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$75,000 Offered For Md To Publicly Drink Vaccine Additives

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I found this to be very shocking and unfortunately no joke


on the site itself it has comment from readers too, many of them mums...

Jock Doubleday, director of the California non-profit corporation Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc., has offered $75,000 to the first medical doctor or pharmaceutical company CEO who publicly drinks a mixture of standard vaccine additives.

The additives would be the same as those contained in the vaccines recommended for a 6-year-old according to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, and the dose would be body-weight calibrated. It would include, but not be limited to:

* Thimerosal (a mercury derivative)

* Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)

* Phenol (a disinfectant dye)

* Aluminum

* Benzethonium chloride (a disinfectant)

* Formaldehyde (a preservative and disinfectant)

On August 1, 2007, if no one has taken the challenge, the offer will be increased to $90,000 and will increase at a rate of $5,000 per month until someone accepts.

Vaccination Liberation Press Release

Jock Doubleday’s Vaccination Liberation

Dr. Mercola

Not surprisingly, this offer has been on the table since 2001, but no one has been willing to take that toxic chemical cocktail -- except for the children who innocently go in for their routine vaccinations. With the average amount of loans for medical students now well in excess of $100,000 you might have thought some doctor would have tried to cash n on this so they could accelerate the payment of their student loans.

In addition to the vaccine additives listed above, others can include ammonium sulfate, amphotericin B, pig blood, rabbit brain, monkey kidney, betapropiolactone, tri(n)butylphosphate, and a laundry list of other chemicals. The mercury-based preservative thimerosal, in particular, is dangerous. Mercury is a poison and potent neurotoxin. Injecting it into a child, whose nervous system is rapidly developing, can have terrible consequences.

From the evidence I have reviewed and my own clinical experience it is clear that mercury is one of the reasons autism skyrocketed in the last 10 years. Autism has started to decrease now that some the vaccines have eliminated mercury, but be wary; many vaccines still do contain thimerosal, no matter what you may have heard.

And even those vaccines without thimerosal still contain an incredible number of dangerous chemicals. When the mercury is removed, it is typically replaced with another toxic additive that is frequently just as health-harming. The aluminum hydroxide used in many vaccines has been linked to symptoms associated with Parkinson's, ALS, and Alzheimer's. Phenols, methanol, isopropyl, and 2-pheoxyethanol are other ingredients which are corrosive or toxic.

The bottom line is, if you are a parent and are considering vaccinating your child, please read up on the potentially devastating side effects of vaccines before doing so. It could mean the difference between life and death. Avoid the fear mongering and take some time to read ALL sides of the issue, not just the propaganda conventional pediatrician will present to you. Most educated parents that I know that have done a careful analysis of the data invariably chose not to vaccinate their children.

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some comment posted on that site:

I will never forgot when I gave birth to my daughter (just over a year ago), the pediatrician who came in to do the newborn checks asked me about the vaccinations. I told him we were not interested in having our daughter vaccinated. He then went on to give me a lecture, after which I still said we declined the vaccinations. He then suprised me by saying "you are a wise women".



Glad you posted this. Saw this as well, but didn't bother to post as 'it is not Thailand related' :D As if the vaccine issue doesn't affect Thailand as well :o

Had a customer dog that died of kidney and liver failure within a week after recieving his annual booster. Now, I'm awaiting the blood results of another customer dog with liver and kidney problems, that started just after his annual booster. This same dog suffered from seizures two years ago, right after he recieved his annual jabs. And a month ago I had a customer dog that developed high fever with vomiting, conjuctivitis and eye discharge, and loss of appetite, within 24 hours after her annual booster.

As for my own dogs: one developed a dry eye just after his jabs, and another one an auto-immune disease :D


some comment posted on that site:

I will never forgot when I gave birth to my daughter (just over a year ago), the pediatrician who came in to do the newborn checks asked me about the vaccinations. I told him we were not interested in having our daughter vaccinated. He then went on to give me a lecture, after which I still said we declined the vaccinations. He then suprised me by saying "you are a wise women".


Health professionals are blackmailed and brainwashed by big pharma into vaccinating patients at any cost. Glad you stood firm! And amazed that he agreed with your stand in the end ... doctors are one of the least-vaccinated groups themselves because THEY KNOW the truth. But few dare to stand up to the triumvirate mafia that is medicine, pharmaceuticals and compliant governments.

... and the accompanying post on dogs merely confirms that vaccines are poison; sadly there are even fewer honest veterinarians.

I thought all those additives were standard ingredients of Singha beer!

Well, that explains a lot then .... :o:D


"I found this to be very shocking and unfortunately no joke"

No, you don't. You searched the web to find something that supported your viewpoint, and you posted it.

