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Are You Proud To Have A Thai Gf?


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Are you proud to have a Thai gf?

A great girlfriend needs to be sexually compatible with you. For instance, if you’re into S&M and she’s more the 'fluffy lingerie' type, that’s a big problem. The two of you have to be on the same page so to speak or, at least, she has to be willing to wear leather and use a whip from time to time. Of course, this doesn’t imply that she has to know all the right moves straight away; it simply means that you and she have an undeniable attraction toward each other, and are able to communicate your desires verbally (or with physical cues). It is important that you please each other in the bedroom, or on top of the dryer, whatever the case may be. Indeed I'm proud!

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i was proud of my thai g/f.......... up until i came home from work 10 minutes ago only to find the eyebrow treatment she begged me for was/is infact ######ing tattoo's....

ff's looks like a cheap slut from kings cross iam am pissed even moreso considering my baht paid for it.... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

No biggie. All the "nice" girls in my office (for example) have have their eyebrows done at one time or another. Thai ladies' eyebrows are usually quite faint and lack definition. After the initial tattooing swelling goes down, it looks ok. :o

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i was proud of my thai g/f.......... up until i came home from work 10 minutes ago only to find the eyebrow treatment she begged me for was/is infact ######ing tattoo's....

ff's looks like a cheap slut from kings cross iam am pissed even moreso considering my baht paid for it.... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

that sounds scary!


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My guess is that this is what the OP was alluding to:

In the context of farang land, for a man to be seen on the arm of a particularly attractive woman (the perfect 10 of the OP) is a sign of status -- because it is assumed that such attractive woman would have a lot of people to choose from, and one has to have exceptional qualities (money, looks, talent, humour, sexual prowess, charisma, kindness, etc) to win her over all the others courting her.

I'm not saying anything about the deep inner realities of any relationship -- just the very pragmatic question of value on the dating market.

But for a man to land a perfect 10 in Thailand means a lot less. There's a ton of them around, and the only quality needed to land one is to have money by third world standards -- which is a lot less money than an old, not-too-attractive man would need to land a 20 year old hottie back home. Yeah, Hugh Heffner is still f* Playboy models -- but he has a lot more money than your average LOS expat.

It's like asking: should I feel like hot sh* for getting into Harvard? If they are very selective -- maybe. If they'll take any warm body that turns up? Maybe not. :o

careful with the truth there canadiangirl. the truth can hurt a great majority of this forum

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Although I'm not at all that way inclined, to get an objective answer, you'd have to pose that question if I ever found myself in an all male environment with absolutely no contact to women because I might be forced into reconsidering which way to swing.

The millions of gay men and women around the world have already crossed this bridge, better to ask them.

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Are you proud to have a Thai gf?

That's kind of a self-answered question, isn't it? If I would be ashamed of my wife I doubt I'd be married.

No, the sad truth is that for many of us, had we stayed in our country of origin, we would either be sad single men with just our right hand for a weekend date, or we'd be lumbered with some over-weight plain Jane or maybe even worse! By coming here we're cheating the natural dating system which keeps a number 4 with his like equivalent.

No, I always had good looking girlfriends in "farangland". Some were a mistake and lost me a lot of money, others were great. Chances are if you're coming to Thailand to find a wife you'll pick the wrong one, but if you just live your life without looking, you might just find the right one.

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Quote..Yeah, Hugh Heffner is still f* Playboy models -- but he has a lot more money than your average LOS expat.

Speaking of this Playboy founder: Hugh Heffner, he just celebrating his 80th birthday not long ago.

At present, he has three beautiful young girlfriends- Holly, Brigit and Hendra, age 24,31 and 22 respectively living in the compound of his mansion.

Besides venturing into Playboy Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas recently, the one in Shanghai gets set to open next year.

