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Healthy Smoking


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Say, what?

I don't see this catching on. Smokeless cigarettes came out long ago and were a flop. Seems that part of what people like is seeing the smoke they exhale. One of the methods recommended to quit smoking is to try smoking only in the dark. You get the same miserable taste and sensations but not the visual effect. It ain't the same..

Besides, part of what makes it so hard to quit smoking is that nicotine is addictive - so this product offers this addictive poison as an insert?

Hmmm.. :o

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Say, what?

I don't see this catching on. Smokeless cigarettes came out long ago and were a flop. Seems that part of what people like is seeing the smoke they exhale. One of the methods recommended to quit smoking is to try smoking only in the dark. You get the same miserable taste and sensations but not the visual effect. It ain't the same..

Besides, part of what makes it so hard to quit smoking is that nicotine is addictive - so this product offers this addictive poison as an insert?

Hmmm.. :o

I have given the link for a reason. No need to comment without checking out what I mean.

This is not a smokeless cigarette, the smoke however is harmless, doesn't smell and most of all, is completely harmless.

I only want to know where I can buy this in Thailand.



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I don't understand? It seems like they kind of allude to having to buy nicotine cartridges, but i don't see any cartridges specifically mentioned or sold?

They say it costs "$3 per day" how is this calculated?

And if you do have to buy nicotine inserts how is it any different to the nicotine inhaler (which requires no batteries) and has been available for quite a while?

(Edit here is link to nicotine inhaler that i mean)


Edited by dave111223
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I have given the link for a reason. No need to comment without checking out what I mean.

This is not a smokeless cigarette, the smoke however is harmless, doesn't smell and most of all, is completely harmless.

I only want to know where I can buy this in Thailand.



You are right of course and I apologize for straying away from your original intent.

I did however check out the website but didn't see anything that said this product produces smoke but then I am not familiar with the language they mostly use.

I would not be easily convinced that inhaling any kind of smoke can be harmless but then I smoke an average of 1-2 cigarettes a day so I don't have a lung to stand on..

Good luck in finding the product you seek.

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