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I never thought I would make one of these threads but right now I really need the support. I've just finished with my tha gf over the phone 10,000km away. I found out after being home 5 months and only a week before I was set to return she had be sleeping around and even emailing her ex bf about how she loved him. I don't believe her letters to him were anymore real than those to me. I think she truely believed in her head that she wasn't doing any wrong. Right now I'm really trying to keep my chin up and look forward to what would otherwise be a once in a lifetime trip. I know for certain the 1st thing I'll do is head over to kpg and see her depite her calls for me to never see her again. I am angry for that she has done to me but I'm more angry that she has been so supid. If she was just in it to find a husband to take care of her and her family she was going about it all wrong (I never gave her any money), if she was playing the very long con why would she mess it up by sleeping around. When she talked to me I don't feel she even recognised she was in the wrong. I feel like she is wasting her life moving from one bf to the next then always screwing him over without having anything to show for it in the end.

The worst of it is all my friends over there are her friends much more than they are mine and I really fear I'm just going to be lonely. Basically, I just want to hear from someone that I will have a great time and meet loads of new friends and hopefully a good girl to look after me and not spend what should be the best time of my life wallowing in some dingy bungalow. I think I definately need to learn how to ride a motorbike to get around or else I'll be in the same place all the time (are they easy to lear?, she always drove me around before).

Stupid ######ing thread I know and the biggest cliche possible (except the money and thai bf) but I needed to do it.

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Not an expert. But by reading your post, I have to say; stay away from her and don’t visit her. Go somewhere else and have a "...once in a lifetime trip"...

Best of luck.

I never thought I would make one of these threads but right now I really need the support. I've just finished with my tha gf over the phone 10,000km away. I found out after being home 5 months and only a week before I was set to return she had be sleeping around and even emailing her ex bf about how she loved him. I don't believe her letters to him were anymore real than those to me. I think she truely believed in her head that she wasn't doing any wrong. Right now I'm really trying to keep my chin up and look forward to what would otherwise be a once in a lifetime trip. I know for certain the 1st thing I'll do is head over to kpg and see her depite her calls for me to never see her again. I am angry for that she has done to me but I'm more angry that she has been so supid. If she was just in it to find a husband to take care of her and her family she was going about it all wrong (I never gave her any money), if she was playing the very long con why would she mess it up by sleeping around. When she talked to me I don't feel she even recognised she was in the wrong. I feel like she is wasting her life moving from one bf to the next then always screwing him over without having anything to show for it in the end.

The worst of it is all my friends over there are her friends much more than they are mine and I really fear I'm just going to be lonely. Basically, I just want to hear from someone that I will have a great time and meet loads of new friends and hopefully a good girl to look after me and not spend what should be the best time of my life wallowing in some dingy bungalow. I think I definately need to learn how to ride a motorbike to get around or else I'll be in the same place all the time (are they easy to lear?, she always drove me around before).

Stupid ######ing thread I know and the biggest cliche possible (except the money and thai bf) but I needed to do it.

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Mate, forget KPG, go elsewhere, plenty of islands and women in Thailand, go and explore them.

The worst of it is all my friends over there are her friends much more than they are mine and I really fear I'm just going to be lonely.

Make new friends.

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Welcome to the world.

I did all Thailand on a motor bike my first trip while keeping my head down during my divorce in England.

Just one word of caution, learn how to drive properly, preferably with a tutor and learn something about maintaining the things, the Thais aren't too fussy about safety.

As for the girl, live and learn, there's always another.

Hope you don't get hurt on your travels, from girls or bikes.

Get back there and give 'em hel_l.

P.S. Drop that woman if you haven't already.

Edited by qwertz
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I think you are getting very good advice take your holiday and enjoy it ! I also believe that the key was in your post (I never gave her any money) her friends would have called her a Buffalo. Why wait for him? But dont worry you are best away from her I feel in the end you would still be hurt :o

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Same as the others. Don't go anywhere near KPG. There are plenty of other gorgeous places in Thailand to visit. I'm sure you'll find a girl, or several, to show you around & help you enjoy yourself. Explore, relax & have fun with good company. Put your experience down to a life lesson - but remember to learn from it. Why do you need to see your (her) old friends? Make new ones that are solely yours. Good luck :o

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You advise him to read a work of fiction? :D

Nice to see you back, Maigo :bah: . Does that mean you're not here anymore? :D Hope you had a good time & I await the start of the bashing with bated breath... :D:D

Hi Rainy,

Yes I'm back at work now, I had nearly 7 weeks at home so it wasn't too bad a break, yeah I had a good time, thanks.

Let the games begin! :o

Edited by Maigo6
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Same advice as everyone else. Leave all & any thoughts of her behind in a box which you bury in the garden :o . Get on the plane telling yourself this is the first day of the rest of your life. Explore new places. You don't need a bike. Hop on some buses, armed with a dictionary & mix with the locals. Get a train to Chiang Mai. Tour the North. Know you can have a wonderful time just being with yourself, and whatever else may happen is delightfully unknown.

All the best for a fantastic trip :D !

