we are platonic friends and she has a valid USA visa endorsed in Passport. Has not visited her husband in USA.

Info ---When I saw this you can't help but think it looks pretty dodgy. I'm aware of a husband, apparently married 2 years ago, he's visited once since getting they were married and he sends her money every month. I was informed that he had applied for a visa for her once he was told about me, arranged by an agent. She wants a divorce. Was advised by someone to say they we are just friends as it wouldn't look good having a boyfriend with her being married. Immediately wrecks any credibility IMO. They seem to have very little contact as she never sneeks off to take calls and her phone is always on when I'm with her.

2nd Paragraph - States that at interview she stated that the main reason to visit me is to take care of me after a motorcylce accident that occured. Remarks that the application was made before the accident and so has no bearing on application and is merely a coincidence. Remarks that no evidence other than marriage certificate was supplied to support finance from either myself or husband. Remarks that I appear to be subsidising her more than her Husband. States that she was not 'candid' at interview, damaging credibility of application.

Info --- I put forward a letter from myself along with several pieces of supporting documentation from GP, fracture specialist and original treating hospital requesting that the interview date be brought forward due to a motorcycle accident I was involved in. Accident occurred 3 days after application was put in, my letter went in 14 days after application, once I had returned home from Hospital. It has been a little over 5 weeks since the accident and still on crutches but am back at work and managing. The request seems to have been completely ignored and somehow twisted to seem like we are trying to do something underhand. My circumstance are a little different but she would only have been coming to visit me and maybe help me in some ways due to my temperoary change of circumstances as any friend would do. We understood that we needed to put my bank statements in as I would be financing the visit. I don't give my GF a monthly salary. I have given her bits and pieces but not a great deal and not on a regular basis. He has been supporting her. She doesn't work in a bar but this seems to be implied or that I give her more money that her husband or whatever. She has statements that can clearly show payments but obviously these questions are not made until the interview and there is no way to bring them to the attention after the interview.

3rd paragraph - States that GF said I would be giving her money for taking care of me, amount not yet agreed. Implies this suggests that she is not seeking entry as a visitor for the limited period stated.

Responce --- She may have said I will take care of everything when she is in UK as you would expect of a sponsor. I'm not gonna charge her rent, will pay for food drinks etc. May even give her a few quid for something but in no way am I gonna be paying for her caretaking services as stated.

4th paragraph - GF states she is a student but gave no evidence to support. States he is satisfied that she will be supported in UK but no evidence to show long term commitments to Thailand. States that economic circumstances are insufficient reason to justify visa denial, but they have relevance to underlying intentions.

Responce --- A new term is just starting so her pass from last term is just expired and was awaiting desicion of visa before commencing this term. Remember application was put in almost 6 weeks previously. She does have some land but proof wasn't included in application, again too late to put forward.

Final Paragraph - States that considering above, is not satisfied that she intends to leave the UK at the end of her visit.

A bit of Info about us:

We met in March 06 and since then I've visited Thailand approx 2 weeks June 06, 1 week Oct 06, 4 weeks Dec 06 - Jan 07 and about 2 weeks in April 07. I'm 33, with a pretty good job, savings and own home so financing the visit isn't a problem. My Thai GF is 31, presently studying, 1st year of a Law Degree but is married to an American man. I only discovered his existence a few months ago on my last visit. She told me, I pressed her a bit because a couple of things didn't make sence, but basically she came clean. Apparently he sends her money each month, about 15000 baht so I'm told but this has recently stopped since he found out about my existence, she says she told him. I'm told he visits only once a year for like 2 weeks. They married 2 years ago and he's returned for 1 holiday since. He's supposedly a bit of a catch, plenty of money, good looking but she says she doesn't love him and they always fight when together and he's not around very much. I've helped out my GF a little since I've known her but not on a regular basis and not mega money. We talk pretty much every day, a little less when I'm working overseas. In all the time I've spent in her company she's never sneaked off taking phone calls and her mobile is always on. I generally call her on her home phone and she's almost always at home at about midnight Thai time. Since her husband was informed of my existence he's arranged a US visa and she has that in her passport so she can go to the US at any time she wishes.

