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50 Mistakes Men Make When Having Sex


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Good sex is an exercise in mental and physical coordination.

Some people are naturals, others have to read the 50 tips.

If you hit the spot, you'll just know it, without the need to ask "How was it for you?".

You'll hardly have breath enough to say "Wow!"

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Good sex is an exercise in mental and physical coordination.

Some people are naturals, others have to read the 50 tips.

If you hit the spot, you'll just know it, without the need to ask "How was it for you?".

You'll hardly have breath enough to say "Wow!"

:o All that needs to be said really.

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To the OP.. thanks.. for the post. I have sent it to all the men I know. Married and Single alike.

Your welcome, thought people would get a kick out of this but it seems to have realy got people going, if youl pardon the pun

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My word...

I learned me lots 'bout folks today!

Insight... you so haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandsome.. :D

and spelling is soooooo not my forte.. :D the fact that you got my drift was all that mattered.. :o

Re-read please LaReina (the name is Insight btw) - I said *first dates* and one night stands. Saying "NEW FLASH!!!!!" is so 90's :D

The last time somebody called me handsome in the context you're referring to? That was a long time ago :D

Don't all women like men that dress up as gay rejects from cats?!


Awww Damian.. if I may sayt so, you look pretty good for a 42 yr old.. and far from a reject from cats.. how about a Thunder Cat! HOI!??

But I am sooo sorry .. forgive me, I just have to pick on you..

I find it a wee bit hard to believe that women .. would ask, for a backside attack. You know.. medical technology has really advanced over the years.. and.. well I have met some stunners that just weren't what they appeared to be.

As for anal sex, I've never been the instigator, it's always the womans idea.


Actually, call me a weirdo, I like a guy in bed who has a bit of experience with the boys, they're more sensitive about penetration -- since they know what it's like on the other side.

Interesting... :bah:


Is the usage of the word "boys" a fruedian slip?

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Who cares about sex anyway? Frankly, I'd rather have a nice cup of tea.

DUDE! My girlfreind for one.... her sex drive is much higher than mine... shes always pestering me...... Japanese, early 30's, nasty combination! But I must admit I don't mind being pestered so much.


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LaReina...... 42?! DEM'S FIGHTIN WERDS MISSY! The reason I look so ###### good for 42 is because Im actually 34....... now I guess I dont look so good! heh

Backdoor attack? Yes, yes that is exactly what Im going to say to my girlfriend next time, "get ready for the BACKDOOR ATTACK BABY!"

Yup, always the girls idea. Hard to believe? Believe it. My current also likes to be tied up and thrown around and completely dominated, not too mention she likes me NOT to bathe before sex and preferably after I train martial arts, likes me NOT to be clean shaven and loves my hairy chest..... which is part of the reason I feel this list is so ridiculous, it caters to only one type of woman in my opinion, and not a very exciting one at that. No offence to those of you that want a man to play it by this list, I just wonder if you've ever tried it "the other way".

Oh, and I joke about my tiger pic (avatar) but it was just a character I played, I dont actually go around like that.. well not since we stopped shooting at least.


Edited by DamianMavis
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LaReina...... 42?! DEM'S FIGHTIN WERDS MISSY! The reason I look so ###### good for 42 is because Im actually 34....... now I guess I dont look so good! heh

Backdoor attack? Yes, yes that is exactly what Im going to say to my girlfriend next time, "get ready for the BACKDOOR ATTACK BABY!"

Yup, always the girls idea. Hard to believe? Believe it. My current also likes to be tied up and thrown around and completely dominated, not too mention she likes me NOT to bathe before sex and preferably after I train martial arts, likes me NOT to be clean shaven and loves my hairy chest..... which is part of the reason I feel this list is so ridiculous, it caters to only one type of woman in my opinion, and not a very exciting one at that. No offence to those of you that want a man to play it by this list, I just wonder if you've ever tried it "the other way".


Interesting....any more details ? :o


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Is the usage of the word "boys" a fruedian slip?

EW! NO! I assure you pedophiles hold not the slightest appeal for me (and at my age, i hold none for them ). Around here we pretty much says "boy" to mean any vaguely youthful looking guy under 30.

Besides, for that, wouldn't I have to be posting on cambodiavisa dot com?