There are many "anti-vaccination" websites, and you chose one that it neither particularly original, nor accurate. Most people, including yourself, do not understand chemistry, and you are particularly sensitized to certain words and phrases, a non-thinking reactionary. Thimersoal is ETHEYL mecury-based, not METHYl mecury. The former is safe, the latter is not. Senator Kennedy's son mixes it up all the time and, the unfortunate thing is, he knows the difference.

"Vaccination Liberation Press Release"

"Jock Doubleday’s Vaccination Liberation"

"Dr. Mercola"

Three highly biased sources, who are noteworthy only for the lack of accuracy.


Backflip, tell me, how is it that in the US, parents got together, filed charges (and used as proof, their own affected children!), and now in six states the use of your "save" Thimerosal is banned!?

By the way, I am trying to give people to think something about. Their children are their most precious gifts. It is up to them to decide to inject them. But withholding info is bad.

Mercury, whatever form, is toxic. It only changes the time and the quantity you can be exposed to it.

And why, has none taken the offer?

Backflip, tell me, how is it that in the US, parents got together, filed charges (and used as proof, their own affected children!), and now in six states the use of your "save" Thimerosal is banned!?

By the way, I am trying to give people to think something about. Their children are their most precious gifts. It is up to them to decide to inject them. But withholding info is bad.

Mercury, whatever form, is toxic. It only changes the time and the quantity you can be exposed to it.

And why, has none taken the offer?

Without proper information this is a useless discussion. Toxicity depends very much upon concentration/amount and even 'safe' ingredients can be fatal (take too much salt and you die, drink too much water you die etc.). That might explain very well why nobody wants to drink the cocktail.

And slight chemical changes to a substance can have a huge impact on its toxicity.

I do know something about chemistry , but then again, I really like Singha Beer :o


thimerosal in vaccines

information on thimerosal here.

sometimes the benefits of vaccination outweigh the unproven links to neurological problems

this californian huckster is just seeking publicity for his hippy business.

thimerosal is used in very few vaccines and in such minute amounts.

and the other additives are , i'm pretty sure ,ingested by all of us on a daily basis in the foods we eat.


Prakanong, you might wanna look at a few sites here before posting that it is all nonsense.

Educate yourself and do not believe all what the governement is telling you.....







Take care all, I posted something similair about vaccination of pets but was told more or less I was a fool.

If you have any site that debunks the above info please share!



Thimerosal has been removed from or reduced to trace amounts in all vaccines routinely recommended for children 6 years of age and younger,

Now why would they do that if it is not harmfull?

I posted something similair about vaccination of pets but was told more or less I was a fool.

I didn't and wouldn't.

Yesterday again, got a customer bringing two cats in boarding. One of the cats fell ill with fever and labored breathing one or two days after the combined vaccine, she told me. The vet couldn't figure out where it came from but did make an appointment for repeating the jabs in two weeks :D

During the last 6 months I have (had) at least 7! animals reacting to the combined vaccines. :o But then, I've become more alert on this as well.


P.S. Does it make me uneducated and stupid for recognizing the symptoms and reacting as needed for that particular individual?


...During Bush's reelection campaign in 2004 he stated: "I support the removal of Thimerosal from vaccines on the childhood national vaccine schedule. During a second term as President, I will continue to support increased funding to support a wide variety of research initiatives aimed at seeking definitive causes and/or triggers of autism. It is important to note that while there are many possible theories about causes or triggers of autism, no one material has been definitely included or excluded."

Despite this he now plans to veto a bill that would remove Thimerosal because of "costs". What costs would these be? Do the costs of big pharmaceutical companies and fat government kickbacks outweigh the costs of the healthy brains of every child in America...

...Mercury expert Dr. Boyd Haley of the University of Kentucky has testified before Congress and the Pentagon as well as the FDA as one of the nation's leading experts on Thimerosal and mercury poisoning, revealing that his research leads him to believe that some children are genetically predisposed to storing mercury in their brains, leading to neurological disorders, including autism....

...Dr Haley has also pointed out that it is also well known by any good biochemist that thimerosal and aluminum react dangerously when combined together. Given that Aluminum is a compound added to many vaccines as a catalyst...

...In a study done at the University of Arkansas last year, autistic children were found to have significantly lower levels of the antioxidant glutathione. Glutathione is the major antioxidant needed for the elimination of mercury at the cellular level....

...Professor Philippe Grandjean, from Harvard University and the University of Southern Denmark, considered the foremost scientific authority on the development of children's brains, has recently claimed that the average human IQ is plummeting primarily due to IQ points in the population being chemically destroyed via low level mercury exposure in children....

... The links between the ingestion of mercury and neurological breakdown are clear and proven. Professors all over the world are telling us outright that it is literally destroying people's brains. ...?

