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NATIONAL NEWS from Surf 102.5 FM - Wednesday 17 July 2024

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6 vietnamese nationals were  found dead at a central bangkok hotel, yesterday evening, 
the three men and three women have been identified,

Two of the dead were Americans of Vietnamese descent and four were Vietnamese nationals.

At a late night press conference Police said the cause of death was suspected poisoning, by a third party.
At least One person, a tour guide, had been detained for questioning. Prime minister Sretha Thavasin arrived at the scene in the Grand Hyatt hotel last night and ordered all agencies to urgently take action to avoid an impact on tourism.


The Department of Narcotics Suppression claimed it can eradicate drugs and trafficking in 25 of the country's worst-affected provinces within 3 months, followed by continuous work to crack down on drug dealers.

The announcement follows a statement from the prime minister that drug eradication is a national priority. 


The Ministry Agriculture  has vowed to eradicate blackchin tilapia  fish as a priority, This species are predators and native to West Africa, the derpartment says they pose a great risk to underwater biodiversity. It’s not known how they arrived in this region.


Residents in Chaingmai experienced an earth tremor last night, the 3.3 shaker was east of the city towards the border with Myanmar, 

Authorities were this morning checking the area for damage.

Around the region.
Singapore police are still pursuing Malaysian fugitive Low Taek Jho for his alleged role in the multibillion-dollar 1MDB corruption scandal. The U.S. Department of Justice has reportedly signed a confidential agreement with Low regarding the forfeiture of 1MDB assets as part of a global settlement.


The scandal led to the imprisonment of former Malaysian premier Najib Razak. Jho Low maintains his innocence, while Malaysia seeks to recover over $4.5 billion believed to have disappeared from the state fund.


Todays’ WEATHER 

Chiang Mai and the north: Thunderstorms 33C degrees celsius

Bangkok:   cloudy thundershowers 31

Pattaya: Cloudy,  thundershowers  30

Phuket and the south: cloudy with thundershowers  30

Hua Hin: Cloudy with showers, clearing, but returning later in the day.  30

Much the same over the weekend .


AQI: green which is good 
Green clear, yellow moderate, Orange High,  Red unhealthy.  


-- SURF 102.5 FM 2024-07-17

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