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Road Safety in Thailand – a summary of Perceptions and Reality
Aasdly drinving mileage doesn't improve your ability to analyse what your see. -
Your most beloved VAMP of all time...Any type, genre, or gender: Your vote?
They do count, if you say they do. Of course they do. -
Russia’s economy is doomed
She/He's a Russian/Communist apologist. Its instinctual with her/him The study of military psychiatry is very complex, and, really, desertion rates have to be analysed in the context of the war. My grandfather was at the fall of Singapore. Based on what he saw there, he was disgusted with the behaviour of the Australian troops. He saw them throwing away their rifles and stripped of uniform. That's the fog of war, because what he didn't realise was that the Aussies without uniforms were part of a rearguard action in Malaya, who bought some time, and ended up swimming over to Singapore. The soldiers he saw fleeing were newly arrived reinforcements; kids with barely any training. The first time they held a rifle was in Singapore. In Australia, they drilled with sticks, such was the haste and shortage of troops in response to the debacle. But he was not to know that. An excellent analysis in Army Review, though its probably dated a bit https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/Military-Review/English-Edition-Archives/May-June-2024/MJ-24-Will-to-Fight/ Notably the Russian apologist might want to review: Some interesting expert viewpoints on Russian Barrier Troop deployments in Southern Ukraine: https://www.forcesnews.com/video?video=52716&category=4812&playlist=&videoId=6355766821112&page=17 -
Is the Tax compliance going to be linked to Visa issuance ?
I don't think so. How many LTR visa holders have you met who are disappointed with their visa? -
A death sentence for some
Please check your facts before making misleading statements. The US doesn't come close to being the biggest contributer on a per capita basis https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/foreign-aid-given-per-capita
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