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How-to: How to know your GF's skin color. Which 3 colors good for your next GF?


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Dear Friends,


When we go on sites such as Tinder, we are mostly judging our next prospective GF by looks, and pretty much looks only.


Also, since we know that RACE is now unscientific, and that there is NO SCIENTIFIC BASIS for any racially-based categorization of people, then we need to choose our GFs based on properties such as cultural attributes, and probably shades of skin color, too.  Not to mention, we also choose based on the SMILE, especially since we are in Thailand.


By the way…I, for once, agree with Google’s AI when it coughs-up something like this:



In addition, each to his or her own. And, each of us has color preferences, which is nothing to be embarrassed about.  Even theater-goers have their preferences, such as….this example here:



But how are we to QUANTIFY these skin-color preferences?  Well, thankfully, the Pantone Company provides us with a Color Book, so that we can know what our own skin color might be.  This costs a lot of money, however.  And so, you might want to find a cheaper way to quantify your skin color, and the three colors of skin that you are most seeking.



Of course, after a few weeks of living with your new GF, or especially if you marry her, skin color will be on the bottom of the hierarchy of her most important attributes.  So, essentially, I am just saying that skin color matters, almost…NOT AT ALL…and…


I am sure that you will agree.


Best regards,



NOTE4:  In the near future, maybe within the decade, we will be able to order Robot-GFs (and no, I do not mean robotic-GFs or wives, which some of you already have).


And, within the decade, some of you with enough disposable income will be able to afford a GF that has all of the properties that you most desire.  Some of you will want GFs, the likes of which have never before walked on Planet Earth….maybe something like this.



What do you think?

Is It attractive?


I think It is beautiful, in fact.

I think It is one girl that I could actually grow to love.

Hopefully, within the decade, my days of enforced celibacy will be at an end…




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I forgot to mention in the original post one important aspect of this question:


Being a Futurist, it seems almost inevitable that the ongoing trend of radically altering one's appearance will continue into the next few decades.


These days, few young people seem entirely satisfied with what the The Good Lord originally gave them.


Anyone strolling in Modern Manhattan will see thousands on the street showing off a rainbow of hair colors, shiny gold and  silver piercings, and teeth filed to sharp points.


Body Image for the modern and hip has already changed, and it is now acceptable to EXPRESS YOURSELF.


I recall that Eric Burdon, another famous Futurist, first sang about this phenomenon back in 1970:


He said...

"I was taken to a place
The hall of the mountain kings
I stood high by the mountain tops
Naked to the world
In front of
Every kind of girl"


And then he said....

"There was long ones, tall ones, short ones, brown ones
Black ones, round ones, big ones, crazy ones
Out of the middle, came a lady
She whispered in my ear
Something crazy"


He knew....HE REALLY KNEW!!!!

He knew what most of us did not, back then at the close of the 60s.


And he predicted girls like this:



Just listen in case you did not know:


You might think that you, EVEN YOU, are not already habituating to the exciting sights of multicolored people you now see everyday, and their numbers are increasing almost exponentially.


But you would be wrong.

The normalizing of these new color experiences will get to you, too.

And, someday soon, you will be less than satisfied and fulfilled without a taste of a woman who appears a bit more exotic than the norm, and the norm is now way out-of-sight!

Outta Sight, Man!


So this is the reason for this Topic.

Just to get you guys thinking about what colors you might wish to try, next time.

And we do not need to limit ourselves to traditional skin-tones of the past century, either.

The sky is the limit?

No, there IS NO limit !!!


I am looking forward to the next decade, and toward seeing what I can see.


Prepare yourselves, is all that I am cautioning.


And, never be critical of what you, yourselves, may not understand...!!!









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