What do you think we should do from here? Even though she's got a US visa she doesn't want to go to be with him and only wants to stay with me and really wants me to come to Thailand soon.

Any advice greatly appreciated and apologies for the rather long post, but there's alot to cover so thought it best to put most of the info on the table for comments.





It would appear that the principal reason for refusal is that your g/f is otherwise married to this American bloke, and, until that situation alters, she's going to find it difficult to convince the visa officer of her credibility. I'm afraid that saying that your relationship is platonic is just not going to wash with the visa officer. However, you could at least argue that if it were her intention to get out of Thailand, she'd use the American visa instead of going through the hassle of applying for a U.K. visa. Additionally, if you are going to say that she's coming to look after you following your motorbike accident, you'll have to demonstrate that you have no immediate family in the U.K. who can fulfil this task.

Your g/f can reapply at any time, but make sure the previous reasons for refusal are addressed, otherwise any subsequent application will be given short shrift.



It seems like there are things you missed out when you submitted your application, things like the proof that she owns land in thailand are a very important part in proving that she will return when her trip is over.

I cant be much help but next time make sure all the documnets are present before submitting them



Thanks for the feedback fellas. It is quite obvious now that alot more thought and honesty needs to go into the next application. Also she will probably need to show some change of circumstances with her husband before the Visa will be approved.

At least the fact that she has a valid US visa in her passport but yet she wants to go through the hassle of trying to get a UK visa suggests that her motives are not just to get out of Thailand as she could do that right now if she chose to.

Will have to speak with her and see where we go from here.




Married to a guy who sends her money but doesn't visit???

But sees you for 2 years at the same time??? :D

Unless you get the "situation" sorted I think your chances are "slim"...and that's being optimistic!

If you were and ECO, what would you think???

I'm not going to judge...But tread very carefully... :o



Married to a guy who sends her money but doesn't visit???

But sees you for 2 years at the same time???

Unless you get the "situation" sorted I think your chances are "slim"...and that's being optimistic!

If you were and ECO, what would you think???

I'm not going to judge...But tread very carefully...

It may sound unlikely but I can asure you that the only time that she went on the missing since I've known her, was for about 2 weeks last November. I mostly call her on her home phone so she doesn't seem to be out on the town all the time. She has since told me that her Husband comes only once in August each year. I've spent quite a bit of time with her over the last 15 months, about 13 weeks in total and she doesn't sneek off taking secret calls/emails or anything like that, her mobile is always on. She tells me he has a girlfriend and he has plenty of money so while he wants to take care of her financially so he must care for her but it's hardly a marriage in the normal sence. I don't know what to think myself and like I said I only found out fairly recently. She's got a 2 year USA visa but doesn't want to go, she wants to do whatever is needed to come to the UK to be with me.

I can fully appreciate how bad it looks and of course I can see how it ruins her credibility. It just so stereotypical of the kind of stories you hear.

At the end of the day I don't want to mess things up for her. I can't promise everything is going to work out for us. If she gets a divorce to be with me I'd feel responsable for her and obliged to make a big commitment. I do like her alot, she's really good fun, we're really good friends and I think living with her would be great. I really don't think her motivations are dodgy, she'd be just as happy for me to be with her in Thailand as bringing her to the UK. I think she just wants to have a proper loving relationship with someone that she loves and gets along with.

Why can't life just be simple??


Being currently married is not helping her cause in getting the visa sorted Lynchy ,plain to see matey :o

PS:"the only time she went missing was for 2 weeks last November " -This does not sounds good to me by the way..Indeed thread rather carefully on this one mate .

Married to a guy who sends her money but doesn't visit???

But sees you for 2 years at the same time???

Unless you get the "situation" sorted I think your chances are "slim"...and that's being optimistic!

If you were and ECO, what would you think???

I'm not going to judge...But tread very carefully...

