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Adolf Hitler


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How to start this, we got a business e-mail from someone ordering merchandise and that person used “Adolf Hitler” as the name which appeared in the address bar. I found this very offensive and was a bit surprised by my wife who apparently couldn’t care less.

I personally would tell this person that his e-mail address would be offensive to some people, especially westerners. I get a bit tired of this non confrontational Thai thing that causes killing fields and other problems to happen next door without taking a stand at all. It reminds me of the Osama Bin Laden T-shirts that were so common on Sukhumit a year ago.

Is it just me or is this really offensive? What would you do?


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You can't expect a Thai person to have the same knowledge/comprehension about European, or even world, history that you do.

Conversely, few people outside of Thailand can quite comprehend the offense taken by Thais to anything but the most reverential refence to their royal family. We all have our own bogeymen and sacred cows.

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How to start this, we got a business e-mail from someone ordering merchandise and that person used “Adolf Hitler” as the name which appeared in the address bar. I found this very offensive and was a bit surprised by my wife who apparently couldn’t care less.

I personally would tell this person that his e-mail address would be offensive to some people, especially westerners. I get a bit tired of this non confrontational Thai thing that causes killing fields and other problems to happen next door without taking a stand at all. It reminds me of the Osama Bin Laden T-shirts that were so common on Sukhumit a year ago.

Is it just me or is this really offensive? What would you do?


So what if his name is Adolf Hitler? What do you want him to do? Change his name or wot?

And do you want to take Adolf's money or not.

And as for the majority of Thais, they wouldn't know Belgium from Belsen, New Zealand from New York, Cuba from Canada, etc., etc., so please don't be hard on your missus (after all she didn't draft the school curriculum did she)

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How to start this, we got a business e-mail from someone ordering merchandise and that person used “Adolf Hitler” as the name which appeared in the address bar. I found this very offensive and was a bit surprised by my wife who apparently couldn’t care less.

I personally would tell this person that his e-mail address would be offensive to some people, especially westerners. I get a bit tired of this non confrontational Thai thing that causes killing fields and other problems to happen next door without taking a stand at all. It reminds me of the Osama Bin Laden T-shirts that were so common on Sukhumit a year ago.

Is it just me or is this really offensive? What would you do?


So what if his name is Adolf Hitler? What do you want him to do? Change his name or wot?

And do you want to take Adolf's money or not.

And as for the majority of Thais, they wouldn't know Belgium from Belsen, New Zealand from New York, Cuba from Canada, etc., etc., so please don't be hard on your missus (after all she didn't draft the school curriculum did she)

Actually I didn't want to take his money, but I understand it now.. not a big deal .. It's just me that finds it difficult.


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How to start this, we got a business e-mail from someone ordering merchandise and that person used “Adolf Hitler” as the name which appeared in the address bar. I found this very offensive and was a bit surprised by my wife who apparently couldn’t care less.

I personally would tell this person that his e-mail address would be offensive to some people, especially westerners. I get a bit tired of this non confrontational Thai thing that causes killing fields and other problems to happen next door without taking a stand at all. It reminds me of the Osama Bin Laden T-shirts that were so common on Sukhumit a year ago.

Is it just me or is this really offensive? What would you do?


Is this person Thai or European ?

If Thai, maybe the correct attitude would be to send an e-mail back explaining why any European would find this pseudonym offensive. I would think that European History is not taught in any depth within Thailand just as South East Asian History isn't taught in any depth in Europe. Armed with this extra knowledge the person in question would probably change their mind not wishing to be associated with

this infamous name.

I wouldn't expect any Thais or Asians for that matter to be offended by someone using the name Adolf Hitler

If the person is European then they should know better, I would send them an e-mail back telling them to grow up.


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The dutch do seem to take references to the second war more seriously that the UK for example, but I think that may be related to the way that they were treated during the occupation. I'm living in holland right now and I'm surprised how much more the schools here teach about the war than they do in the UK.

Stick with it dutchy, offense is offense and that other people are not offended should not make it any less offensive to you.

(Having read that, I think I may have overused the word a little in the last sentence!)

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Maybe the dude's name is Adolph Hitler, I know a couple of Jesse James,a lot of John Waynes, a few Jim Jones,,There is bound to be more than one family named HITLER.

