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RFK Jr: How anti-vaccine misinformation has shaped his 'truth-teller' candidacy

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The candidacy of Robert F Kennedy Jr. has stirred significant debate, with supporters heralding him as a courageous truth-teller while critics raise concerns about his propagation of anti-vaccine misinformation. Kennedy's history includes spreading false claims about vaccines, despite scientific evidence to the contrary.


One notable incident involves Kennedy's interaction with Professor Paul Offit, who provided information to Kennedy about the safety of vaccines containing thimerosal. Despite being presented with evidence that disproved the alleged dangers of thimerosal, Kennedy later authored an article repeating baseless claims about its health effects, which was eventually retracted due to inaccuracies.


Despite such instances, Kennedy's supporters perceive him as a beacon of honesty and a challenger to corporate influence in politics. A January Gallup poll suggested that Kennedy was viewed favorably by over 50% of the public, although this may not translate directly into electoral success.


Critics, however, express concerns that Kennedy's candidacy could siphon off votes from mainstream party candidates, potentially impacting the outcome of the election. While supporters laud Kennedy's promises to tackle corporate influence and advocate for sensible policies on issues like immigration and drug legalization, critics emphasize his history of spreading conspiracy theories and false information.


Kennedy's refusal to accept scientific evidence on vaccine safety has drawn criticism from experts who point out the overwhelming consensus among scientists regarding the benefits of vaccination. Despite this, Kennedy and his supporters maintain skepticism about vaccine safety studies, alleging a lack of proper research.


The debate surrounding Kennedy's candidacy reflects broader divisions within society, with some embracing his challenges to established institutions and others questioning his commitment to truth and evidence-based policymaking. While some supporters dismiss concerns about his stance on vaccines as attempts to discredit him, others prioritize his positions on other issues like corporate influence and government accountability.


In the end, the question of Kennedy's relationship with the truth remains central to discussions about his candidacy. While his supporters see him as a truth-teller challenging powerful institutions, critics argue that his dissemination of misinformation undermines his credibility as a political leader.






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It's pretty pathetic when the two main appeals RFK Jr. has going for him are his longstanding fringe campaign against vaccinations, which is based on a documented history of blatant misinformation, and his having the Kennedy family name, where his own Kennedy relatives have politically disowned him.  That's a candidate for U.S. president?


Vaccine Misinformation:


"this doesn't change the fact there are also countless examples of Mr Kennedy spreading conspiracy theories, making false or misleading statements, and sticking by his positions regardless of the evidence presented to the contrary.




Kennedy Family:


Kennedy family members call RFK Jr.’s independent bid ‘dangerous to our country’



“The decision of our brother Bobby to run as a third-party candidate against Joe Biden is dangerous to our country,” read a statement signed by four of Kennedy’s siblings — former Maryland Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (D), former Rep. Joseph Kennedy II (D-Mass.), Rory Kennedy and Kerry Kennedy. 


“Bobby might share the same name as our father, but he does not share the same values, vision or judgment. Today’s announcement is deeply saddening for us. We denounce his candidacy and believe it to be perilous for our country,” the statement continued.






(well  before COVID, since his anti-vaccines stance isn't just limited to COVID vaccines)


Kennedys pen op-ed refuting RFK Jr.’s ‘tragically wrong’ vaccine beliefs



Three relatives of Robert Kennedy Jr. lashed out at the son of the former senator, calling his anti-vaccination advocacy “wrong” and “dangerous” in an op-ed published Wednesday.


The three warn that despite Kennedy Jr.’s valuable work on environmental advocacy, his speaking out against vaccinations, including a meeting with then-President-elect Trump to discuss “vaccine safety,” has helped spread “dangerous misinformation” about vaccines through social media.




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