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50 Mistakes Men Make When Having Sex


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The Op seems like a lot a of fun, I guess single as well with such a demanding list.

Any how you forget the biggest mistake according to my wife:

Farting on the vinegar stroke.... :D

My wife also pointed out that although I make all 50 mistakes being hung like a pony makes none of it matter.



Never underestimate the power of denial :o

Owning a Ferrari doesn't mean you know how to drive it! :D

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Actually, call me a weirdo, I like a guy in bed who has a bit of experience with the boys, they're more sensitive about penetration -- since they know what it's like on the other side.

Interesting... :o


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I dunno. A lot of this advice seems to be rhetorical, and the rest seems like advice for first dates/one night stands.

All things in moderation, but - "Please can I do this" "Please can I do that" - surely that's a nuclear turn-off?

As for 31, speak for yourselves!

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Asking permission before doing things? Wow, a sure way to kill a womans mood if ever I heard one.


To the OP.. thanks.. for the post. I have sent it to all the men I know. Married and Single alike.

Damian: there are quite a few things that men would ask permission for. Just because you THINK she might like it or not mind, does not mean that she indeed does not. Some women just accept and do not voice what they really want for fear of annoying the guy. So whilst the guy thinks he is all that.. for the girl, he is not and it becomes a one sided sexual affair.

To the guy who thinks this advice is for one night stands.. NEW FLASH!!!!! Just because she strokes your ego and you think you are all that, does not mean in reality you really are.

Prime Example.. All the un-attractive men (who know they are un-attractive), being told on a daily basis (okay in thailand) that they are

"ohhhhh so handsome"

now think about that, and think about the ego stroking men get in bed.

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Non verbal communication and relationship building is more important than getting your facts from an internet checklist. I find it amusing that people believe that there are so many absolute rules, for men or women. Understanding your partner has no final exam because the lessons never end. That checklist is probably a good template however.

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Re-read please LaReina (the name is Insight btw) - I said *first dates* and one night stands. Saying "NEW FLASH!!!!!" is so 90's :o

The last time somebody called me handsome in the context you're referring to? That was a long time ago :D

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Oh...ohh....Ohhh..OHHHH...OOHHHHH BABY.



Ohhhh...oh oh oh...yeahh..............................omg...B A B Y !!!!

Another double digit babe! Your the man!!


Maybe I lied?

But, how would you know? (Or, as some men say " I can ALWAYS tell". Uh-huh :o )

For the record i dont believe in 'faking it'. But its very VERY common. Also for the record, if you dont know the girl well and/or there is no tension/build up before you get 'intimate', if she makes all the right noises that shes 'having one', the likelyhood is that she ISNT. Sometimes its also a way women want to get rid of the guy quick. If she isnt having fun, or she think the guy sucks, she may pull off a fakey so he feels like like a sex king and finishes. He may then brag to his friends at how quick he was able to make her reach an O. :D

Men, like it or not, all those O's may not have been real, and more than half (heck more even!) may have just been down to good acting skills. :D

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Non verbal communication and relationship building is more important than getting your facts from an internet checklist. I find it amusing that people believe that there are so many absolute rules, for men or women. Understanding your partner has no final exam because the lessons never end. That checklist is probably a good template however.

canuck, to an extent I agree with you that there are so many absolute rules. Perhaps not that many, and it depends on the woman, but I'd have to say, we all agree on the socks rule :o

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Oh...ohh....Ohhh..OHHHH...OOHHHHH BABY.



Ohhhh...oh oh oh...yeahh..............................omg...B A B Y !!!!

Another double digit babe! Your the man!!


Maybe I lied?