It may sound unlikely but I can assure you that the only time that she went on the missing since I've known her, was for about 2 weeks last November. I mostly call her on her home phone so she doesn't seem to be out on the town all the time. She has since told me that her Husband comes only once in August each year. I've spent quite a bit of time with her over the last 15 months, about 13 weeks in total and she doesn't sneek off taking secret calls/emails or anything like that, her mobile is always on. She tells me he has a girlfriend and he has plenty of money so while he wants to take care of her financially so he must care for her but it's hardly a marriage in the normal sence. I don't know what to think myself and like I said I only found out fairly recently. She's got a 2 year USA visa but doesn't want to go, she wants to do whatever is needed to come to the UK to be with me.

I can fully appreciate how bad it looks and of course I can see how it ruins her credibility. It just so stereotypical of the kind of stories you hear.

At the end of the day I don't want to mess things up for her. I can't promise everything is going to work out for us. If she gets a divorce to be with me I'd feel responsable for her and obliged to make a big commitment. I do like her alot, she's really good fun, we're really good friends and I think living with her would be great. I really don't think her motivations are dodgy, she'd be just as happy for me to be with her in Thailand as bringing her to the UK. I think she just wants to have a proper loving relationship with someone that she loves and gets along with.

Why can't life just be simple??

I am not sure of what is really going on with your girl but I would like to mention something about the US Visa she has. It is VERY difficult to get a fiancé or marriage visa(for wife) to come to the US and practically impossible to get a visitors visa.

You said he arranged it after he was told about you.

To get the Visa she has had to cooperate/participate fully to get it AND pass an interview at the US Embassy in BKK.

If she didn't want to go to the USA after she told him about you ....why did she go to the Embassy and lie about wanting to join her husband?

Something seems wrong here.

I hope things work out for you.

Married to a guy who sends her money but doesn't visit???

But sees you for 2 years at the same time???

Unless you get the "situation" sorted I think your chances are "slim"...and that's being optimistic!

If you were and ECO, what would you think???

I'm not going to judge...But tread very carefully...

It may sound unlikely but I can assure you that the only time that she went on the missing since I've known her, was for about 2 weeks last November. I mostly call her on her home phone so she doesn't seem to be out on the town all the time. She has since told me that her Husband comes only once in August each year. I've spent quite a bit of time with her over the last 15 months, about 13 weeks in total and she doesn't sneek off taking secret calls/emails or anything like that, her mobile is always on. She tells me he has a girlfriend and he has plenty of money so while he wants to take care of her financially so he must care for her but it's hardly a marriage in the normal sence. I don't know what to think myself and like I said I only found out fairly recently. She's got a 2 year USA visa but doesn't want to go, she wants to do whatever is needed to come to the UK to be with me.

I can fully appreciate how bad it looks and of course I can see how it ruins her credibility. It just so stereotypical of the kind of stories you hear.

At the end of the day I don't want to mess things up for her. I can't promise everything is going to work out for us. If she gets a divorce to be with me I'd feel responsable for her and obliged to make a big commitment. I do like her alot, she's really good fun, we're really good friends and I think living with her would be great. I really don't think her motivations are dodgy, she'd be just as happy for me to be with her in Thailand as bringing her to the UK. I think she just wants to have a proper loving relationship with someone that she loves and gets along with.

Why can't life just be simple??

I am not sure of what is really going on with your girl but I would like to mention something about the US Visa she has. It is VERY difficult to get a fiancé or marriage visa(for wife) to come to the US and practically impossible to get a visitors visa.

You said he arranged it after he was told about you.

To get the Visa she has had to cooperate/participate fully to get it AND pass an interview at the US Embassy in BKK.

If she didn't want to go to the USA after she told him about you ....why did she go to the Embassy and lie about wanting to join her husband?

Something seems wrong here.

I hope things work out for you.

