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Pro Trump Electors Planning To Block Election Results


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Of all the underhanded things that Trump is already doing behind the scenes to try and steal the election when he loses to Harris, this one is the most concerning. It seems his focus is now less about campaigning and trying to win fairly and more about trying to hi-jack and subvert the whole election process.

States like Georgia and Pennsylvania, with pro-Trump election officials now in place, and voting laws being changed last minute to give them overreaching powers, could refuse to submit their election counts and, thus block providing vote certifications from their states. This unscrupulous conspiracy could potentially delay the counting of the final election results for months and eventually push certification of the election to the Supreme Court. This would then place the fate of the election results into the hand's of Trump's own appointed Supreme Court justices. 

I'm sure the rule of law will prevail on this in the end, and those states would end up getting removed from the whole electoral college vote process if they refuse to submit their election results on time. But the fact that Trump has the means of potentially fragmenting the US presidential electoral process again, or attempting to even stage something like this, brings his level of deception and criminality to a whole nother new high.

I still don't understand how anybody in power in government related to the election process would still be willing to commit criminal acts on Trump's behalf, seeing how so many of Trump's henchmen already ended up paying such a large price for their involvement with Trump when trying to illegally overthrow the election results back in 2020.

Guess there is really no end to the number of people willing to act criminally on Trump's behalf. But Trump has never cared about winning or succeeding in an honest way. His whole life has only been about trying to get anything he wants by any and all means of hook and crook. So this is just more part and parcel of how he has done things his whole life. 



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