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Thailand Deadliest Destination.


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From the Times 2nd August.

It is better known for its ancient temples, beautiful beaches and mouth-watering cuisine, but Thailand is also the deadliest destination for British holidaymakers.

As millions prepare to flee a British summer that has been at best lukewarm, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office published figures yesterday showing the countries where Britons are most likely to seek help from their embassy.

Unsurprisingly, Spain, which attracts about 14 million Britons a year, tops almost every category for holidaymakers in peril. But when the figures are adjusted to show the proportion of travellers affected, Thailand is by far the most dangerous.

Australia and India, also favourite backpacking destinations, are ranked second and third for the ratio of British visitors seeking “serious assistance” - where more than advice is needed. Britons are also most likely to lose their passport Down Under.

Perhaps surprisingly, Britons are arrested at a higher rate in the United States than in any of the other ten countries where they most need a British embassy for help.

The Foreign Office said that the Thailand figures, for April 2005 to March last year and released in British Behaviour Abroad, showed that “although Brits are getting more adventurous, they are not doing enough preparation before they go”.

The 381,000 who travelled from Britain to the SouthEast Asian kingdom were nearly five times more likely to die than those visiting the second deadliest - India. They were also 50 per cent more likely to be taken to hospital in Thailand than in second-placed Greece. About 24 out of 10,000 Britons needed serious assistance from a consulate in Thailand, double the rate of those visiting Australia.

Travel agents said that the problems arose from cheap flights and underprepared travellers. A spokesman for the Association of British Travel Agents said: “The majority of people travelling to Thailand are back-packers. They often travel uninsured and stay in cheap accommodation. If you’re travelling like that for an extended period you are more likely to end up with a problem.”

One staff member of the British Embassy in Bangkok, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “The embassy is having to devote more and more resources to these kind of problems. But we can’t send away British citizens who need help.”

The Czech Republic has become a surprise addition to the destinations where Britons most often encounter problems. The report says that it features “as one of the countries where most consular assistance is required, with a disproportionate number of lost passports, arrests and hospitalisations. This is likely to be due to the massive influx of hen and stag parties to Prague.”

Britons in search of cheap alcohol are the second-biggest group of visitors after Germans, said David Frous, of the Czech Embassy in London. “I cannot deny that the number of potential problems relating to stag parties is large,” he said. “But there are large numbers of UK nationals coming to the Czech Republic, so as well as more good people, you get bad people too.”

But British diplomats said that most of their work involved dealing with Britons who fell prey to petty crime. Peter Wickenden, second secretary at the British Embassy in Prague, said: “A relatively small proportion of our consular assistance is taken up with Britons causing trouble.”

Diplomats have been visiting brothels in the city, distributing Foreign Office-branded beermats and posters warning British visitors against “sobering up in a cell”.

Meg Munn, Foreign & Commonwealth Office Minister, said: “One of the most important tasks for the Foreign Office is our work to help British nationals in distress overseas. As this report shows, although some of the incidents people face are unavoidable, many can be prevented with a little planning and careful preparation. Simple precautions – like researching your destination, getting comprehensive travel insurance, checking medical requirements and taking copies of important documents – could help in the long run to avoid common traumas, risks and dangers.”

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heres how the daily mail chooses to report the same story.

Holiday yobs bring shame on Britain worldwide


Last updated at 20:30pm on 1st August 2007

The mayhem caused by British yobs holidaying abroad has been revealed

At least 1,549 were arrested in Spain last year, 1,368 in the U.S. and 330 in Cyprus.

Many of the incidents will have been fuelled by alcohol, badly tarnishing Britain's reputation around the world.

Drunken Brits are causing chaos in holiday resorts worldwide

Other hot spots for our nationals being held by police include Greece with 226 and Thailand with 108.

Edited by taxexile
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From the Times 2nd August.

"Perhaps surprisingly, Britons are arrested at a higher rate in the United States than in any of the other ten countries where they most need a British embassy for help. "

Yeah, lock them up and throw away the key :o

I've met some great English yobs in my young travelling life. They taught me how to jump hi-speed express trains without a ticket, how to stay in French youth hostels without paying, and how to busk in train stations. A lot of fun for a travelling band of gypsies.

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They often travel uninsured and stay in cheap accommodation. If you’re travelling like that for an extended period you are more likely to end up with a problem.”

Seriously? Staying in a guesthouse means you're more likely to end up dead compared to staying at a 4/5 star hotel?

Seems to me that at the VERY least they fell in to one of the traps of using statistics: mixing up cause and effect.

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As usual, a balanced sober report from the 'tea and biscuits on the lawn' mail...

My sentiments exactly.


I have seen a fair bit of withnail behavior in my time in thailand

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And probably England is the most dangerous destination for Thais on holiday ( but then no-one wants to talk about that)

Why would they want to read about that in an English daily newspaper? The number of Thais visiting the UK in comparison to the amount of Britons visiting Thailand is completely insignificant anyway.

