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Today 12 March 2568, I was within 15 days of my 1st 1-year visit on my LTR.  I went to the BOI at Chamchuri but prior to the visit I emailed and asked if an appointment was necessary - they immediately sent me  note saying no.  The card  provided in my Passport when I recieved the LTR, informed me that on the anniversary date I could come to the BOI 15 days prior to that date or 7 days after that date.  I showed up this morning at 10 AM showed  the BOI desk the filled in Form 95 and they then said to go to the Immigration Information window across the hall, did so and received a queue ticket 3318 and told to go to window 19 - different immigration window from the year before but asked and was  directed to the "90-dar report window"  down behind and down he hall from the information  desk.   Sitting in that big hall where I met the IO who stamped my passport last year, I saw over a hundred folks and thought that it might not be as easy as the visa.  But then I didn't see window #19 and was told it was behind the information desk down the hall so walked down there, saw the room  saying 90-day reports, 3 guys sitting in chairs in front of three empty windows with IO's waiting.  Then all three were of those waiting were called and  by the time I sat down, my number was called.  I gave the IO the form 95 and my passport.  She said for me to sit down and wait.  When  I was  sitting there I noticed her going through the passport several times.  I had not been asked about the TM30 bringing me to Bangkok last year but having a lot of experience in immmigration over the years realized she was looking for something else that I had also prepared even though no mention was made about it - my TM30 when I  camed to Bangkok as the previous year, they had stamped by TM30 from Chiang Mai just before I came down to Bangkok for this visa.  When I showed her the TM30 for my BKK residence, she smiled and said I am surprised you have it already here.  She took it and stamped the form 95 receipt for my next appointment next year March 11 2526 and gave it back to me.  I asked and she said that the Immigration Office there was moving on 17  March (next week) to 1 Bangkok together with the BOI office move.  I indicated  that I was returning to CM in 4 months so would be doing the next 1-year report there.  All in all less than 15 minutes for everything to be RiabRoiLew Khrap!.  Easiest 1-year extension of long stay  I encountered.  No taxes on the foreign money remitted last year and, NO 90-day reports.  BTW, the receipt is for a 90-day report with the 90-day marked off and 1-year hand written over that.  Like I have mentioned several times LTR to me and for me is the BEST visa for sure!

  • Thanks 1

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