Hugh Heffner's TV reality show on cable chanel E! "The Girls Next Door" features mainly on his 3 faverite bunnies, sometimes included many former Playboy playmates. It's really entertaining and fun to watch those gorgeous stunning bodies. :o

The show proofs highly successful. Hundreds of fans lined up for Holly-Brigit-Hendra at the Playboy's calender signing. :D

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im 23 years old im young looking im not ugly im ok i get alot of looks in thailand i have a thai gf (yes) But i can get a very good looking girl in england , SO why am i here becouse the way or life is better alot better the girls are nices not in looks they are always happy, ive had alot of gf's back in england they want alot of things house cars 3 kids, its alot to take on at 23 years old i like its in thailand, people are nice thats why im here, and i do like my gf alot but im the same as the first person to coment i will not walk all loved up hand in hand, becouse its just not how i am. Im happy to say ive got a thai gf very happy alot of my friends think shes a bar girl or something but they dont know nothing they never left the local town so who cares what they think. I say no matter if you are fat or ugly you can get any girl in the world if you are nice, my brother is not the best looking person hes big and not ugly but no brad pit he can get a girl any where on this planet they love him becouse hes dont care. So i the people who dont get a gf are people who really didnt try who say watching and place xbox all there life,.

And in all fairness big girls are the best not in looks but they are lovely girls not stuck up or anything, english lads go on any train or bus today or shopping center and look at the model looking girls they are stuck up they think they are so good, even if they did like me i would not care they are not nice people, the bigger girls are nice i can sit down have dinner with them and chat and have a good time. So be happy with who ever you get.

Edited by craigcp
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Typical English stereotype here. Blah, blah. Why is it that when I go out with my 26 year old wife and a child that we get stared at? I'm 31, btw. I love my wife and it doesn't matter where she would come from. It as if it's immoral here to have a good looking wife and a child. Yeah, when you see a 50 year old falang and 20 year of thai gf your guts start twisting, but then again english man would screw just about anything that moves after a few pints so it doesn't really matter. It gets a bit depressing here when your walking with your 9 months pregnant wife and bunch of jobos are trying to hit on her! Sorry but it my books that's quite disturbing.

Had girlfriends from Poland, Canada, India and Scotland, but my wife is the kindest and loving person I have been with. So you get the picture that it doesn't really matter where you come from. Don't really fancy overweight, pissed drunk and depressed English women sitting in pubs, eating crap and complaining how bad their lives are. In the meantime being completely disrespectful and highly demanding.

Well, that's my rant for a sunday morning.


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Yeah, when you see a 50 year old falang and 20 year of thai gf your guts start twisting

Why ?

If you met Rod Stewart out on the town with his latest 21 year old model Girlfriend would your guts start twisting, or would you ask him for his autograph and take a pic with him and go tell all your friends how you met Rod Stewart and what a great guy he was and lucky barsteward to have all those young women at his age.

Would you like to be able to get young women when you are 60 +....or will you only be sticking to pensioners cos you are afraid of what other people may think?

Edited by Maigo6
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I have the same response, usually, and unless I get to know the farang and thai girl in question I usually keep thinking that way.

but even bar girls can be gems sometimes. one of my good friends here is currently engaged to a former bar girl who was just in it becaus she had a rough period of her life... yeah. it took some serious doing on his part, he's a college student here and not super rich or anything, but they're happier together now than most farang-thai couples in thailand, I'd bet.

one of the things we farangs seem to have going for us is the fact that our standards of beauty are different than the thai standards. I've seen what in the west would be supermodel material be passed up by every thai guy they go after, simply because they don't look like the <moderately attractive but not super-hot> thai TV stars and singers and so on.

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Quote cantona777: Yeah, when you see a 50 year old falang and 20 year of thai gf your guts start twisting, but then again english man would screw just about anything that moves.................................

Is this not allowed then?

Sorry, I'll behave better next time I'm there.

Edited by qwertz
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Like many of the guys who have posted, I am extremely proud of my thai fiance. Anyone who knows the thai people will understand the immense warmth and personality that emanates from them. She has a masters degree and has never needed a falang guy to look after her. She has also had to deal with racial stereotypes with her own family and village people. I think the original post is slightly racist but I can also relate to it. I have yet to take her home to show her off to my mates and have done a little soul-searching about what their reactions will be. My mum and dad visited last month and love her to bits as does my best mate who visited last year. The whole idea of taking her home to do the whole " this is my gf" thing horrifies me however. I really think that as long as i'm happy and confident that we both love each other then that is all that matters. I have never had a problem getting white chicks but am really tired of their money grubbing ways, worse than thais i reckon, but that could just be previous experience talking.

