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Hi all,

First of all, I realize that this is a web site specifically related to Thailand with information on Thai visa in particular. But on the flip side of the coin, I wonder if I could ask a few of my questions here regarding British visa. Or, at least, if someone could kindly point me to the right direction or right knowledgeable person, I would appreciate the help.

If my query here is not appropriate for this forum, I apologize and please remove it or let me know.

I hold dual citizenship, for the US and Thailand, and have two passports. Normally, when I enter the US, I would use American passport, and when I enter Thailand, I use Thai passport. Now, I am working in Thailand for an international company, and they want to send me to work and get some training in UK for several months.

Which passport am I allowed to use to obtain the visa to enter UK. IF both are possible, in my situation, which one SHOULD I use (or is better for me)? With the atmosphere of post 9/11 attacks and post 7/7 bombings, has the visa rule or regulation changed? I talked to someone before who advised me to use American passport to obtain visa, use Thai passport to leave Thailand and enter UK with US passport. Is this practice still legal and acceptable (if it is)?

What about if I decide to apply for the Schengen visa for a personal trip later? Would the same apply? (Well, I would have to stick to one or the other anyway.)

Of course, I do not want to get into any trouble. That's why I need help finding a definite answer and clarification for this. Any other recommendations are also welcomed. Thanks in advance.


You sould talk to 'Scouser' about this as he is a former UK immigration official and one of sponsors of this forum, but it would be best I'm sure to enter the UK on your US passport. You'll be given an automatic 6 month tourist visa on arrival, and I dare say that will be sufficent for training purposes, so long as you are still being paid in Thailand (and not the UK), you have sufficent funds to cover your stay (or have evidence that the company will cover you) and not be employed directly by a local UK entity.

Entering on your Thai passport would require a visa in advance. In your position I'm sure it would be a formality, but a hassle nonetheless.

For travel into Europe, I'd stick with using the US passport and you can glide between the UK and the rest of the EU with no hassels at all and no visas in advance.

I have two passports (Thai and OZ) and we used to live in the UK (I had a work permit) and we travelled to Europe alot. I always used the Australian passport for travel in the region ( and it has similar rights to the US PP) and it was never a problem.

Always came back to Thailand on the Thai passport though. :o


The crux of the matter is how long it is intended you will stay in the U.K.

As Samran says, an American passport holder does not need a visa to visit the U.K. for six months or less. You would be granted entry by the immigration officer at the airport. This will be sufficient if it is training that you are receiving, and your salary will continue to be paid in Thailand. However, if you will either stay in the UK for longer than six months or you will be working and receiving your salary in the UK, then irrespective of which passport you decide to use, you will need a visa and possibly a work permit.

Essentially, we need to know a few more details of precisely what you'll be doing in the UK.



Hi Scouser and Samran,

I really appreciate you taking your time to answer my questions.

From what I know I will be in UK no longer than 6 months. I guess what I really want to know is whether I can legally and practically use Thai passport to exit Thailand and American passport (with UK work visa) to enter UK. (Of course, I will be using Thai passport to enter Thailand when return.) I want to make sure that custom officers both in Thailand and UK will not give me any trouble.

Let's say I can use both passports then, would the UK embassy have any trouble issuing work visa for my US passport (with the reason that I am currently working in Thailand -- in contrast to obtaining the visa in the USA)?

I ask this question because the HR Dept in my company told me that, if I use American passport, UK custom would not allow me to enter the country. Is this true? (For the argument sake, if this is fault, I'm not sure whether the HR people are simply ignorant or they just want to take the easy and convenient road -- for them -- for employee visa application.)

By the way, I will continue getting my salary paid in Thailand, but will also get daily allowance in UK.

On the side note, if the US passport is permissible, can I obtain Schengen Visa in Thailand, or should I apply in UK?

I guess I just want some assurance if it can be done (and is being done). If what my HR said is true, then I am certainly going to use my Thai passport. I don't want to cause a problem for my company and myself.

I'm looking forward to your reply, and thanks again.


your HR is wrong. It is your choice, not his/hers on which passport you enter on. I come and go from the UK once maybe twice per year sometimes in a private work capacity. No problems in doing the PP swap.

The issue here is if you need a work permit or not. IF you are genuinely training for less than 6 monts, continue to be employed by the Thai office and paid in Thailand then by the sounds of it, you won't need a work permit. In which case, entering the UK on the US passport and getting 6 months on arrival should suffice.

If you do need a work permit (ie perhaps you are staying longer than 6 months or the UK arm of your company will pay you while you are there) then you need a visa to enter the UK regardless of which passport you decide to use. The embassy in BKK should have no problem in giving you a work permit in your US passport so long as you prove you are resident in Thailand...which you are.

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