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Discussion Groups - Thursday, Aug. 16

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For those who were Thaivisa members last year, you might remember that I was running discussion groups meetings. I am back in Chiang Mai and will run similar events for the next 5 months. Time has passed and I have made some changes to how things will take place. Essentially, I will not run the show, but the members will. I think this will be better for all involved.

The goals of the meetings are to allow people to talk in English and to meet people face to face (something which could be difficult for newcomers). It is also a venue to allow Thai people or non-English-speakers to practise speaking English. It is also a good place for all people to assess their culture, their feelings, and/or their thoughts about Thailand or not, face to face.

So, for the new members, what are those Discussion Groups meetings about? Well! It is nothing revolutionary really and the name says what it is. It is a place (usually a cafe or restaurant, but it could be a park,...) where a group of people meets in small groups to talk about one particular topic. It is a bit like a philosopher's cafe without the pretenciousness that such a term carries and the conduct or thoughts that one would need to have. It is free (except for the food or drinks that members like to order in whatever venue the meeting takes place). It is open to everyone, but if you are not fluent in English I ask you let the organizer know so that maybe you can be put in groups of people of the same level of fluency. This is open to Thai people by the way too. In the past, I suggested the location, the topic, the format, the date and time. This year I would like to innovate by engaging the participants more (in fact, almost completely). Using Google calendar, I am hoping that this time participants will schedule the meetings at the place of their own choosing, on their schedule (time/date), about the topic they desire to broach, and in whatever format they want.

Traditionally, I have suggested a small group format, so that people could do more talking than listening. But, of course, this will be totally at the organizing participant's discretion. I have suggested in the past venues that are quiet and where the owner of the place is in agreement with what is going on. I don't foresee any changes there as owners usually welcome the added business. Topics were of my interest and, although I tried to cater to all needs and interests, I probably did not! One member suggested that weekly meetings were too numerous, I will leave this for members to decide.

So, if this has piqued your curiosity, message me and I will give you all the information needed.

Our first meeting will be informal and will not have specific topics. Rather, it will be a time for all participants to reconnect and new ones to be known and know others. It will take place on Thursday, Aug. 16, at about 7 pm.

The next meeting time, place, and topic will be decided by participants using Google Calendar.

I look forward to receiving your message and meeting you eventually.

PS: I am not stating the location of the meeting because I do not want to have 20,000 people showing in a venue that can only take 25!

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