But, how would you know? (Or, as some men say " I can ALWAYS tell". Uh-huh :o )

For the record i dont believe in 'faking it'. But its very VERY common. Also for the record, if you dont know the girl well and/or there is no tension/build up before you get 'intimate', if she makes all the right noises that shes 'having one', the likelyhood is that she ISNT. Sometimes its also a way women want to get rid of the guy quick. If she isnt having fun, or she think the guy sucks, she may pull off a fakey so he feels like like a sex king and finishes. He may then brag to his friends at how quick he was able to make her reach an O. :D

Men, like it or not, all those O's may not have been real, and more than half (heck more even!) may have just been down to good acting skills. :D

Just to keep it Thailand related, I believe that's what most hookers do too. Not really my kind of topic, but I do have a question since the topic was raised and it made me curious. How does one fake that full body "shiver", for lack of a better word. i don't doubt you that you can, but it seems more trouble than it's worth. wouldn't it be better just to pass on going to bed with that person?

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canuck, to an extent I agree with you that there are so many absolute rules. Perhaps not that many, and it depends on the woman, but I'd have to say, we all agree on the socks rule :o

Socks are just something you have to put back on again and you never know when the elevator is going to stop! :D

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Asking permission before doing things? Wow, a sure way to kill a womans mood if ever I heard one.


To the OP.. thanks.. for the post. I have sent it to all the men I know. Married and Single alike.

Damian: there are quite a few things that men would ask permission for. Just because you THINK she might like it or not mind, does not mean that she indeed does not. Some women just accept and do not voice what they really want for fear of annoying the guy. So whilst the guy thinks he is all that.. for the girl, he is not and it becomes a one sided sexual affair.

To the guy who thinks this advice is for one night stands.. NEW FLASH!!!!! Just because she strokes your ego and you think you are all that, does not mean in reality you really are.

Prime Example.. All the un-attractive men (who know they are un-attractive), being told on a daily basis (okay in thailand) that they are

"ohhhhh so handsome"

now think about that, and think about the ego stroking men get in bed.

Puleeeze, I know I'm handsome, my mother told me so. Don't all women like men that dress up as gay rejects from cats?!


Edited by DamianMavis
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forgot the all-important smilie there damian. Some posters might take you seriously, best to put the little guy in to defuse the situation :o always works for me :D

But, in response, i have to add a few important buttons I have found:




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No way, if I used a smiley than it would ruin the joke...... its like saying something funny and then blurting out JUST JOKING! If it's not obvious I'm joking....... well I don't know. Seriously though smileys always seemed so... feminine, they are so cute and sweet, guess that's just me! Can you find me a tiger smiley?


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In all seriousness I was referring to asking permission to have regular intercourse which that list advises among other ridiculous points. If you're naked, put on a condom and your parts are lined up and you stop to ask her if you can enter you're an idiot and she will think so too. If anyone thinks it's ok to get into that position and then expect someone to stop everything and ask they aren't too bright either. If you're not sure than don't get naked and line up the parts. That list is for real stupid people that don't know how to ****. I didn't want to brag but what the hel_l, I think you actually insinuated I had a small penis, the gloves are off now baby! My girlfriends routinely have double digit orgasms to my one, I know what I'm doing and have full control of my body and usually theirs too. If I went by that list my ratio would drop to 0:1

As for anal sex, I've never been the instigator, it's always the womans idea.


Hey Damian,

There's less need to ask with someone you know well -- you get better at reading their body language, the signs of their arousal and you get a good idea of how/what/when they like things in bed.

But when you're getting to know someone, communication is important. Ok, "may I enter you" sounds lame. But just because you're naked together and all the parts are lined up, doesn't mean she wants to f* right this second; if you're as good of a lover as you claim to be, surely you must know that anticipation is half the pleasure? There's other ways to seek feedback about whether or not she's ready for it, ranging from "it would feel really good to be inside you right now" to the more graphic :o -- which gives her a chance to say: "give it to me now!" or "not quite yet"

As for coming in someone's mouth without asking, that's just rude. Again "may I come in your mouth?" is cheesy, but a pleading "I'm going to come" gives her a chance to sort out what she wants to do about it. :D

"Asking" doesn't have to verbal. Do something small and pay attention to her response. Some women like rough, passionate sex (which is totally different from wanting sex with an inconsiderate jerk), some women like gentle sex, some women like one or the other depending on their mood. If you bite her lightly on the neck, and she freezes up -- ok, maybe it's not time to whip out the handcuffs. But if she moans, throws her head back and seems into it, then you can try being rougher. But the key is paying attention to her body, how she responds, and gradually escalating in the direction of what she responds to.