After speaking to her a bit more about it I think I misunderstood the timescale of the USA Visa application and think that the remark about it being done after having informed him about me was maybe added for my benefit. She says that the application was underway for some time but was only issued very recently and that everything was taken care of by an Agency. She also says that the Visa was issued on the 16th July 07 but her passport was in the UK embassy at that time. She also says that she didn't attend an interview. I don't believe everything. I might be going over to Thailand soon and will be able to see for myself.


Well until she isnt married, I would doubt you will get a visa for her. And she's already on record lying, so I'd have to say any application will be looked at with much scrutiny.

I'm sorry, but I think she's a bit dodgey based on everything you said thus far. It makes me wonder what else she is hiding?????? Tread very carefully mate. :o


There is no way she could have gotten the visa to the US without attending the interview.

I think this girl is playing you (and perhaps her husband too). With so many fish in the sea, why spend another moment dwelling on the one that is deceiving you at every opportunity?

There is no way she could have gotten the visa to the US without attending the interview.

I think this girl is playing you (and perhaps her husband too). With so many fish in the sea, why spend another moment dwelling on the one that is deceiving you at every opportunity?

She lies to the gov. she lies to HER Husband, she lies to you I would dump this scam artist and find yourself a decent lady. If she is cheating on her husband she will surly cheat on you

Married to a guy who sends her money but doesn't visit???

But sees you for 2 years at the same time???

Unless you get the "situation" sorted I think your chances are "slim"...and that's being optimistic!

If you were and ECO, what would you think???

I'm not going to judge...But tread very carefully...

It may sound unlikely but I can assure you that the only time that she went on the missing since I've known her, was for about 2 weeks last November. I mostly call her on her home phone so she doesn't seem to be out on the town all the time. She has since told me that her Husband comes only once in August each year. I've spent quite a bit of time with her over the last 15 months, about 13 weeks in total and she doesn't sneek off taking secret calls/emails or anything like that, her mobile is always on. She tells me he has a girlfriend and he has plenty of money so while he wants to take care of her financially so he must care for her but it's hardly a marriage in the normal sence. I don't know what to think myself and like I said I only found out fairly recently. She's got a 2 year USA visa but doesn't want to go, she wants to do whatever is needed to come to the UK to be with me.

I can fully appreciate how bad it looks and of course I can see how it ruins her credibility. It just so stereotypical of the kind of stories you hear.

At the end of the day I don't want to mess things up for her. I can't promise everything is going to work out for us. If she gets a divorce to be with me I'd feel responsable for her and obliged to make a big commitment. I do like her alot, she's really good fun, we're really good friends and I think living with her would be great. I really don't think her motivations are dodgy, she'd be just as happy for me to be with her in Thailand as bringing her to the UK. I think she just wants to have a proper loving relationship with someone that she loves and gets along with.

Why can't life just be simple??

I am not sure of what is really going on with your girl but I would like to mention something about the US Visa she has. It is VERY difficult to get a fiancé or marriage visa(for wife) to come to the US and practically impossible to get a visitors visa.

You said he arranged it after he was told about you.

To get the Visa she has had to cooperate/participate fully to get it AND pass an interview at the US Embassy in BKK.

If she didn't want to go to the USA after she told him about you ....why did she go to the Embassy and lie about wanting to join her husband?

Something seems wrong here.

I hope things work out for you.

After speaking to her a bit more about it I think I misunderstood the timescale of the USA Visa application and think that the remark about it being done after having informed him about me was maybe added for my benefit. She says that the application was underway for some time but was only issued very recently and that everything was taken care of by an Agency. She also says that the Visa was issued on the 16th July 07 but her passport was in the UK embassy at that time. She also says that she didn't attend an interview. I don't believe everything. I might be going over to Thailand soon and will be able to see for myself.

The US visa is issued the day after the interview for a fiance visa. I think it is the same for the marriage visa. Best of luck to you.


First thing you should do is explore your consience .... Then her integrity...... The whole senario seems suspect. You might just find the Immigration department have made the right decision saving you both from a world of grief.