Source: http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=23022

  • 1 month later...
A thread populated by the uneducated - briiliant

Prakanong, so well educated he is able to string together a sentence of 7 words, without a full stop. So possibly he has more to say, which he is still pondering :-)

Seriously, if you have anything worthwhile to offer that counters the opinions of others here who have troubled to look in to this subject, then do so, if not why bother to post your pointless comment?

The doubts about the safety of vaccination are vast and if I had a child I would not expose them to this risk.

A thread populated by the uneducated - briiliant

Not uneducated - informed! Ex Uk prme minister Tony Blair would never confirm or deny if his newborn (baby Leo) was given the MMR vaccintion, amongst growing public concern regarding links to autism. He used bullsh*t excuses like national security etc.

New prime mister Gordon Brown has openly said his newborn baby has recieved the MMR vaccine - of course without the mercury and in individual injections i.e. M then M then R

If it is not as plain as the nose on your face - then the injections have taken affect :o


I'd drink it without a second glance. The crap that makes its way into our systems just by breathing and drinking tap water makes your list sound like glacier run off.

The FACT is that the risk we run by not taking preventative measures is high. Who in Thailand has not been to the docs and asked for innoculations. I have had everything going. Only once was I a little poorly after a jab. I have done a great deal of scary traveling into places where sickness can strike. Some people are made ill by aspirin, but who in their right mind would ban it.

A thread populated by the uneducated - briiliant

Not uneducated - informed! Ex Uk prme minister Tony Blair would never confirm or deny if his newborn (baby Leo) was given the MMR vaccintion, amongst growing public concern regarding links to autism. He used bullsh*t excuses like national security etc.

New prime mister Gordon Brown has openly said his newborn baby has recieved the MMR vaccine - of course without the mercury and in individual injections i.e. M then M then R

If it is not as plain as the nose on your face - then the injections have taken affect :o

OK clever boy - name the list of vacc's on the UK mandatoruy list - then tell me which ones have Thimerasol - they are removing it from a lot of paediatric vacciens but i would like you to tell the board which still have it as you know so much plus the manufacturer and which health boards buy which vaccines?

Then can you explain the difference between ethyl and methyl mecury - which one is associated with with Thimerasol and the latest research on that particular type

A thread populated by the uneducated - briiliant

Not uneducated - informed! Ex Uk prme minister Tony Blair would never confirm or deny if his newborn (baby Leo) was given the MMR vaccintion, amongst growing public concern regarding links to autism. He used bullsh*t excuses like national security etc.

New prime mister Gordon Brown has openly said his newborn baby has recieved the MMR vaccine - of course without the mercury and in individual injections i.e. M then M then R

If it is not as plain as the nose on your face - then the injections have taken affect :o

OK clever boy - name the list of vacc's on the UK mandatoruy list - then tell me which ones have Thimerasol - they are removing it from a lot of paediatric vacciens but i would like you to tell the board which still have it as you know so much plus the manufacturer and which health boards buy which vaccines?

Then can you explain the difference between ethyl and methyl mecury - which one is associated with with Thimerasol and the latest research on that particular type

People are sick of being conned by proffesionals working for the system - either usefull idiots, or having a vested interest. All the public know is that MMR has links to autism. Tony Blair wouldnt admit -even with massive public concern - that his child wasnt vaccinated. Ask yourself why. I choose to believe what i wish without becoming an expert - but being open to argument. You sound like you could be usefull to those promoting these toxins. I doubt if you have a vested interest - just usefull!!


Why should anybody admit or deny what they have chosen to do with their children? Tony Blair or Bob Smith down the street.

Silence is not guilt. You are the same as the worry worts that panic about bread, milk or plastic wrap. My auntie is the same as you. She looks sick as hel_l. You panic about autism, but what of the illnesses should you contract one of those nasty diseases?

some comment posted on that site:

I will never forgot when I gave birth to my daughter (just over a year ago), the pediatrician who came in to do the newborn checks asked me about the vaccinations. I told him we were not interested in having our daughter vaccinated. He then went on to give me a lecture, after which I still said we declined the vaccinations. He then suprised me by saying "you are a wise women".


Health professionals are blackmailed and brainwashed by big pharma into vaccinating patients at any cost. Glad you stood firm! And amazed that he agreed with your stand in the end ... doctors are one of the least-vaccinated groups themselves because THEY KNOW the truth. But few dare to stand up to the triumvirate mafia that is medicine, pharmaceuticals and compliant governments.

... and the accompanying post on dogs merely confirms that vaccines are poison; sadly there are even fewer honest veterinarians.

Yes, Don't get your children vaccinated - Great advice.

Why should anybody admit or deny what they have chosen to do with their children? Tony Blair or Bob Smith down the street.

Silence is not guilt. You are the same as the worry worts that panic about bread, milk or plastic wrap. My auntie is the same as you. She looks sick as hel_l. You panic about autism, but what of the illnesses should you contract one of those nasty diseases?