What gets one girl off might do nothing for a different girl, so even someone who considers themselves hot sh* in bed might find themselves in need of directions sometimes. :D

Edited by canadiangirl
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Actually, call me a weirdo, I like a guy in bed who has a bit of experience with the boys, they're more sensitive about penetration -- since they know what it's like on the other side.

Interesting... :o


What can I say LaoPo, I'm an interesting girl! :D

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For the record i dont believe in 'faking it'. But its very VERY common. Also for the record, if you dont know the girl well and/or there is no tension/build up before you get 'intimate', if she makes all the right noises that shes 'having one', the likelyhood is that she ISNT. Sometimes its also a way women want to get rid of the guy quick. If she isnt having fun, or she think the guy sucks, she may pull off a fakey so he feels like like a sex king and finishes. He may then brag to his friends at how quick he was able to make her reach an O. :o

Men, like it or not, all those O's may not have been real, and more than half (heck more even!) may have just been down to good acting skills. :D

Yep, so true. I don't believe in faking it (if he can't give me an orgasm, I'm sure not going to give him an ego stroke about it!), but lots of girls do it. Some girls put up with crap sex in a relationship because they like other things about their guy. Also, if you're just getting to know someone, and they turn out to be crap in bed, you're probably not going to tell them, you're just not going to see them anymore.

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For the record i dont believe in 'faking it'. But its very VERY common. Also for the record, if you dont know the girl well and/or there is no tension/build up before you get 'intimate', if she makes all the right noises that shes 'having one', the likelyhood is that she ISNT. Sometimes its also a way women want to get rid of the guy quick. If she isnt having fun, or she think the guy sucks, she may pull off a fakey so he feels like like a sex king and finishes. He may then brag to his friends at how quick he was able to make her reach an O. :o

Men, like it or not, all those O's may not have been real, and more than half (heck more even!) may have just been down to good acting skills. :D

Yep, so true. I don't believe in faking it (if he can't give me an orgasm, I'm sure not going to give him an ego stroke about it!), but lots of girls do it. Some girls put up with crap sex in a relationship because they like other things about their guy. Also, if you're just getting to know someone, and they turn out to be crap in bed, you're probably not going to tell them, you're just not going to see them anymore.

I would never fake an orgasm. I have never had the need to put up with crappy sex because I make a point to make it better.

Edited by GreenShone
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Canadiangirl, thanks for the cute lesson, it's very sweet. I will agree with you in certain points. Sex with someone new is not the same as sex with a long term lover. The secret to my success is that I have had 3 long term relationships in a short time frame. From 18 to 34 I had a 7 year relationship followed by a 5 year followed by a 3 year. Having long term relationships is how you learn to be a good lover (in my opinion). Making a long term lover have 20 orgasms is relatively easy since you know them so well (easy but still a serious physical effort, I rarely decide to go to 20 anymore, maybe I'm getting old...ew...) Bringing a new lover to just one can be a problem (rare but it happens)..... why? My body's the same, my technique is the same, my control is the same, my aggressiveness and power are the same... whats the problem? She doesn't trust me. Women are so annoyingly complicated sometimes.... you land up with someone new and maybe you really like them so you want to give them tons of pleasure and impress them and demonstrate your manliness and she doesn't let that last wall down and give in to you so she can't have an orgasm no matter what you do.... ugh. I know things will change in time but it is dissapointing..... if I really like her. This isnt always the case, sometimes the wall is down right at the start but I've learned to not take it personally when they won't bring the wall down right away. To me there is only one thing a woman needs to do to be a good lover herself, let the wall down.


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Some girls put up with crap sex in a relationship because they like other things about their guy.

And you think guys don't do the same?

Yes this is true but I think women do it more heh. And like Greenshone said, you have to change it (them). I call it training.


Edited by DamianMavis
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