How did you come to the conclusion that England could possibly be the most dangerous tourist destination for Thais? Considering they border on Burma, Laos and Cambodia do you want time to rethink your completely idiotic statement?

This is not the first time that Thailand has topped a similar survey, remember the Thomas Cook one several months ago?

It's all very well being in denial, staunchly defending the Kingdom, but it would be better if we could accept there is a problem, as we would be in a better position to deal with it.

I'm terribly sorry old chap, but I'm one of those people that love living in a place where you can walk the streets safely at night, without fear of being set upon by a drunken lout/louts who's been turfed out at closing time. Or where you can send your kids safely to school, without fear of one of the pupils armed with an AK 47 or whatever you call them, mowing down the entire 6th grade class. Or of course, wearing my Chelsea shirt in any part of any city I wish to visit. Thailand hasn't a problem as such. The World has that problem and Thailand's is insignificant to some places.

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And probably England is the most dangerous destination for Thais on holiday ( but then no-one wants to talk about that)

Why would they want to read about that in an English daily newspaper? The number of Thais visiting the UK in comparison to the amount of Britons visiting Thailand is completely insignificant anyway.

How did you come to the conclusion that England could possibly be the most dangerous tourist destination for Thais? Considering they border on Burma, Laos and Cambodia do you want time to rethink your completely idiotic statement?

This is not the first time that Thailand has topped a similar survey, remember the Thomas Cook one several months ago?

It's all very well being in denial, staunchly defending the Kingdom, but it would be better if we could accept there is a problem, as we would be in a better position to deal with it.

I'm terribly sorry old chap, but I'm one of those people that love living in a place where you can walk the streets safely at night, without fear of being set upon by a drunken lout/louts who's been turfed out at closing time. Or where you can send your kids safely to school, without fear of one of the pupils armed with an AK 47 or whatever you call them, mowing down the entire 6th grade class. Or of course, wearing my Chelsea shirt in any part of any city I wish to visit. Thailand hasn't a problem as such. The World has that problem and Thailand's is insignificant to some places.

You live in Singapore?

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I'm terribly sorry old chap, but I'm one of those people that love living in a place where you can walk the streets safely at night, without fear of being set upon by a drunken lout/louts who's been turfed out at closing time. Or where you can send your kids safely to school, without fear of one of the pupils armed with an AK 47 or whatever you call them, mowing down the entire 6th grade class. Or of course, wearing my Chelsea shirt in any part of any city I wish to visit. Thailand hasn't a problem as such. The World has that problem and Thailand's is insignificant to some places.

Couldn't agree more.

From my experience, the majority of Brits I've met here have been rather "hot headed" & seemed willing to be involved in any scuffle, should one happen. As a matter of fact, they seem to out-do the yanks when it comes to bad behaviour. Mind you, three of my best friends are Brits, whose behaviour totally contrasts that of their beer "yobbo" countrymen.

Can one of you Brits please explain to me why people kill each other (in England) over soccer matches etc? What sort of person is prepared to kill or harm another human simply for liking another soccer team? I don't get it.

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In my humble opinion, all these statistics are made to prove a point and are more often than not complete rubbish, and/or manipulated.

You can find negative things about any country. I prefer to look for the positive aspects of whichever place I visit or have made my residence, but you very rarely see statistics about that.

And one more thing, If you are ready to bash other countries than your own, you must accept that the favour might be returned.



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Couldn't agree more.

From my experience, the majority of Brits I've met here have been rather "hot headed" & seemed willing to be involved in any scuffle, should one happen. As a matter of fact, they seem to out-do the yanks when it comes to bad behaviour. Mind you, three of my best friends are Brits, whose behaviour totally contrasts that of their beer "yobbo" countrymen.

Can one of you Brits please explain to me why people kill each other (in England) over soccer matches etc? What sort of person is prepared to kill or harm another human simply for liking another soccer team? I don't get it.

I'm a Brit, and I think you have a very big misconception regarding football violence and deaths at Football. You will certainly find that Italy, Turkey, Spain and Holland have had far more problems in recent years with football thugs. In fact there have been very few deaths if any at football matches in the UK caused by violence in recent times

Sadly, the reputation that English football fans got in the late seventies and early eighties has been difficult to shake, and European nations are normally quick to point the finger.

So the reason that you dont get it, is because you have got the complete wrong set of facts.

By the way, those that do get involved in the hoolaganism/fighting are just morons anyway, and casue problems wherever they go - and they are not just a British phenomenon. I also think that you should think carefully about the using the words, "Majority, Yobbo Brits". Please, please they are the minority and we are also embarrased by them as well.

Edited by mrtoad
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heres how the daily mail chooses to report the same story.
Holiday yobs bring shame on Britain worldwide


Last updated at 20:30pm on 1st August 2007

The mayhem caused by British yobs holidaying abroad has been revealed

At least 1,549 were arrested in Spain last year, 1,368 in the U.S. and 330 in Cyprus.

Many of the incidents will have been fuelled by alcohol, badly tarnishing Britain's reputation around the world.

