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Audiobooks for Thai Language Skill Improvement? Please ADD Your Best Choices...TKS!


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My Fellow Passa Thai Scholars:


aa.  First of all, I have found the Becker Books to be my best help for learning elementary Thai reading, speaking, and....even writing.  The first book, the orange one, is the most complete and helpful.  Then, you got the purple book which is called Intermediate Thai, and I find this book also helpful.  The third book, Advanced Thai, is, at least for me, rather pointless, since there are many other, and better, sources for providing reading material at that level.


bb.  But, I am here to talk about AUDIOBOOKS, and NOT elementary Thai Primers.


So, here is a UTUBE site that I really like which provides a few very well-recorded audiobooks that one might consider, such as:


Expressing ONLY my humble opinion, this recording is quite well done, and the Thai woman that did the work to record this resource seems EXCELLENT!


I am not saying that I am advanced enough to be a true judge, but I know quality when I hear it.....I THINK.....


You can have a listen and voice your opinions, if you wish.


cc.  But, actually, the reason I posted this Topic is not to post what I already know.  I just hope that some of you who are at a more advanced level than I, or those who have spent more time searching for appropriate audiobooks recorded in the Thai language, might add to this single link of mine to....The Sheep Reading Zone...on UTUBE.


I realize there are many Thai audiobooks that might be useful, but I know of only a few.  I am sure that you can do better in your informed suggestions.


dd.  If you intend to post a suggestion for consideration, would you please ONLY suggest audiobooks in their entirety, either audiobooks written by Thai authors, or books which are translated from English (or any other language) into passa Thai, and then recorded by a talented Thai reader.


In this way, if a few good scholars, such as I, participate, then this Topic of Mine might become sort of a half-way valuable resource for those who might benefit from this type of thingy.


dd.  I have used audiobooks in the past, and I enjoy this way to improve my listening comprehension skill, such as it is, which is not saying much.


What I do is to try to make a record of the vocabulary I do not know, and then memorize as much as I can, and then use the recordings to reinforce what I have memorized, in context.


So, maybe this kind of Topic might be helpful to some of you?


Just my guess.





Stay Young Through Thai Language Learning (SYTTLL)


And, keep out of trouble, by doing so, too....



Edited by GammaGlobulin
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