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Stickman Reports Bkk 1st World Prices, 3rd World Quality


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I think some people are missing the point. The OP said stickman compares the priceing to the quality. You can get things cheap, but theres not the same quality. You can get a cheap taxi in los, but some are old and they dont have the same safety standards os seatbelts etc. Half of them dont even know the roads. Same with the food, you can get cheap food, but theres no health and safety etc. You cant compare noodles from a rusty old cart to uk or us prices. Hotels are getting more expensive and dont have fire escapes or smoke alarms. Some are comparing London rents with Bkk rents. Thats ludicrous. In London you could earn an almost unlimited salary and have all the culture and world class entertainment you could wish for. As he said.... Ist world prices for third world quality. Go for the same quality as your home country and Thailand could work out nearly as expensive. IMHO

What a load of old codswallop.

I've been taking taxis here everyday for 3 years - maybe once or twice have I been in one where the driver didn't know where to go. The taxis are dirt cheap here and most of them are very clean.

You say there are no fire alarms or fire exits in hotels in Bangkok? You ever stayed in a hotel here? Or are you referring to a 100baht a night slum?

Foreigners who live in Thailand don't all earn 30,000 baht a month. We aren't all bums or on pitiful teachers salaries barely able to get by; we own international companies or do business worldwide. I own very nice property in London and I get far better value for money here in Bangkok than I can get in London. The quality and value I get here in the high quality restaurants and hotels is outstanding - as good as anything I experience in London, New York, Paris or Rio, and FAR better value for money.


Its you thats talking codswallop. As usual. You dont get hotels for 100bht in Bkk. Ive stayed in the majestic , the nana , the dynasty inn and the swiss grottino. Only the grottino had sprinklers and smoke alarms.

Have you ever tried pointing to a place on a map and asking the taxi driver to take you there. I think most of them cant read maps. In london they have to do the knowledge, which I believe can take up to two years. Ive never had a taxi with a seatbelt that works in Bkk, and I doubt if there any safety checks or that the passengers are insured. They are cheap, but its for a 3rd world level of service.

I doubt that you get an equal quality of restaurant in Bkk that you do in Paris or London. Not top end restaurants. You get the worlds best michelin starred chefs in those two cities. Not that I dine in those places, but get your facts straight.

Can you ever post without trying to boast about your" superb luxury lifestyle" or "international businesses". Nobody is interested or even believes you.

And dont assume everyone is " a bum or ptifull teacher" ( YOUR words) What an arrogant thing to say. Those teachers probably do thailand a lot more good than you do. You are an arrogant <deleted>.

Ahhh you refer to the Nana Hotel as your 'hotel'.

You say you've never eaten in BKK's great restaurants. Maybe if you actually DID, you'd see they were as good quality as great places in NY, Paris and London.

I don't assume 'everyone' is a bum; but if the Nana Hotel is where you like to sleep for the night why stereotype yourself at a lowlife sex-pat?

As for taxis and pointing to a map, why not speak to them in even basic Thai? It happens to be the language they know, being this is Thailand.

I'm not boasting about my 'luxury' lifestyle; I am just pointing out that not every falang is in Thailand stays in sex-hotels, can't speak even a little Thai to use a taxi without problems, and actually can afford to eat all the time in some of the finest restaurants in Asia. Those of you who have to live here on 30,000 a month always bitch and moan that Thailand is an awful place to live. If its so bad, why do you stay?

Keep the hard-done-by moaning coming, it makes reading TV really worthwhile. :D

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You say you've never eaten in BKK's great restaurants. Maybe if you actually DID, you'd see they were as good quality as great places in NY, Paris and London.

Unless you are only refering to Thai restaurants, this is complete load of s****! :o

Here's three for you I've been to in the past few weeks: Le Normandie, Le Vendome, and Le Banyan.

Le Banyan was especially good. As good food as anything I've had in London, Paris or HK.

Have any of you whingers actually dined there? Or did the 'no flip-flops' sign (and the need for a clean shirt and tie at the Oriental) prevent you getting inside?


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I LOVE good restaurants and eat out three times a day, but, over many years, have never found one non-Thai restaurant in Bangkok that approached the quality of the same type of food in one of the better restaurants in San Francisco - where I lived for many years.

Not ONE! :o

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I LOVE good restaurants and eat out three times a day, but, over many years, have never found one non-Thai restaurant in Bangkok that approached the quality of the same type of food in one of the better restaurants in San Francisco - where I lived for many years.

Not ONE! :o

Don't you live in Chiang Mai?

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Bangkok is getting like London, Sticks right about the pricing thing, but thats why I usually stay the hel_l away Bangkok :D

I cant think of anything that i pay for when in Thailand that compares with the prices i pay in London , the only and nearest thing i can think of is a cup of starbucks coffee and i think its 30/50 percent cheaper in Thailand to uk .