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No way, if I used a smiley than it would ruin the joke...... its like saying something funny and then blurting out JUST JOKING! If it's not obvious I'm joking....... well I don't know. Seriously though smileys always seemed so... feminine, they are so cute and sweet, guess that's just me! Can you find me a tiger smiley?


Damian, you are anything but a tiger!


The Tiger.

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Canadiangirl, thanks for the cute lesson, it's very sweet. I will agree with you in certain points. Sex with someone new is not the same as sex with a long term lover. The secret to my success is that I have had 3 long term relationships in a short time frame. From 18 to 34 I had a 7 year relationship followed by a 5 year followed by a 3 year. Having long term relationships is how you learn to be a good lover (in my opinion). Making a long term lover have 20 orgasms is relatively easy since you know them so well (easy but still a serious physical effort, I rarely decide to go to 20 anymore, maybe I'm getting old...ew...) Bringing a new lover to just one can be a problem (rare but it happens)..... why? My body's the same, my technique is the same, my control is the same, my aggressiveness and power are the same... whats the problem? She doesn't trust me. Women are so annoyingly complicated sometimes.... you land up with someone new and maybe you really like them so you want to give them tons of pleasure and impress them and demonstrate your manliness and she doesn't let that last wall down and give in to you so she can't have an orgasm no matter what you do.... ugh. I know things will change in time but it is dissapointing..... if I really like her. This isnt always the case, sometimes the wall is down right at the start but I've learned to not take it personally when they won't bring the wall down right away. To me there is only one thing a woman needs to do to be a good lover herself, let the wall down.


I started to feel sleepy after the first 6. Can someone give me an abbreviated version of the remaining 44?
I am the Night Rider Baby!!!!

Nice Avatar Vegas


I was expecting a few comments of typical man etc. but cheers... I'm a rocker, I'm a roller, I'm a right out of controller...

Hey, you guys are cute. Where you guys goin' .... ?

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Mistakes Men Make When Having Sex?

Believing that sex / making love / shagging for women is always the big deal that many portend.

Sex/making love/shagging is what it is. It makes life easier. Whoever created us must have lots of humor. We are placed in this world full of misery, sufferings, complications and problems, yet he gave us toys and things for our pleasure. Ironic!

Edited by GreenShone
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We were quoting the opening to the movie Mad Max starring Mel Gibson! We were not fracking flirting! heh Women just don't understand geek talk, sheesh.


Yeah - geek is right - because I was the one fracking flirting! I said or meant: you guys are kind of hot right now, and I want to know where you're going so I can go!

sheesh - geeky, cute guys. And all on a thread about 5o mistakes :o

Edited by kat
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We were quoting the opening to the movie Mad Max starring Mel Gibson! We were not fracking flirting! heh Women just don't understand geek talk, sheesh.


Geek talk, eh?

Let inline1.gif be an elliptic curve whose equation has integer coefficients, let inline2.gif be the so-called conductor of inline3.gif and, for each inline4.gif, let inline5.gif be the number appearing in the inline6.gif-function of inline7.gif. Then, in technical terms, the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture states that there exists a modular form of weight two and level inline8.gif which is an eigenform under the Hecke operators and has a Fourier series inline9.gif.

In effect, the conjecture says that every rational elliptic curve is a modular form in disguise. Or, more formally, the conjecture suggests that, for every elliptic curve inline10.gif over the rationals, there exist nonconstant modular functions inline11.gif and inline12.gif of the same level inline13.gif such that

equation1.gif Equivalently, for every elliptic curve, there is a modular form with the same Dirichlet L-series.


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We were quoting the opening to the movie Mad Max starring Mel Gibson! We were not fracking flirting! heh Women just don't understand geek talk, sheesh.


Geek talk, eh?

Let inline1.gif be an elliptic curve whose equation has integer coefficients, let inline2.gif be the so-called conductor of inline3.gif and, for each inline4.gif, let inline5.gif be the number appearing in the inline6.gif-function of inline7.gif. Then, in technical terms, the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture states that there exists a modular form of weight two and level inline8.gif which is an eigenform under the Hecke operators and has a Fourier series inline9.gif.

In effect, the conjecture says that every rational elliptic curve is a modular form in disguise. Or, more formally, the conjecture suggests that, for every elliptic curve inline10.gif over the rationals, there exist nonconstant modular functions inline11.gif and inline12.gif of the same level inline13.gif such that

equation1.gif Equivalently, for every elliptic curve, there is a modular form with the same Dirichlet L-series.