Easy Mr Jerkgently - if you tell me to drink something i suspect maybe toxic but you assure me that it is perfectly ok - considering that you have all the latest expert advice on hand - then i will ask you to taste it first. If you say you cant disclose if you have taken it - or your children in this case - then i will ask you to jerk quickly.

PS silence is considered as pointing to guilt - according to criminal legislation introduced under MR Blair


"he now plans to veto a bill that would remove Thimerosal"

Thimerosal has been removed from most vaccinations. There is a reason why the preservative was added in the first place but, since it doesn't support your theory that "the drug companies are purposely destroying the brains of our children", I'm sure you're not interested in the facts.

A thread populated by the uneducated - briiliant

Not uneducated - informed! Ex Uk prme minister Tony Blair would never confirm or deny if his newborn (baby Leo) was given the MMR vaccintion, amongst growing public concern regarding links to autism. He used bullsh*t excuses like national security etc.

New prime mister Gordon Brown has openly said his newborn baby has recieved the MMR vaccine - of course without the mercury and in individual injections i.e. M then M then R

If it is not as plain as the nose on your face - then the injections have taken affect :o

OK clever boy - name the list of vacc's on the UK mandatoruy list - then tell me which ones have Thimerasol - they are removing it from a lot of paediatric vacciens but i would like you to tell the board which still have it as you know so much plus the manufacturer and which health boards buy which vaccines?

Then can you explain the difference between ethyl and methyl mecury - which one is associated with with Thimerasol and the latest research on that particular type

People are sick of being conned by proffesionals working for the system - either usefull idiots, or having a vested interest. All the public know is that MMR has links to autism. Tony Blair wouldnt admit -even with massive public concern - that his child wasnt vaccinated. Ask yourself why. I choose to believe what i wish without becoming an expert - but being open to argument. You sound like you could be usefull to those promoting these toxins. I doubt if you have a vested interest - just usefull!!

Why don't you look at the rational scientific evidence instead if listening to hysteria from the likes of the Daily Mail - you really do own it to yourself to become better informed!

The largest ever study undetaken was in Japan with 10,000 plus subjects and there was no evidence of a link. The Dr Wakefiled study which this all stems from in the UK had about 20 or 30 subjects and he had a vested interest and this study is totally discredited.

Sometime you have to do a little work and not believe headlines which are news for a day on a slow news day.

some comment posted on that site:

I will never forgot when I gave birth to my daughter (just over a year ago), the pediatrician who came in to do the newborn checks asked me about the vaccinations. I told him we were not interested in having our daughter vaccinated. He then went on to give me a lecture, after which I still said we declined the vaccinations. He then suprised me by saying "you are a wise women".


Health professionals are blackmailed and brainwashed by big pharma into vaccinating patients at any cost. Glad you stood firm! And amazed that he agreed with your stand in the end ... doctors are one of the least-vaccinated groups themselves because THEY KNOW the truth. But few dare to stand up to the triumvirate mafia that is medicine, pharmaceuticals and compliant governments.

... and the accompanying post on dogs merely confirms that vaccines are poison; sadly there are even fewer honest veterinarians.

Yes, Don't get your children vaccinated - Great advice.

Can he name the "Big Pharma" still in the vaccine business I wonder? :o

A thread populated by the uneducated - briiliant

Prakanong, so well educated he is able to string together a sentence of 7 words, without a full stop. So possibly he has more to say, which he is still pondering :-)

Seriously, if you have anything worthwhile to offer that counters the opinions of others here who have troubled to look in to this subject, then do so, if not why bother to post your pointless comment?

The doubts about the safety of vaccination are vast and if I had a child I would not expose them to this risk.

And I bet you beleive in homeopathy and other quackery?

Are you still harping on about autism etc - you really need to keep up with the research and not the hysterical whinges of the conspiracy throrists and the lunatic - take a course in science.

Do what you want about your own vaccinations but I hope you never inflict your beliefs on a child you are responsible for and if you do I hope that child never gets measles, chicken pox, tetanus, pertussis, Meningitis, Hep a or Hep B etc etc


phrakanong, I'm with you all the way. I believe the MMR study had a grand total of 12 subjects :D . My eldest was around 1 when that news came out, just the right age to have the vaccination. I spoke to our doctor and he poo poohed the evidence. We went ahead and got her done without any problems. Same with the second girl. Both have been vaccinated to within an inch of their lives (joke), TB, MMR, Hep A and B, Jap encephalitis, rabies, Chickenpox, Hib, tetanus and of course polio oral drops. Neither have shown any adverse reactions to any of the jabs apart from a bit of redness at the site of injection. We are considering the genital herpes vaccine at the moment.

I would be willing to drink the stuff on offer, my life is so toxic my body probably would welcome something new. :o

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