Ps i think some people just like to complaine about everything like my next door neigbour that complained about the birds singing in the trees :D:D

Well alcohol in (most) bars is more expensive or the same price as in the UK when you consider that they are mostly sold in small bottles. If you consider the average pint of beer is between 2.30 - 2.60 GBP and the same quantity of beer in TL over 3 squid. However it is usually higher percentage. Anyway what do I care as I cant even afford to go out drinking here in the UK anyway, never mind get on a plane to BKK :o Sob !

PS : I must be an irritable sod too coz if I had a shotgun last time I lived in BKK I would have used it on this particular bird that woke me up every morning around 5am with the loudest continual squawk you have ever heard ! And considering I donate to different animal charities..............

OK compare a bottle of Becks in UK with a bottle of Chang in Issan

or Chang with Chang

or Singha with Singha

If you want to get drunk compare Khao Lao with Black Label

Item by unrealted item just doesn't work

Try sex - and then compare the price - and the service and VFM

try average daily temperature

Price of diesel




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I LOVE good restaurants and eat out three times a day, but, over many years, have never found one non-Thai restaurant in Bangkok that approached the quality of the same type of food in one of the better restaurants in San Francisco - where I lived for many years.

Not ONE! :o

Well, as an ex-San Franciscan I get with your point.

But I can think of at least one exception. Indian food. I like buffets and the Indian food at the Sunday buffets at both the Holiday Inn Silom and the Rembrandt Hotel Sukhumvit compare favorably to the better San Francisco Indian restaurants (which are also excellent).

I also don't think it is an exaggeration to say that both San Francisco and New York are two of the top restaurant cities in the world. I don't think Bangkok is in their league yet, except for Thai food of course.

Edited by Jingthing
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I LOVE good restaurants and eat out three times a day, but, over many years, have never found one non-Thai restaurant in Bangkok that approached the quality of the same type of food in one of the better restaurants in San Francisco - where I lived for many years.

Not ONE! :o

Well, as an ex-San Franciscan I get with your point.

But I can think of at least one exception. Indian food. I like buffets and the Indian food at the Sunday buffets at both the Holiday Inn Silom and the Rembrandt Hotel Sukhumvit compare favorably to the better San Francisco Indian restaurants (which are also excellent).

I also don't think it is an exaggeration to say that both San Francisco and New York are two of the top restaurant cities in the world. I don't think Bangkok is in their league yet, except for Thai food of course.

We pretty much agree 100%, however, I have never been able to find really good Indian food in Bangkok. I will have to try both of your recomendations.

Thank you! :D

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I just read Stickman's weekly Stickmark II column. He has a review in many categories and concludes that Bangkok prices are reaching unrealistic levels. Combined with the dollar exchange rate I suppose it's time to realize that Thailand is just not cheap anymore; not for tourists, not for expats.

Personally, I'm not very good about watching the budget, but now that I think about it, I have really been running through the cash monthly lately.

So, welcome all to the new upscale expensive Asian destination: Thailand!

* as Stickman is a member on this forum, please do correct me if I mis-stated any conclusions on your website.

Agreed. Quality will always be low and good service lacking in Thailand.

The prices are same as in the west so the baht has no choice but to head toward 50 in the next few years.

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I think some people are missing the point. The OP said stickman compares the priceing to the quality. You can get things cheap, but theres not the same quality. You can get a cheap taxi in los, but some are old and they dont have the same safety standards os seatbelts etc. Half of them dont even know the roads. Same with the food, you can get cheap food, but theres no health and safety etc. You cant compare noodles from a rusty old cart to uk or us prices. Hotels are getting more expensive and dont have fire escapes or smoke alarms. Some are comparing London rents with Bkk rents. Thats ludicrous. In London you could earn an almost unlimited salary and have all the culture and world class entertainment you could wish for. As he said.... Ist world prices for third world quality. Go for the same quality as your home country and Thailand could work out nearly as expensive. IMHO

What a load of old codswallop.

I've been taking taxis here everyday for 3 years - maybe once or twice have I been in one where the driver didn't know where to go. The taxis are dirt cheap here and most of them are very clean.

You say there are no fire alarms or fire exits in hotels in Bangkok? You ever stayed in a hotel here? Or are you referring to a 100baht a night slum?

Foreigners who live in Thailand don't all earn 30,000 baht a month. We aren't all bums or on pitiful teachers salaries barely able to get by; we own international companies or do business worldwide. I own very nice property in London and I get far better value for money here in Bangkok than I can get in London. The quality and value I get here in the high quality restaurants and hotels is outstanding - as good as anything I experience in London, New York, Paris or Rio, and FAR better value for money.


Its you thats talking codswallop. As usual. You dont get hotels for 100bht in Bkk. Ive stayed in the majestic , the nana , the dynasty inn and the swiss grottino. Only the grottino had sprinklers and smoke alarms.