I guess your single then? :o

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We were quoting the opening to the movie Mad Max starring Mel Gibson! We were not fracking flirting! heh Women just don't understand geek talk, sheesh.


Geek talk, eh?

Let inline1.gif be an elliptic curve whose equation has integer coefficients, let inline2.gif be the so-called conductor of inline3.gif and, for each inline4.gif, let inline5.gif be the number appearing in the inline6.gif-function of inline7.gif. Then, in technical terms, the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture states that there exists a modular form of weight two and level inline8.gif which is an eigenform under the Hecke operators and has a Fourier series inline9.gif.


I guess your single then? :o

Actually, I was sharing my best pickup line with y'all! :D Are you not impressed?

Hahahahaha, the funniest thing is I'm barely joking (I'm actually a math major at uni, but this isn't my own homework -- it's someone writing about a math problem people tried to solve for 300 years). It seems like every time I sit down in a cafe to do my homework, random guys try to chat me up, when all I want is some peace and quiet to study! :D

I know, it surprises me too.

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We were quoting the opening to the movie Mad Max starring Mel Gibson! We were not fracking flirting! heh Women just don't understand geek talk, sheesh.


Geek talk, eh?

Let inline1.gif be an elliptic curve whose equation has integer coefficients, let inline2.gif be the so-called conductor of inline3.gif and, for each minline4.gif, let inline5.gif be the number appearing in the inline6.gif-function of inline7.gif. Then, in technical terms, the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture states that there exists a modular form of weight two and level inline8.gif which is an eigenform under the Hecke operators and has a Fourier series inline9.gif.

In effect, the conjecture says that every rational elliptic curve is a modular form in disguise. Or, more formally, the conjecture suggests that, for every elliptic curve inline10.gif over the rationals, there exist nonconstant modular functions inline11.gif and inline12.gif of the same level inline13.gif such that

equation1.gif Equivalently, for every elliptic curve, there is a modular form with the same Dirichlet L-series.


Would you consider orgasm as a joining of the elliptic curve and modular form or would that mathematically not possible?

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nooooo.... Geek talk doesnt have to do with math or science! Geek talk is when people talk about stuff only geeks like, such as Star Trek, Japanese Animation, cult classic movies, their star wars figure collection...... but talking about it isnt enough, true geeks take pride in their vast knowledge on their particular geek interest and try to outdo each other when they meet. Geeks often have a geek showdown where they throw info bits at eachother to prove they know more. "yes, but did YOU know that Ultraman figure 216 came with a blue AND a green helmet?........ " is a prime example. Heh, I'm a closet geek.... I don't win many geek showdowns though.........

Thankgod female orgasm isnt as complicated as that equation. Close sometimes........


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We were quoting the opening to the movie Mad Max starring Mel Gibson! We were not fracking flirting! heh Women just don't understand geek talk, sheesh.


Geek talk, eh?

Let inline1.gif be an elliptic curve whose equation has integer coefficients, let inline2.gif be the so-called conductor of inline3.gif and, for each inline4.gif, let inline5.gif be the number appearing in the inline6.gif-function of inline7.gif. Then, in technical terms, the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture states that there exists a modular form of weight two and level inline8.gif which is an eigenform under the Hecke operators and has a Fourier series inline9.gif.


I guess your single then? :o

Actually, I was sharing my best pickup line with y'all! :D Are you not impressed?

Hahahahaha, the funniest thing is I'm barely joking (I'm actually a math major at uni, but this isn't my own homework -- it's someone writing about a math problem people tried to solve for 300 years). It seems like every time I sit down in a cafe to do my homework, random guys try to chat me up, when all I want is some peace and quiet to study! :D

I know, it surprises me too.

You know, I was quite the guy on mathmatics (sorry an English pedant), but never considered using formulae to use as a chat-up line, either then, or now. Whatever floats your boat I guess..

PS - I am reminded of the Scene in 'Fierce Creatures', when Jamie Lee Curtis wants John Cleese to recite Russian to enhance her sexual excitement... You don't get suiters to recite algorithems in similar situations per chance??

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I found it interesting (though I had to make some mental adjustments to some of the advice :D:o)... but it's true. Every individual (man or woman) has different needs and gets excited by different things. If you're dealing with a new partner, you've got to re-learn everything about his/her responses- which mostly I find exciting and interesting. And men can have trouble letting down barriers, too, Damian.

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