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KDE on OpenSUSE 15.6: Greatest thing since Sliced Bread!


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Hi Folks,


For the desktop, at this moment in history, KDE on OpensSUSE, is probably the best thing that has happened to us during our lifetimes.


Here is the thing:


a.  One must admit that, maybe 20 years ago, a Linux-based operating system for the desktop was mostly not within reach of most casual computer users.


b. BUT, let me tell you:  KDE, now, is great.  And, particularly, openSUSE 15.x is even greater.


c. I must admit that I was a bit hesitant to completely switch back to Linux, after having used Windows for the past few years.


d.  However, NOW, and with no reservations, I can recommend openSUSE Leap to almost anyone.  It really works!


e.  For anyone switching from a Windows OS to Linux, for the desktop, it's BEST to opt for KDE. Don't choose any other GUI.


f.  At first, I had been a bit hesitant to completely DUMP Windows....  But now, after about a month on nothing but Linux Desktop, I am completely happy.


g.  By the way....when I said DUMP Windows, I did not mean DUMP in this way....of course....




h.  NO!  What I really meant was to:


Take a BIG DUMP on Microsoft for its monopolistic history, throughout the past decades.


Also, I meant to take a BIG DUMP on Steve ...


What a Chrome-Dome nut case!


Better to use Chromium, maybe....   https://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/download-chromium/


i.  So, anyway....what is the real PURPOSE of this Topic on this Linux forum?


Yes, I do have a purpose.


And, my purpose is to encourage anyone reading these words to NOT fear fear itself.


I hope to encourage just TWO people to try openSUSE Leap 15.6....


And to GET RID of the Chrome-Dome type authoritarian influence in your lives.


Yes, Folks....


You, too, can be free as me, now.


If I can get free...then....


You can get free, too.


I AM NEVER going back to Windows....FOR SURE.....


You can download openSUSE 15.6....HERE:  https://get.opensuse.org/


Do NOT be fooled by people like the Chrome-Dome, Steve, please!


You will be far happier after you bite the bullet, and make the switch to SUSE.....

Believe me.


I just hope this Topic helps two people to get free.


Best regards, and....

Still loving Linus, as much as I ever did....




Note:  One Day, we will be free.  One Day, MS will not have the stranglehold it now has on us.  This is our hope.  Even MLK knew the meaning of freedom.....





My Dream, for the past 25 years, has been that Linux Desktop will have a 93% market-share in my lifetime.


I have a dream.



NOTE:  Let us not forget the Power of Two, and the power of the Exponential Function....


If I can convince or encourage just two people to use openSUSE Leap, and those two can encourage two others...then....who know?


Someday, all the world will be completely FREE of Microsoft!









Edited by GammaGlobulin
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