Firstly she's married and recently made an application and recieved a visa to the USA and from what I understand is harder to do than getting married in the first place and she must have put quite a bit of effort into it.

Secondly she's married... Some of you people obviously believe its just a piece of paper aquired at the bargan basement of K- Mart.

I would be suppried if she's not all that concerned with any of it and is sitting back awaiting the next cashed up entertainer. "Come on spinner".

You should put your thoughts of "lust" on hold and give this one a bit more thought.


Thanks for the info fellas especially with regards to the US visa. I've definitely taken in what you are saying and know she is holding things back. I appreciate the fact that you haven't taken the opportunity to take the mickey and tell me how stupid/gullible/whatever I have been. Gonna still keep friends with her for now but forgot about visas or the like. She knows she will not get a UK visa with her present stuation so that's that.

I really can't understand the setup with her and her husband but it has enabled her to go through school, study English, start University and stopped her becoming a bar girl. He seems to have taken care of her but doesn't seem interested in really spending any time with her or even keeping in regular contact with her. No matter where in the world a lady comes from, I think she would eventually lose interest in a marriage/relationship, where the partner had next to no contact, even if they were paying the bills.

First thing you should do is explore your consience .... Then her integrity...... The whole senario seems suspect. You might just find the Immigration department have made the right decision saving you both from a world of grief.

Firstly she's married and recently made an application and recieved a visa to the USA and from what I understand is harder to do than getting married in the first place and she must have put quite a bit of effort into it.

Secondly she's married... Some of you people obviously believe its just a piece of paper aquired at the bargan basement of K- Mart.

I would be suppried if she's not all that concerned with any of it and is sitting back awaiting the next cashed up entertainer. "Come on spinner".

You should put your thoughts of "lust" on hold and give this one a bit more thought.

I can't say I'm particularly happy about the situation but I do honestly believe that the marriage is a bit of a sham and in my defence I've not known about it for very long. I agree it is suspect and is the stereotypical sort of thing you hear about. Maybe Immigration have done me a favour??

With regards to the US visa, yeah she probably did attend an interview but the way I understood it, an agent was paid a good chunk of money to take care of everything. She did tell me previously she was supposed to attend an interview on the 12th July but didn't and she now tells me the Visa was issued on the 16th July. This doesn't make sence as her passport was in the UK embassy till her interview on the 18th. Either she's hiding some details or some of the information with regards UK and US visa applications I've been given is incorrect. It's easy to check once I have a look in her passport.

She has said she wants me to come over ASAP and she will get a divorce if I promise to commit to her but I can't do that. I'm not gonna make any promises unless I'm 100% and I don't want to mess up things for her if things don't work out for us.

It really isn't all about lust at all. I'm 33 and whilst I'm not Brad Pitt, I'm not bad looking and keep myself in good shape, she's 31 and is a pretty little thing and is in my league as it were. We're good friends and whilst I do fancy her, it's her personality, I like being around her.

She has said she wants me to come over ASAP and she will get a divorce if I promise to commit to her but I can't do that. I'm not gonna make any promises unless I'm 100% and I don't want to mess up things for her if things don't work out for us.

If you are planning a visit to LOS, I wouldn't do it on your friend's time schedule, but on yours. In other words, don't rush over to LOS to confront her. Don't send her any money, chocolate candies, nothing. See where things go from there. You do not need to be present in LOS for her to get a divorce from her US hubby. Based on what I have read before on TV, it won't be easy for her to get a divorce.

I said it earlier, and others have agreed... get your foot out of the quicksand before it is too late.


In regards to the US visa being granted ....possibly they dont need possesion of her passport to do this, I would asume they advise the applicant that the visa has been granted and they request them to bring in their passport to be endorsed.

The above is the case with the Australian spouse visa process.

If you are planning a visit to LOS, I wouldn't do it on your friend's time schedule, but on yours. In other words, don't rush over to LOS to confront her. Don't send her any money, chocolate candies, nothing. See where things go from there. You do not need to be present in LOS for her to get a divorce from her US hubby.

