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The oringal question is "Have you ever had a HIV Test and if so how often"

You asked the question and I have answered.

I then asked you to the same question (fair!)

You have not answered.

Not a put up or shut up - I have no desire to shut you up, rather I want to get on the same page and have an adult discussion with you.

I'd like you to do me the courtesy of asnwering the same question that you asked me.

The sooner you do, and demonstrate that we are discussing this as equals, the sooner we can move on with the other quesitons you have asked.

I have asked only one (and that was your quesiton to start with)

It should not be too difficullt for you to answer.

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mmm... fool, perhaps but at least I don't have a problem answering a simple question.

Have you had a HIV test and if so, how often?

Other people reading this thread must be wondering why you are unable to answer such a simple question, especially since you have asked the very same quesiton of others.

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Censorship - What censorship?

This wasn't a problem when you asked me if I had ever had a HIV Test and if so how often?

It wasn't a problem when you asked me about my gender?

It wasn't a problem when you asked me about my ethnicity.

Stop hiding behind 'censorship' that does not exist and answer the questions

Have you ever had a HIV Test and if so how often?

Come on, it won't hurt.

Failing to answer the self same questions that you have asked of others is causing me to question your credibility, I suspect others are thinking the same.

You'll not convince people of your argument without credibility.

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What must we conclude from this.

You want to lecture us on HIV, HIV Risks and Sexual Health issues, but you are unable to discuss whether or not you've had a HIV Test and if so how often

DESPITE the fact that you have asked the same question of me, AND have been given a full answer.

Answer the quesiton THAT YOU ASKED ME


We might then go forward to discuss the other quesitons you want answering.

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I have just been given a warning by a moderator, but for your benefit I will answer the question then I expect the level playing field you refered to so ;yes I have been tested twice and twice negative now you show me the curtesy of revealing the info as I have already done i.e male/female sexual group/practice etc

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What irritates me is people suggesting that I am in a high risk group when they do not know the actual risk group statistics but they assume that because I am a white hetrosexual male that I engage in risky behavior but overlookthe fact that it is in fact those detractors who are more at risk than myself,....and they remain incognito!

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I had an hiv test some years ago and I will quote word for word what the qulified medical professional said to me "if you haven't been a drug user or practise in gay sex it is a very unlikely that you could contract this virus"

That is not true. HIV in Thailand is primarily a disease of heterosexuals.

Did the physician also mention that having a concurrent STI (sexually Transmited Illness) is also a key factor in the infection route?

IV drug use is a leading cause of HIV transmission. Drug use in and of itself is not.

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What irritates me is people suggesting that I am in a high risk group when they do not know the actual risk group statistics but they assume that because I am a white hetrosexual male that I engage in risky behavior but overlookthe fact that it is in fact those detractors who are more at risk than myself,....and they remain incognito!

Unfortunately you may very well be more at risk. There is a demonstrable relationship between the frequency of multi partner sex, casual sex if you wish, and the likelihood of being invaded by STI related viruses and bacteria.

There is also now undisputed clinical evidence that uncircumcised males are more likely to contract HIV than uncircumcised males. The long term (10 years) Bailey studies in Uganda were effected on heterosexuals. These peer reviewed clinical trials have been repeated on homosexual subjects with similar results.

And to correct any misconception that you may have in respect to the transmission of HIV, it is found in blood. vaginal fluid, male ejaculate including pre-ejaculate and semen and breast milk.

And to answer the OP, there are no new drugs on the horizon capable of killing the virus. All that can be done to date is to slow down the replication process and to prevent the onset of opportunistic illnesses. The virus remains deep inside the body. Think of the Herpes virus. Kids get chickenpox and it often comes back 30 years later as shingles. Science is still in the dark ages when it comes to viruses.

And in case you are wondering, I am a heterosexual.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Thank you for responding to my question (though sad that it took a moderator warning to get you answer).

When I answered your question regarding how many times I have had a HIV Test you responded by asking me quesitons about my gender, ethnicity and sexual practices.

I have already told you why I got tested.

If you can explain to my what my gender, ethnicity and sexual practices have to do with me getting the regular HIV Tests that I have had, I will be more than happy to answer your question.

And of course in the interest of fairness, do those issues have anything to do with why you where tested?

(Oh and I never asked for the results of your tests - Nor would I, that I believe is a private matter that I would not press you on).

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Another way to go (this takes a bit more effort especially if you are afraid of needles... because you have to have a needle stuck in your arm for 10-15 minutes) is the blood donation route. You can donate daily during working hours at the National Blood Center (part of the Red Cross here). Haven't done it personally, but they screen all of their blood for the major nasties and I'm told they'll let you know if your blood isn't acceptable.


Actually you can be tested without needles. They take a swab from the inside of your cheek and it only takes about 20 minutes for the result

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Yes, that's another way to go. I was suggesting the above method for those who perhaps feel too 'embarrassed' to get tested.


I just can't understand why anyone would feel too embarrassed to get an HIV test. I'd be more embarrassed to not get tested! :o

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I haven't experienced it myself, as my hospital is fairly quiet, with the waiting room and reception more akin to an airport club lounge than a hospital.... but I have overheard on more than a few occasions in public hospitals nurses asking "okay I'll just need your signature on this waiver for your child's transfer, for this or that procedure... including: for us to test your blood for HIV." Not on the hospital PA system or anything, but loud enough for any of dozens of people (kids, parents, grandparents, etc.) waiting to hear. I can understand how some would find that embarrassing.


edit: sometimes the question is phrased as "for your conscent to release the results of your HIV antibodies test to you." Same thing.

Edited by Heng
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I think that in today's world HIV is such a part of life that people should not feel ashamed to be tested for it. But that is just my opinion. I guess those that feel embarrassed could go your route and try to donate blood, but it just seems so round about. To each their own.

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