If I go home and my friends sneer or think i'm an idiot then so be it. They can go back to their overpriced mortgage and I'll go back to the land of smiles secure in the knowledge that i am truly blessed to have found such a loving, forgiving and genuinely beautiful person.

I will NEVER, however, get used to her eating pocky,watching cartoons and giggling like a schoolgirl a 7 in the morning!

Don't you love a poster who despises racial stereotypes and labels white chicks as "money grubbing" Note to moderator....can we have a forum section for all the sad losers who keep telling us how they are a pulling machine in the Uk/US but have turning their backs on the desperate, fat arsed UK/US slags. God, the streets of the UK and US must be awash with women screaming and wailing at the loss of such prime british/american beef. NOT

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I read a comment on another Topic it wnet something like this "You can look at the menu but you better eat at home"

I am very happy to have a Thai wife I am very happy in LOS : I had UK wives and g/f but they dont have a chance with Thai ladies :

Plus we have a gorgeous daughter now

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Only referring to bargirl marriages and bargirl "serious" relationships:

Some farangs are proud of their (bar-girl) girlfriends/wives because these girls GENUINELY love their farang boyfriends/husbands and it's NOT for the money.

I think maybe 99% of these types of farangs all agree that 99% of bargirls marrying farangs are in it for the money, but these same farangs also believe that their own bargirl-wife/gf is the "special exception" to the rule and part of the enlightened 1%.

How can 99% be part of the 1%??? :D

*Ain't I being nice when I say 99%? At least I leave out a full 1% to accommodate those of us for whom it's it's really true love. :o

Edited by junkofdavid2
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It's like asking: should I feel like hot sh* for getting into Harvard? If they are very selective -- maybe. If they'll take any warm body that turns up? Maybe not. :o

careful with the truth there canadiangirl. the truth can hurt a great majority of this forum

haha...I saw a quote somewhere: (it's a bit pretentious, I'm afraid): "truth comes as a conqueror only to those who fail to welcome it as a friend." :D

If you love your wife/gf, then love her: who cares who other people think as long as you like her and she likes you? Just don't expect the rest of us to think you're hot shit for -- whoa -- picking up a poor girl in the Third World! It's not exactly rocket science. I mean, I could probably pick up a lot of these girls, if I were so inclined, and I don't even have a d*, just a wallet. :D

(oops, hope it's clear this is the rhetorical "you" not you personally, Fred!)

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Quote cantona777: Yeah, when you see a 50 year old falang and 20 year of thai gf your guts start twisting, but then again english man would screw just about anything that moves.................................

Is this not allowed then?

Sorry, I'll behave better next time I'm there.

Anything that moves?

Was that you I saw eyeing that baby elephant on Silom, qwertz? :o

Shame on you! :D

At least there's no chance of screwing the traffic in BKK -- it never moves! :D

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I'm happy to have a Thai wife. I can say that lately Thailand really seems to be overflowing with white guys walking around with Thai women. Some westerners come to find a wife, some meet a girl while travelling, some may use some type of service, some work here and marry one, and more and more nowadays guys are meeting through the net first then coming over to meet in person. As I wrote in another thread to meet it really is a craze of sorts. Is the Asian wife really about Thailand alone? Western men seeking something different are marry women from all over the world. I think its a lot bigger than Thailand. By the way most Americans don't know much about Thailand at all. They think Taiwan when someone says Thailand. But Thai food is has become popular in the last ten years and people have more access through the net to information.

A lot of guys will say that there is no issue if there is real love or understanding. I personally have one friend who is married to a Thai girl who is about 23 years younger.(33/55) They do look like an odd couple because of their age difference and size diffrence. They seem to have a loving relationship though, and the guy is basically poor. Marrying even this older poor farang has been a good thing for this girl. She's got her Bachelor's degree and is quite fluent in English now. I get the feeling from my friend that he really doesn't want to go back to Germany with her because of the way people would look at them. I know he is extremely proud of his wife though. As the western world is very good at putting people down, the two of them live happily here in LOS.

My wife is the same age as me. The odd thing about us is that she is tiny and I am a buffalo. I like to think of her as the bird on the buffalo's back. I do feel conscious about the fact that we look like an odd couple when we go back to the states but I think too much anyways. Those of us who are free from worrying about what others think are really the happiest people I'd say. Someday I hope to be one of those people too.

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