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Teen motorcyclist dies after being hit by truck at traffic stop

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

The accurate information as reported: The driver said "He was going to fast to stop in time".... 

See Richard, you are too dim to realize that this is a translation that has been deliberately “enhanced “ for readers like you who just accept.


Do you really think a Thai truck driver would speak English to a Thai policeman here? 

Please use your brain. 

Here is the original article that this story originated from.




NOWHERE a does it claim the driver said such a thing. He didn’t say it. In English or Thai.


Now I wouldn’t expect you to actually be able to read Thai despite living here for two decades.


So ask your Thai friend or wife to read it for you and you will see that he never said that at all. 

This site relies on revenue, by claiming such things it gets people like yourself to post more = more revenue. 

You have been sucked in Richie. Fell for it hook line and sinker.


Please fact check what I have just informed you with a Thai before continuing your rant about  what you THINK the driver actually said. 

You will see you are wrong again, not that you will admit it on here. You will go silent for a change.


To be clear the driver did not say he was “going too fast to stop in time” . It never happened.

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7 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Did the driver stop in Time ? or did he kill a young girl because he couldn't stop in time ?

Pretty hard to stop going downhill with no brakes in a gas tanker at an intersection that has had nearly 500 accidents in the last three years. 

So in summary here are my corrections for your errors

1) the girl was dragged

2) it was a gas tanker

3) brakes not speed 

4) girl was 16 not 17


if you need to know anything else feel free to ask me.

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6 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

Pretty hard to stop going downhill with no brakes in a gas tanker at an intersection that has had nearly 500 accidents in the last three years. 


Its not 'pretty hard' for vehicles to slow down which are not already speeding... 


This truck was speeding...  (speed limit was 45 kmh)....   


There was no mention of break failure - just that the truck failed to stop and killed the girl. 


6 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

So in summary here are my corrections for your errors


1) the girl was dragged - Though this was not mentioned in any reports the photos show that this could be the case - I'm not in disagreement with this.


2) it was a gas tanker - 10 wheel truck, Lorry, Gas Tanker etc...  pathetic petty semantics.


3) brakes not speed - Was brake failure reported ?...    the truck was speeding and could not stop in time - thats not brake failure, thats speeding with a heavy load.


4) girl was 16 not 17 - This thread states she was 17, others reports state she was 16 and M5, other reports state 16 and M4.



6 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

if you need to know anything else feel free to ask me.


Cute...   but no thanks - I don't refer to such flawed minds for advice or information. 



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11 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

Wrong again Dick. I have high lighted it for you in red from the Siam Rath report that the OP sort of translated.

i highlighted in green another error for you.


The driver mentioned brake failure, but never talked about speed. If he did please highlight where he did.

I copied and pasted what the driver actually said in the above post. Knowing that you wouldn’t be able to read Thai I even translated it for you.


i am surprised you didn’t ask a Thai to read it for you. That you didn’t, along with other things you seem to have no idea about makes me suspicious that you might just be a troll that is not even in Thailand 

or just someone who blindly believes everything they read on the internet 


RIP Pailin

16 is too young to die.





11 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

or just someone who blindly believes everything they read on the internet 


You mean like you are blindly believing everything you read on the internet ? (above sources)...



There are various sources - in one of them I've read the the girl is 16, in others she's 17, in some she's M4 in others M5 - the truth is in there somewhere, not that its a big deal - the girl was of legal riding age. 


In some reports there is no mention of brake failure, in others there is a mention that the driver did not flee and stayed around to inform the police of brake failure.... YET, strangely enough the brakes were able to work and the truck stoped 20m after impact (clearly the brakes did not fail)


.... Are you stupid enough to believe brake failure and not speeding ???



Additionally - in all the reports I've read it was stated that large trucks exceed the 45kmh speed limit at this junction (the intersection of Southern Road, 9.87 km mark).



You still think this was not speeding related ?



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On 8/20/2024 at 10:08 PM, MalcolmB said:

A lot of assumptions as usual. It was an accident, there was no intent to kill the kid.


There had been 494 accidents there over the last three years, one every two  days, maybe there is more to it than just blaming the truck driver who had the decency to stop and assist with enquiries.


And I doubt if a helmet would have done much being dragged  down the road under a ten wheeler gas truck.


RIP Pailin

16 is too young to die


I don't know how to formulate it in English/British legal terms, but even if there was no intent to kill the kid, the accident, as described, still amounts to a criminal manslaughter because of criminal negligence.

The driver of the truck knowingly took the risk of driving too fast and not being able to stop the truck in time - not, as required by traffic laws, if something unexpected happened to the vehicle in front - but even for a traffic light known to be there.