Agreed. I've got a job in Singapore in September so might see her then. She won't be getting anything from me either in the meantime. See what happens.

Anyways I'm off to get some kip.


If you are planning a visit to LOS, I wouldn't do it on your friend's time schedule, but on yours. In other words, don't rush over to LOS to confront her. Don't send her any money, chocolate candies, nothing. See where things go from there. You do not need to be present in LOS for her to get a divorce from her US hubby.

Agreed. I've got a job in Singapore in September so might see her then. She won't be getting anything from me either in the meantime. See what happens.

Anyways I'm off to get some kip.


A sensible approach...All the best mate :o


First thing you should do is explore your consience .... Then her integrity...... The whole senario seems suspect. You might just find the Immigration department have made the right decision saving you both from a world of grief.

Firstly she's married and recently made an application and recieved a visa to the USA and from what I understand is harder to do than getting married in the first place and she must have put quite a bit of effort into it.

Secondly she's married... Some of you people obviously believe its just a piece of paper aquired at the bargan basement of K- Mart.

I would be suppried if she's not all that concerned with any of it and is sitting back awaiting the next cashed up entertainer. "Come on spinner".

You should put your thoughts of "lust" on hold and give this one a bit more thought.


You have some pretty good advise here, and seem to have come around yourself to a bit of reality check. To say it all sounds questionable is an understatement so if you can seperate out your feelings and view this in a detached way then that will probably be for the best.

Happy travels.


Married to a guy who sends her money but doesn't visit???

But sees you for 2 years at the same time???

Unless you get the "situation" sorted I think your chances are "slim"...and that's being optimistic!

If you were and ECO, what would you think???

I'm not going to judge...But tread very carefully...

It may sound unlikely but I can assure you that the only time that she went on the missing since I've known her, was for about 2 weeks last November. I mostly call her on her home phone so she doesn't seem to be out on the town all the time. She has since told me that her Husband comes only once in August each year. I've spent quite a bit of time with her over the last 15 months, about 13 weeks in total and she doesn't sneek off taking secret calls/emails or anything like that, her mobile is always on. She tells me he has a girlfriend and he has plenty of money so while he wants to take care of her financially so he must care for her but it's hardly a marriage in the normal sence. I don't know what to think myself and like I said I only found out fairly recently. She's got a 2 year USA visa but doesn't want to go, she wants to do whatever is needed to come to the UK to be with me.

I can fully appreciate how bad it looks and of course I can see how it ruins her credibility. It just so stereotypical of the kind of stories you hear.

At the end of the day I don't want to mess things up for her. I can't promise everything is going to work out for us. If she gets a divorce to be with me I'd feel responsable for her and obliged to make a big commitment. I do like her alot, she's really good fun, we're really good friends and I think living with her would be great. I really don't think her motivations are dodgy, she'd be just as happy for me to be with her in Thailand as bringing her to the UK. I think she just wants to have a proper loving relationship with someone that she loves and gets along with.

Why can't life just be simple??

I am not sure of what is really going on with your girl but I would like to mention something about the US Visa she has. It is VERY difficult to get a fiancé or marriage visa(for wife) to come to the US and practically impossible to get a visitors visa.

You said he arranged it after he was told about you.

To get the Visa she has had to cooperate/participate fully to get it AND pass an interview at the US Embassy in BKK.

If she didn't want to go to the USA after she told him about you ....why did she go to the Embassy and lie about wanting to join her husband?

Something seems wrong here.

I hope things work out for you.

After speaking to her a bit more about it I think I misunderstood the timescale of the USA Visa application and think that the remark about it being done after having informed him about me was maybe added for my benefit. She says that the application was underway for some time but was only issued very recently and that everything was taken care of by an Agency. She also says that the Visa was issued on the 16th July 07 but her passport was in the UK embassy at that time. She also says that she didn't attend an interview. I don't believe everything. I might be going over to Thailand soon and will be able to see for myself.

if you are going i would go without telling her just turn up at her place and she it as it is.

Good Luck

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