There is folks named after and just named the same as some famous and infamous folks. so no telling just what it is,so cut the guy some slack til you find out for sure.Or I guess we could get a bunch together and go hang the son of a bitch. :o

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Maybe the dude's name is Adolph Hitler, I know a couple of Jesse James,a lot of John Waynes, a few Jim Jones,,There is bound to be more than one family named HITLER.

There is folks named after and just named the same as some famous and infamous folks. so no telling just what it is,so cut the guy some slack til you find out for sure.Or I guess we could get a bunch together and go hang the son of a bitch. :o

I don't think this is about having the family name "Hitler" or the using the name "Adolf", however I doubt anybody would like to be known as both of the names together, If my name was Adolf Hitler I'm sure I would be very embarassed and would change it ASAP

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Maybe the dude's name is Adolph Hitler, I know a couple of Jesse James,a lot of John Waynes, a few Jim Jones,,There is bound to be more than one family named HITLER.

There is folks named after and just named the same as some famous and infamous folks. so no telling just what it is,so cut the guy some slack til you find out for sure.Or I guess we could get a bunch together and go hang the son of a bitch. :o

I don't think this is about having the family name "Hitler" or the using the name "Adolf", however I doubt anybody would like to be known as both of the names together, If my name was Adolf Hitler I'm sure I would be very embarassed and would change it ASAP

Yea and if my name wa AH I would go with you,but some folks think of him as a hero yet today and some folks pobly don't think of him one way or the other.

But being born in the mid 30s I was to young to go to war but do remember what happened,My father came home after the war with pictures of the camps,gas chambers and ovens,piles of Jews and Poles that had been starved to death stacked up like cord wood.

But the younger generation doesn't see the edge the way us older folks do,,thats pobly why there is the Neo-Nazi cults that are going on today.

But still the dudes name could be A.H.

And there might be some one named Benito Moselini[sp] Or Josef Stalin,and he killed more of his own people than Hitler did. so whats in a name?

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If he is resident in Germany, I suggest you inform the German Embassy about his use of such name, he will have an unfriendly bunch of uniformed officers knock on his door to enquire for which reason he uses the name.

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One of my friends came to my room and she had a white shirt on with a photo of a vespa and a huge red swastika on the front. She was being sweet because she knew i loved vespas but had NO IDEA what the other thingy was. The boys printing shirts had no idea either. They are simply colors and designs. And I might add, from a graphic design perspective the swastika is an interesting design if you can get past the nasty association we have with it.

I see the image all over Chatachak and again I KNOW they have no idea the significance. It is simply uneducated people who have been let down by they education system. It's sad. I know few common Thai's who know anything about human atrocities in Cambodia and Burma.

I made my friend remove her new shirt and we used it to clean my floor. See I made bad into good and it was a good lesson for her... :o

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The swastika has been a religious symbol for a very long time and still is in some countries. The association with Hitler is unfortunate, and to wear such T-shirt in Germany is illegal. I considered buying one for a laugh, but realised it would be too offensive wearing it, and it does make me cringe seeing it, even in Thailand where it doesn't bear the same meaning.

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One of my friends came to my room and she had a white shirt on with a photo of a vespa and a huge red swastika on the front. She was being sweet because she knew i loved vespas but had NO IDEA what the other thingy was. The boys printing shirts had no idea either. They are simply colors and designs. And I might add, from a graphic design perspective the swastika is an interesting design if you can get past the nasty association we have with it.

I see the image all over Chatachak and again I KNOW they have no idea the significance. It is simply uneducated people who have been let down by they education system. It's sad. I know few common Thai's who know anything about human atrocities in Cambodia and Burma.

I made my friend remove her new shirt and we used it to clean my floor. See I made bad into good and it was a good lesson for her... :D


I apologise if what I am about to say offends you but you are as ignorant of the facts as the girl wearing the shirt with the swastika on it.

In Indonesia the swastika is an icon of (something that evades my memory) which is in no way related or connected to nazism.

I appreciate that the general perception is that the swastika is associated with the 'dishonourable Adolf Hitler' but then Chatuchak was flooded with shirts bearing the image of Osama bin Laden.

