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How Hurt Am I?


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Oops Rainman!

I too was disgusted and embarrassed at that remark to such a nice girl. I was going to say something but desisted.

Now I see the post has been removed - but not your quotation of it! :D

What to do, what to do?

Hopefully she'll think it's a reference to golf :o

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Well, she asked me what does it mean and I explained it.

She said its mai sanook anymore :o

Unfortunately, there will always be jerks.

Thanks to the moderator who removed it!

On another note, does anybody have a good suggestion on what present I should buy to her mom when I visit there next month?


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i just edited my post, for what its still worth, and removed the quote in question. i'm just getting tired of the many threads that turn sex-related because some people just see the word sex whenever a thai woman or anything woman-related is mentioned. sex is good and fun, but geez, its not everything in this world.

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i just edited my post, for what its still worth, and removed the quote in question. i'm just getting tired of the many threads that turn sex-related because some people just see the word sex whenever a thai woman or anything woman-related is mentioned. sex is good and fun, but geez, its not everything in this world.


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i just edited my post, for what its still worth, and removed the quote in question. i'm just getting tired of the many threads that turn sex-related because some people just see the word sex whenever a thai woman or anything woman-related is mentioned. sex is good and fun, but geez, its not everything in this world.



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i just edited my post, for what its still worth, and removed the quote in question. i'm just getting tired of the many threads that turn sex-related because some people just see the word sex whenever a thai woman or anything woman-related is mentioned. sex is good and fun, but geez, its not everything in this world.


heheh.. good one!

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i just edited my post, for what its still worth, and removed the quote in question. i'm just getting tired of the many threads that turn sex-related because some people just see the word sex whenever a thai woman or anything woman-related is mentioned. sex is good and fun, but geez, its not everything in this world.

If you aint getting it, it is :o

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My advice ... don't fall in love with an MSN phantom

Wait until you meet him in person before making that decision ... he may not be the same in real life as he seems online.

After reading subsequent posts in this thread, I retract the above (well-meant) advice, and wish you both a great future together.

Aha, Thanak you na ka :o

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i just edited my post, for what its still worth, and removed the quote in question. i'm just getting tired of the many threads that turn sex-related because some people just see the word sex whenever a thai woman or anything woman-related is mentioned. sex is good and fun, but geez, its not everything in this world.

If you aint getting it, it is :D

I think that is a spot-on comment.

Those people who keep turning threads into sex-threads are those who are not getting any.

As annoying as it might be, we should be the bigger men and bare with them.

And Posh, just buy her mom something gold and glittery, that looks like gold, feels like gold and IS gold.  :o

Really? Isn't that a little over the top for a first encounter with the mother-in-law?

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i just edited my post, for what its still worth, and removed the quote in question. i'm just getting tired of the many threads that turn sex-related because some people just see the word sex whenever a thai woman or anything woman-related is mentioned. sex is good and fun, but geez, its not everything in this world.

If you aint getting it, it is :D

I think that is a spot-on comment.

Those people who keep turning threads into sex-threads are those who are not getting any.

As annoying as it might be, we should be the bigger men and bare with them.

And Posh, just buy her mom something gold and glittery, that looks like gold, feels like gold and IS gold.  :o

Really? Isn't that a little over the top for a first encounter with the mother-in-law?

So your getting some @ the moment then Danishposh??? Im not sure our sweet little Ying is going to be too pleased about that :D

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i just edited my post, for what its still worth, and removed the quote in question. i'm just getting tired of the many threads that turn sex-related because some people just see the word sex whenever a thai woman or anything woman-related is mentioned. sex is good and fun, but geez, its not everything in this world.

If you aint getting it, it is :D

I think that is a spot-on comment.

Those people who keep turning threads into sex-threads are those who are not getting any.

As annoying as it might be, we should be the bigger men and bare with them.

And Posh, just buy her mom something gold and glittery, that looks like gold, feels like gold and IS gold.  :D

Really? Isn't that a little over the top for a first encounter with the mother-in-law?

So your getting some @ the moment then Danishposh??? Im not sure our sweet little Ying is going to be too pleased about that :D

Well, lets just say that a webcam can work wonders :o

Any comments about the present? :D

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