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Plastic on the world and absurdity in it


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Well you have to read this:



Great Pacific Garbage Patch Underwater


Look at the numbers of costs and time to clean !


to eliminate the Great Pacific Garbage Patch by 2034 ! eliminating the patch once and for all would cost a whopping $7.5 billion !

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a name given to an estimated 79,000 metric tons of plastic waste floating in the ocean in an area roughly twice the size of Texas.


And that is just one !


And then read on internet that we dump 9000000 TONS/year, we put back in the oceans again.

So for that company it is a perpetuum mobile in money, money keeps floating in year after year and getting higher !

Or did they already change, as now in Chili, there is a huge pile of clothes, old AND new, still yet clothes (plastic).

Guess it will not be long and other stuff will also be there.


I would suggest, we dont throw plastic in oceans and handle all on land. It would probably cost less and have other useful products by

processing it. Happily they found finally a profiting way in plastics. But of course, it has to bring in money. 

Maybe also with that, the amount dumped will grow less.

Well you never can tell. 


Did you know there is a plankton in the oceans creating oxygen for the world ! Not only trees are important for oxygen.

Weird so much upset about gasses in environment and almost nothing about plastics in oceans.

We just keep on pumping plastics in the oceans.


All the blades of windmills are composite plastics, they are already piling up, as they need to be replaced every now and then.

And those blades can be only 100 meters/piece long.


Why cant we refill boxes of our own, so less plastic is used?! Yha , you have to bring it with you then, but im willing to do so.

Dont we really need to change our ways with plastics?

See micro, nano plastics, they now can be find anywhere in your food and drinks. Some blood veins blocking eventually?

Why would you bother taking statines (poison) for lowering cholesterol?

Babies, getting mother milk are already poisoned with it, as mom has it in body ! And mom thinking she is doing right.  

It looks like we are on a road to nowhere. 



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