Thais......... "forgive then for they know not what they do"

They are but children insofar as their knowledge and understanding of world history.

If they were all to wear shirts bearing the image of Che Guevara and be educated in the who/why this guy was famous it would (might) enhance their knowledge of the world (outside the realm)

I have seen shirts bearing the word '<deleted>' (correctly spelt of course) being sold and worn here in Thailand. The wearers are oblivious as to the meaning of the word. Maybe the sellers are too.

But it was only a few years back that four persons were successfully prosecuted when they walked down the steet in the US with each wearing a shirt with just one letter on it. the letters were F _ U _ C _ K and because when walking side by side the word was <deleted> (again misspelt so as to get past the editing system) it was deemed in the eyes of the law as being offensive.

I remember at the time some wit asking if the letters had been D U C K would that have been deemed to be 75% offensive.

p.s. I do hope that when you got her shirt off that you did not stop there, but continued with your education of the pretty little thing. :o

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I think most of you folks are a little excessively sensitive about the names of things rather than the conceptual notion that you associate with those names. If you wish to rail on about the ideas of injustice, genocide (of which hitler is well publicized,but minor player in the "pantheon" of historical monsters), cannibalism or even, god save us all, same-sex marriages, knock yourselves out. But just as today's pop stars will do most anything for ink in the popular press, so do many ordinary and harmless folks wish to gain notoriety/attention. I was contemplating changing my name to Adolph Josef Mao Che Osama Lucretia Saddam Ariel Benito Maommar Idi Pot Mengele-Dahmer, but, unfortunately, I'm more of a Theresa Francis Bo-Peep John XXIII Poppins-Proust sort. Alas, what to do? PS....What a man does with his umbrella in the privacy of his own home is none of your damned business. :o

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Theresa Francis Bo-Peep John XXIII Poppins-Proust sort.

If you mean the late not so great, well known walking advert for tea towels Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu well know admirer of dictators liar and hypocrite.

You might be better off with her name in your first list.

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I apologise if what I am about to say offends you but you are as ignorant of the facts as the girl wearing the shirt with the swastika on it.

In Indonesia the swastika is an icon of (something that evades my memory) which is in no way related or connected to nazism.

No offense taken. I am aware of the rolling logs symbol of peace in native American culture and in Southern Asia but the arms of the images go in the opposite direction. The images in the market are in the Nazi direction. I am sure there are peaceful versions of the logo in the world so I am not surprised if there is an example In Indonesia. The point is whether nazi or peaceful few Thai's know about Hitler or world history thus their education is appalling.
I have seen shirts bearing the word '<deleted>' (correctly spelt of course) being sold and worn here in Thailand. The wearers are oblivious as to the meaning of the word. Maybe the sellers are too.

Not to offend you but... <deleted> is a popular brand name in London and it I believe it stands for French Connection United Kingdom. You will find highly educated yet fashionable people wearing these shirts all over Europe. I believe the shirts you see in LOS are simply copies rather than editing under the radar.

I do find DUCK partially offensive. When used in the wrong way.

Of course the education continued. she was a bad girl and needed to be taught a lesson.

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DUTCHY2. Send the mail back and block the sender for further connections.

One of my friends came to my room and she had a white shirt on with a photo of a vespa and a huge red swastika on the front.

Then I would ask "my friend" to explain why that t-shirt

They are but children insofar as their knowledge and understanding of world history.

Yes, Illiteracy and “Denial” is still a widespread problem in developing countries there the wealth is unfavourable dealt with, and on the hand to the extreme leaders.

But the fact is that Thailand is a part of that before mention world history. Maybe not too much to be proud of today. But still!

I only wonder, could it be a connection between knowledge (know what I want) denial and profit!


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We had a major argument about this last night, the mail is removed from the computer. I'm pretty sure she didn't do anything about it, I won't ask my wife about it anymore. She simply doesn't understand the issue, hopeless. She very well educated by the way, overseas too. I just thought she wasn't that Thai as the others..., a mistake...

There certainly a connection between knowledge/denial and profit.

And then Thailand claims to have a non-confrontational culture, non confrontation can very well mean confrontation.


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