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I never thought I would make one of these threads but right now I really need the support. I've just finished with my tha gf over the phone 10,000km away. I found out after being home 5 months and only a week before I was set to return she had be sleeping around and even emailing her ex bf about how she loved him. I don't believe her letters to him were anymore real than those to me. I think she truely believed in her head that she wasn't doing any wrong. Right now I'm really trying to keep my chin up and look forward to what would otherwise be a once in a lifetime trip. I know for certain the 1st thing I'll do is head over to kpg and see her depite her calls for me to never see her again. I am angry for that she has done to me but I'm more angry that she has been so supid. If she was just in it to find a husband to take care of her and her family she was going about it all wrong (I never gave her any money), if she was playing the very long con why would she mess it up by sleeping around. When she talked to me I don't feel she even recognised she was in the wrong. I feel like she is wasting her life moving from one bf to the next then always screwing him over without having anything to show for it in the end.

The worst of it is all my friends over there are her friends much more than they are mine and I really fear I'm just going to be lonely. Basically, I just want to hear from someone that I will have a great time and meet loads of new friends and hopefully a good girl to look after me and not spend what should be the best time of my life wallowing in some dingy bungalow. I think I definately need to learn how to ride a motorbike to get around or else I'll be in the same place all the time (are they easy to lear?, she always drove me around before).

Stupid ######ing thread I know and the biggest cliche possible (except the money and thai bf) but I needed to do it.

Iwould say here lies some of the problem"(I never gave her any money)",/however i was giving one 50000 a month and she still did it,move on, i did ,it it was a lesson about selection, there are many places to meet beautiful women in thailand, my advise, dont let them pull you,.it never ceases to amaze me the types that some westeners will take up with ,in pattaya i see men with what can only be described as the last girl in the bar and probably a cleaner !,.40 or so years old,pace yourself ,you will find one, we learn lessons along the way but hopefully it wil turn out alright in the end,good luck and dont mope over it, there are plenty more !
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I think your solution of learning to ride a motor bike so you can get around will perhaps solve all your problems in life for once an for all. LOS is an absolute learner's paradise for learning to ride ! :o

Learn to ride through temporary set-backs but don't become bitter. She was always driving and taking you for a ride so keep well away. Don't bleed for too long. She wasn't worth it.

Go somewhere else. Try Koh Samet, only a few hours out of Bangkok. You don't need a motorbike as there aren't any roads.

Take a good novel and enjoy the two great discos, Naga and Silversand. See ya' there tomorrow!


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Best of luck to you. You definitely want to stay away from her and her area. For your own safety, don't get messed up in some love triangle and end a statistic. People here lose face easily and confrontation isn't a good thing. Even those most sensible attempt at bringing closure to the relationship could end up with you getting hurt.

It's a big country and there are a lot of places to see and enjoy. Just not that one.

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So you have or had a TGF from across the world ? Was it a 2 week holiday followed by months apart ? Was she a working girl ?

Sorry but I never fail to be amazed by people who think they have a girlfriend when all they really had was a holiday romance or a paid for hooker.

If it was more, how did you think it was going to work what with you being on the other side of the world ? How often did you anticipate being able to see her each year ? How realistic were you being ?

Get over it, go get drunk and wake up in the bed of another one.

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when someone is single, they have the right to talk to anyone. that is the nature of being single.

even if you give someone 50,000 baht a month, they are still single.

have you heard of the term, possessive? you don't own human beings. you don't buy people.

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So you have or had a TGF from across the world ? Was it a 2 week holiday followed by months apart ? Was she a working girl ?

Sorry but I never fail to be amazed by people who think they have a girlfriend when all they really had was a holiday romance or a paid for hooker.

If it was more, how did you think it was going to work what with you being on the other side of the world ? How often did you anticipate being able to see her each year ? How realistic were you being ?

Get over it, go get drunk and wake up in the bed of another one.

Did you read his heading for this post ? ..........not everyone is as smart as you and if hes a greenhorn ( which it seems ) then he has made a mistake, thats all ,.if you never made one along the way thts really good, but i doubt it,.......lighten up.hes after help not criticsm
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when someone is single, they have the right to talk to anyone. that is the nature of being single.

even if you give someone 50,000 baht a month, they are still single.

have you heard of the term, possessive? you don't own human beings. you don't buy people.

Have i missed something here ? i thought he said she was sleeping around, not talking, there is a subtle difference, in social intercourse and sexual intercourse,.these types of girls are good for one thing, and we all know that but not at first, hes learnt a lesson, ,he will get over it and hopefuly benefit from it,. Edited by mikethevigoman
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Give her 10 million baht and make her rich. Then start the relation again and see if it works better.
Im absolutly convinced that if you gave one of these bg sorts a million dollars she would think to herself,if he can afford to give me one mill have must have more and she would go after that!,.no matter what you give it will not bring faithfulness or love,,you will always have a rent a wife, .
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Give her 10 million baht and make her rich. Then start the relation again and see if it works better.
Im absolutly convinced that if you gave one of these bg sorts a million dollars she would think to herself,if he can afford to give me one mill have must have more and she would go after that!,.no matter what you give it will not bring faithfulness or love,,you will always have a rent a wife, .

Yes sorta like Anna Nicole Smith, and much happiness it brought her too.



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IMO, Private Dancer is not so much a work of fiction as a jaundiced personal view of all the mistakes you can make in a relationship.

The OP should read it as it might help him more than some of the posts in this thread.

Why is that the very people who might have some real advice to offer send the most negative posts?

Give the guy a break and send him some helpful input why don't you?

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