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$75,000 Offered For Md To Publicly Drink Vaccine Additives

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I have been vaccinated a LOT before, but have decided not to be vaccinated anymore. I did my research of the various studies and pros/cons and MY conclusion was that it is more bad than good for me. Cheers!

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I do enjoy the kind of threads where the blind, uneducated, and illiterate, lead the other blind, uneducated, and illiterate -- and get irate at those with a modicum of understanding (or, education).

I'm sure praying will make most bad diseases go away... Sadly, I have an older sister, who believes, and insists, that all antibiotics do is cover up symptoms, but they have absolutely no effect on actual germs and bacteria. Sad, and she's supposedly the educated one - now, she's combatting 'bad energies' with 'crystals'.

So, you anti-vaccination folks hanging up crystals to keep diseases at bay?


When I see a thread like this, I cringe. The anti vaccination proponents rely on whipping up mass hysteria rather than empirical evidence. When studies are cited, they are taken out of context. There is no dispute, that there can be side effects and even death arising from vaccinations. Sometimes, vaccines don't even work on some people (e.g. Hepatitis A vaccine). However, the overall benefits of vaccination measured in the prevention of disease and disease side effects including death, far outweighs the costs. The likelihood of dying from a vacine is significantly less than that associated with driving a vehicle or even flying on an airplane. It's like this; Don't vaccinate and tens of millions will suffer. Vaccinate and maybe a few hundred will suffer.

I wish to correct several misconceptions made about vaccines and in particular thimerosal.

1. The perservative agent agent has been used in vaccines since the 1930's. Autism was given a diagnosis in 1945-46.

2. Cases of autism exploded in the 1990's with new diagnoses showing 300% to 900% increases in some countries. This was approx. 60 years after thimerosal was first used. If there was a link, one would have observed it in the 1950's and 1960's during the multiple baby booms when vaccinations were mandatory.

3. There are no peer reviewed studies (that have been successfully repeated) that demonstrate a link between vaccination and autism. What we do have, are multiple studies that show the opposite. Some of the more prominent studies are;

Thimerosal Exposure in Infants and Developmental Disorders: A Prospective Cohort Study in the United Kingdom Does Not Support a Causal Association. Heron J, Golding J, and the ALSPAC Study Team. Pediatrics 2004;114: 577-583.

Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines and Autistic Spectrum Disorder: A Critical Review of Published Original Data. Parker SK, Schwartz B, Todd J, and Pickering LK. Pediatrics 2004;114:793-804.

The above reviewed 14 studies, not one study established a definitive link. Of the 2 that showed that there might be a link, the methodologies of those studes were shown to be deficient.

4. Inorganic mercury is not the same as organic mercury. The metabolism of the compounds is different. It's like saying that because Chlorine gas (CL) is deadly and sodium gas (Na) is deadly that Sodium Chloride (NaCl) is deadly too. Remember that the next time you use some table salt (NaCl).

5. Thimerosal has been removed from most child vaccines. There has been no observed decrease in the incidence of autism. To no one's great surprise the critics have no explanation.

Autism is a terrible affliction as are neurodevelopmental birth defects. Unfortunately, these disorders are more likely related to the abundance of environmental pollutants and to the genetic deficiencies of the parents than they are to the vaccines. Those parents were exposed to contaminants and poisons as children and now the exposure is showing up in their offspring. I grew up when gasoline contained lead, when people regularly spread organic goo on their lawns, lived in an environment where asbestos and tobacco smoke was everywhere, when people didn't appreciate the need to eat properly, i.e. McDonalds was king, etc I know that somewhere along the way, my DNA has paid the price. No one wants to accept the reality and it's easier to blame one specific substance, rather than our culture and lifestyle at the time. The good news though is that people are a heck of a lot smarter than they were back in the 60's,70's and 80's. They are making positive lifestyle changes and this will eventually pay off.

If one is hesitant about vaccines, then use prudence. Vaccinate the essentials first. Do not deny your child the polio, DTaP, and MMR vaccines. You owe it to the child.

I do enjoy the kind of threads where the blind, uneducated, and illiterate, lead the other blind, uneducated, and illiterate -- and get irate at those with a modicum of understanding (or, education).

I'm sure praying will make most bad diseases go away... Sadly, I have an older sister, who believes, and insists, that all antibiotics do is cover up symptoms, but they have absolutely no effect on actual germs and bacteria. Sad, and she's supposedly the educated one - now, she's combatting 'bad energies' with 'crystals'.

So, you anti-vaccination folks hanging up crystals to keep diseases at bay?

ROFLMAO - and its these guys that believe in homeopathey and other quackery too

They read articles in loony magazines while having their colons flushed - it affects their rational empirical thought processes too!

I do enjoy the kind of threads where the blind, uneducated, and illiterate, lead the other blind, uneducated, and illiterate -- and get irate at those with a modicum of understanding (or, education).

I'm sure praying will make most bad diseases go away... Sadly, I have an older sister, who believes, and insists, that all antibiotics do is cover up symptoms, but they have absolutely no effect on actual germs and bacteria. Sad, and she's supposedly the educated one - now, she's combatting 'bad energies' with 'crystals'.

So, you anti-vaccination folks hanging up crystals to keep diseases at bay?

ROFLMAO - and its these guys that believe in homeopathey and other quackery too

They read articles in loony magazines while having their colons flushed - it affects their rational empirical thought processes too!

works for those who use their intestines to think :o

I do enjoy the kind of threads where the blind, uneducated, and illiterate, lead the other blind, uneducated, and illiterate -- and get irate at those with a modicum of understanding (or, education).

I'm sure praying will make most bad diseases go away... Sadly, I have an older sister, who believes, and insists, that all antibiotics do is cover up symptoms, but they have absolutely no effect on actual germs and bacteria. Sad, and she's supposedly the educated one - now, she's combatting 'bad energies' with 'crystals'.

So, you anti-vaccination folks hanging up crystals to keep diseases at bay?

ROFLMAO - and its these guys that believe in homeopathey and other quackery too

They read articles in loony magazines while having their colons flushed - it affects their rational empirical thought processes too!

works for those who use their intestines to think :o

I've a gut feeling you could be right.


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