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Say It Ain't So...


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He is running for bangkok Governor.

For some reason or rather, the previous owner of my condo must have been a geat fan of Khunt Chaloerm. The other day I received his election program booklet by mail.

His slogan is "I have the experience needed to work for you". Yeah - great experience... let's see:

he has deliberately been hiding his son, hindered police in doing their work, kept a small illegal gun depot in his house, and thinks it's allright that his son shoots a police officer at point blank. Oh sorry, that didn't happen!

Anyway, he is talking a lot about the CEO style politics, and is promising blue skies, e-Bangkok, paperless offices, one-stop service, and best of all: GOOD GOVERNANCE! YEAH!! The guy is totally inepts at controlling his own offspring... how can he govern Bangkok?


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