Thus the truck driver knowingly took the risk of killing someone - which is criminal negligence.


Second - "head injuries".
Several posters already asked if a helmet would have made a difference - possibly. We don't know.

BUT : If she wore no helmet, Thai authorities should send a message to everyone by finding out why she girl didn't wear a helmet. If parent knew she was driving without a helmet, they should be fined (symbolically).


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7 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

Pretty hard to stop going downhill with no brakes in a gas tanker at an intersection that has had nearly 500 accidents in the last three years. 


How steep was this hill you keep mentioning ???


I don't see any hill in the photos... 


Below is the google Maps street view of the the road leading up to the incident (about 100m before hand) and the site of the accident... 


And again - IF the truck had brake failure - how was it able to stop 20m after impact ????

We know the real answer - but you want to protect the truck driver for some reason, even though its obvious he was speeding through the red lights at the junction, not paying attention, didn't see the motorcyclist and killed her with his carelessness... the truck driver was probably high on Yaba...   just as bad as a drink driver.


No hills... so this idea of a lorry (sorry Gas Tanker) careening down a hillside out of control is flawed...  (what were you believing from the internet again ?)


Google Maps Location:






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32 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

You still think this was not speeding related ?

I wouldn’t know. I assume with nearly an accident there every two days on average the intersection design flaw is more to blame.


But I do know the driver never said the reason he hit the girl was that was because he was speeding. 

You see that you are wrong and are now trying to change your argument instead of thanking me for clearing it all up for you.


Could you provide the link for your claim that other reports said that the driver admitted to speeding? 


RIP Pailin

16 was too young.

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35 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

How steep was this hill you keep mentioning ???


I don't see any hill in the photos... 


Below is the google Maps street view of the the road leading up to the incident (about 100m before hand) and the site of the accident...

it was reported in the OP that is increasingly looking like a work of fiction.



On 8/20/2024 at 5:45 PM, snoop1130 said:

The driver claimed that he was coming down from a bridge


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8 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

I wouldn’t know. I assume with nearly an accident there every two days on average the intersection design flaw is more to blame.


The design looks similar to any other junction in Thailand...   Imagine they have similar accident rates - its down to the state of the drivers not wanting to stop for and speeding through red lights thats the issue.


8 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

But I do know the driver never said the reason he hit the girl was that was because he was speeding. 


Of course..  he said he couldn't stop (and the reason he couldn't stop is because he was speeding - if his brakes had failed, his truck would have been 100's of meters down the road, not just 20m)


8 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

You see that you are wrong and are now trying to change your argument instead of thanking me for clearing it all up for you.


I read here (Opening report)  that the truck driver stated he couldn't stop. 


The driver claimed that he was coming down from a bridge at high speed and couldn't stop at the red light.

As you pointed out - other Thai sources word this differently - there are also numerous other sources or rather, regurgitated altered, dramatised news reports that have cherry picked some information and fabricated other information.


8 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

Could you provide the link for your claim that other reports said that the driver admitted to speeding? 


You want a link that highlights the driver was speeding through an intersection and couldn't stop in time ??...    


Here it is >>>>  https://aseannow.com/topic/1336019-teen-motorcyclist-dies-after-being-hit-by-truck-at-traffic-stop/page/2/#comment-19171132

(also quoted above).


You have since argued that this translation is different from the Thai article you have read and seem to believe the Thai article is correct and any other article a fabrication or poor translation of the Thai Article...   Possible, or your article is simply missing information picked up by other articles you have not since located. 



Either way - the drive was speeding and couldn't stop in time for a red like, resulting in the death of an innocent motorcyclist - If the driver wasn't speeding, he coujld have stopped in time. 


Another alliterative, he was drunk or on drugs and didn't care to stop... 


The driving implying brake failure is an obvious lie. 








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11 minutes ago, surat04 said:

Google says 1.1km from bridge to intersection. That's enough time for anyone to stop.


Its actually 3.8km from the bridge to the intersection...  ( the intersection on which the incident occurred was to the north of the Bridge ).


As below - shows the 'bridge to intersection' - at the point of the intersection.

And - 'bridge to intersection' - at the point of the Bridge.


It can clearly be noted... the are no steep hills within at least 3.7km of the intersection. 

The driver of the 10 wheeled lorry (sorry, Gas Truck) was clearly lying (as can be expected).




Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 18.58.31.png

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

The driver of the 10 wheeled lorry (sorry, Gas Truck) was clearly lying (as can be expected).

I thought you said he admitted to speeding?????

Now he is a liar?


I am out of this one. I will let you continue arguing with yourself, but hope you seek the help you need.

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