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Truth About The Weather...


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Can someone please confirm, I heard that the mountains around Chiang Mai get a lot more rain (or perhaps a daily dose of rain) more than in Chiang Mai and it's surroundings themselves... IS that correct? and if so would Samoeng and Mae Rim be exempt?

Posted earlier that I was thinking of going to Pai, Chiang Dao or Samoeng and Mae Rim but if the weather is a lot worse in the former spots, I would rather stay close to CM.

This is for August (8-10) BTW..

Thanks a lot! Dan

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I live near the Night Safari, but travel daily to the foothills just north of Mae Rim, near the Prem school. Almost every day there's a small bit of rain there in the early or late afternoon, when often it doesn't rain at all in Chiang Mai. It's not a bad thing, it's a good thing.

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The reason it rains 'more' near and in some mountains is due to the warm air rising up some mountains which then come in contac with the cooler clouds above... There is no way to tell if Pai gets more rain than the areas around Chiang Mai because it is the same situation happening in both areas...

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Howdy Chaimdan.......

I admire your persistence and thoughtfulness. You definitely are a planner, aren't you?

As for the mountain rain thing, right now we're in a month that annually has 18 days of rain. That's quite a bit. That could mean you come here and get treated to a full 5 days of gray and rainfall off n on. But in most cases you should expect showers building and coming sometime in afternoon or evening pretty much every day. There are also roaming clouds that may dump on you here n there. Really now way to tell. This is not the most ideal time to come to Chiang Mai, but that doesn't mean it's bad, not by any means. Just be prepared to sometimes have to stay in doors awhile and eat or read a book, that's all. We get the rain that just passes by and then the rain that hovers out here, no telling what we'll get when you're here.

Generally I see more clouds and rain building up from the Doi Suthep area and Mae Rim than I do coming in from Samoeng. I'd stick with that area as a better bet. But then again......it's the weather! Bring a book to dive into too.

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