Drunken Brits are causing chaos in holiday resorts worldwide

Other hot spots for our nationals being held by police include Greece with 226 and Thailand with 108.

God bless us :o

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Can one of you Brits please explain to me why people kill each other (in England) over soccer matches etc? What sort of person is prepared to kill or harm another human simply for liking another soccer team? I don't get it.

I can't recall that people are regularly killed over soccer matches in the UK. The question you pose would more be appropriately asked in many parts of South America.

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"Britons in search of cheap alcohol", what's become of the Empire?

The world has to understand the the British have been responsable for these things for centuries, We are good at it!! Every straight line on any map, every war. even now. every country the world was ours, Aus. US and Thailand all of you are our children :o Maybe all we have left is to drink too much,Ah well

God save the Queen

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When it comes to football violence Brits are not a patch on the Germans or the Dutch and the Greeks and the Turks are even worse .

Yeah the Brits might like to be loud and enjoy there beer but they are not the start or the cause of most trouble .


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I must confess to a certain ambivalence concerning our British travelling untermensch. Appalling though their manners may be, they generally conform to a degree of civilised behaviour in which fairness usually predominates in the end. It's difficult to imagine any other society in the world able to produce such a peripatetic group of yobs with perhaps the exception of those emanating from the Antipodes. In that sense I suppose we should derive some pride and not seek to heap opprobrium upon those tattooed shoulders even though the odd cossetted overpaid consular official may seek to differ.

To wax lyrical, they are of proven stout yeoman stock and usually can be counted upon to give johnny foreigner a good drubbing whenever required.

And that's just the women.

Edited by the gent
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In my humble opinion, all these statistics are made to prove a point and are more often than not complete rubbish, and/or manipulated.

You can find negative things about any country. I prefer to look for the positive aspects of whichever place I visit or have made my residence, but you very rarely see statistics about that.

And one more thing, If you are ready to bash other countries than your own, you must accept that the favour might be returned.



Exactly, that's why my (obvious) tongue-in-cheek remark about Thai's in UK was made. Just waiting for a Thai-basher who lives here to jump on the band wagon. I'll have to change my bait though. That was far too easy. However, I still maintain that this is one of the safest feeling places I have ever lived in, in the World. Maybe because I get on with everybody, and here you actually have to do something wrong, or be a totally obnoxious or racist prat, to get set upon, where in England you can get set upon for no reason at all.

Edited by lampard10
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From the Times 2nd August.

It is better known for its ancient temples, beautiful beaches and mouth-watering cuisine, but Thailand is also the deadliest destination for British holidaymakers.

TAT slogan for 2008 UK Market " Amazing Thailand. It's reet Deadly "

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The world has to understand the the British have been responsable for these things for centuries,

I think you mean ENGLISH.

Wherever I go in the world it seems to be the Anglos who have upset the locals.........not the English Colonies.

The term "Britain" is an old Anglo Saxon word for English Colonies.

BTW, not sure if my original thread was killed because it made fun of the Anglos or because it mentioned that bad stuff does happen in Thailand (which I am prepared to accept it doesn't :o ).

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Exactly, that's why my (obvious) tongue-in-cheek remark about Thai's in UK was made. Just waiting for a Thai-basher who lives here to jump on the band wagon. I'll have to change my bait though. That was far too easy. However, I still maintain that this is one of the safest feeling places I have ever lived in, in the World. Maybe because I get on with everybody, and here you actually have to do something wrong, or be a totally obnoxious or racist prat, to get set upon, where in England you can get set upon for no reason at all.

I couldn't agree more.

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I must confess to a certain ambivalence concerning our British travelling untermensch. Appalling though their manners may be, they generally conform to a degree of civilised behaviour in which fairness usually predominates in the end. It's difficult to imagine any other society in the world able to produce such a peripatetic group of yobs with perhaps the exception of those emanating from the Antipodes. In that sense I suppose we should derive some pride and not seek to heap opprobrium upon those tattooed shoulders even though the odd cossetted overpaid consular official may seek to differ.

To wax lyrical, they are of proven stout yeoman stock and usually can be counted upon to give johnny foreigner a good drubbing whenever required.

And that's just the women.

Would your last name be Shakespear by any chance? :o

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I found the claim that Thailand is the deadliest place to visit for Brits measured as a % of visitors as surprising so I pulled up the summary report from the internet.

I discovered after 23 seconds of exhaustive research that the number of deaths reported for Brits in Thailand includes all those lost to the Tsunami.

I am applying to the Times and the other quality newspapers immediately for a post in their research depts. since they obviously don't have one.

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I found the claim that Thailand is the deadliest place to visit for Brits measured as a % of visitors as surprising so I pulled up the summary report from the internet.

I discovered after 23 seconds of exhaustive research that the number of deaths reported for Brits in Thailand includes all those lost to the Tsunami.

I am applying to the Times and the other quality newspapers immediately for a post in their research depts. since they obviously don't have one.

Proves the point I made earlier about statistics.

The outcome always depends on who instigated the stats and what they want to prove. :o


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