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Kilesa (defilement)


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Hi all

As a not so long ago member of the forum, I'm not sure whether anybody has dicussed this technical Bhudism term before. As a Thai Bhuddist, I think the word kilesa (defilement) is definitely the key word among countless others. It is what a (real) Bhuddist tries to wage war with, in order to get rid of it, to become happier, or to enlighten. How far and wide does this word go? Could you help me collect its meaning or its phenomenon or anything that makes it so evil that any people in the planet suffers because of it.

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A list of the kilesas from Nayanatiloka's Dictionary found at:


words in parentheses are Pali

you might want to check out the link as it explains them and gives cross references to other Buddhist concepts.

1 greed (lobha)

2 hate (dosa)

3 confusion (moha)

4 conceit (māna)

5 speculative views (ditthi)

6 skeptical doubt (vicikicchā)

7 mental Laziness (thīna)

8 restlessness (uddhacca)

9 shamelessness (ahirika)

10 lack of Fear of Wrongdoing or unconscientiousness (anottappa)

Edited by chownah
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