Have you ever tried pointing to a place on a map and asking the taxi driver to take you there. I think most of them cant read maps. In london they have to do the knowledge, which I believe can take up to two years. Ive never had a taxi with a seatbelt that works in Bkk, and I doubt if there any safety checks or that the passengers are insured. They are cheap, but its for a 3rd world level of service.

I doubt that you get an equal quality of restaurant in Bkk that you do in Paris or London. Not top end restaurants. You get the worlds best michelin starred chefs in those two cities. Not that I dine in those places, but get your facts straight.

Can you ever post without trying to boast about your" superb luxury lifestyle" or "international businesses". Nobody is interested or even believes you.

And dont assume everyone is " a bum or ptifull teacher" ( YOUR words) What an arrogant thing to say. Those teachers probably do thailand a lot more good than you do. You are an arrogant <deleted>.

Ahhh you refer to the Nana Hotel as your 'hotel'.

You say you've never eaten in BKK's great restaurants. Maybe if you actually DID, you'd see they were as good quality as great places in NY, Paris and London.

I don't assume 'everyone' is a bum; but if the Nana Hotel is where you like to sleep for the night why stereotype yourself at a lowlife sex-pat?

As for taxis and pointing to a map, why not speak to them in even basic Thai? It happens to be the language they know, being this is Thailand.

I'm not boasting about my 'luxury' lifestyle; I am just pointing out that not every falang is in Thailand stays in sex-hotels, can't speak even a little Thai to use a taxi without problems, and actually can afford to eat all the time in some of the finest restaurants in Asia. Those of you who have to live here on 30,000 a month always bitch and moan that Thailand is an awful place to live. If its so bad, why do you stay?

Keep the hard-done-by moaning coming, it makes reading TV really worthwhile. :D

Wrong on every point. Your english comprehension is about as good as my thai.

I only stayed at the Nana on my first visit to Bkk. Now I stay at the Swiss Grottino. Its not a "sextourist" hotel.

Im not a sexpat. You should have realised that when I said I stay in hotels. Expats usually live in condos or houses.

I didnt say Thailand was an awful place to live. I even said that the quality of life is better there.

I meant that I didnt eat at Londons best restaurants. Partly because I dont live in London. What I said was that some worldsfinest chefs are in London and Paris, which are two of the cities you said Bkk was equal in quality to.

Who said anything about living on 30,000 bht a month? Where did you pluck that from? If you thought I was a sexpat and lived in the Nana Hotel, wouldnt that cost more than 30,000 a month. You write insulting rubbish without even thinking first. I dont think you can post without calling someone a lowlife.

The "superb luxury lifestyle" I referred to, was from one of your previous posts when you were regaling us all about how splendid you are. Not.

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In most european country's they would have right of way according the traffic laws.

Well, they ain't in Kansas now Toto... :o

Also, they ain't in NYC neither.

One section of Queen Blvd in the Queen Borough where there are more Asian immigrants live, is called "Boulevard of Death" This infamoused name started after so many Asians got killed while crossing the 12 lanes wide.

Not a single driver yet had been charged.

Most victims didn't follow the rules of traffice. Polices found in all the case (from witnessed ) drivers had a right-of-way.

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Some of the best chefs from Europe and North America are in Thailand.


Some come and visit for short periods of times to cook at big hotels, but they can't duplicate the fantastic foods they make at home because it is impossible to get the same quality of ingredients here. They do their best under the circumstaces.

What I find strange is that Western food at the best restaurants in Vietnam is MUCH better than Thailand even though the economy and infrastructure is way behind. They have some AMAZING restaurants of all different cuisines there that could compete with Paris, San Francisco or New York, but at very reasonable prices. :o

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Some of the best chefs from Europe and North America are in Thailand.


Some come and visit for short periods of times to cook at big hotels, but they can't duplicate the fantastic foods they make at home because it is impossible to get the same quality of ingredients here. They do their best under the circumstaces.

What I find strange is that Western food at the best restaurants in Vietnam is MUCH better than Thailand even though the economy and infrastructure is way behind. They have some AMAZING restaurants of all different cuisines there that could compete with Paris, San Francisco or New York, but at very reasonable prices. :o

Impossible to get the same quality ingredients here(Bangkok) but they are available in Vietnam?

Nonsense. In fact, the imported supplies going to Vietnam land in Bangkok first...

I'm a winemaker and have lots of Chef friends.

My passion is good food and I eat out allot.

Bangkok is one of the best food cities in the world.

To say you can get a good meal in Paris, New York, San Fran and Vietnam but not in Bangkok is nonsense.

Try this place and report back here please:

Le Beaulieu. Master chef Hervé Frerard.

Way down Sukhumvit Soi 19.

As good as any place in France.

Lots more like this in Bangkok too, run by passionate professionals from all over the globe.

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