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Am I being singled out because i am Thai-American?? I know I am going to get slams I want honest answers when i get one I will leave thanks

Why do you think you are bring singled out ??

I can't see why being Thai-American would make people want to single you out !

Am I being singled out because i am Thai-American??  I know I am going to get slams  I want honest answers  when i get one I will leave  thanks

Why do you think you are bring singled out ??

I can't see why being Thai-American would make people want to single you out !

i agree with totster as i see it some of the guys here were just being childish takeing the piss IT WAS I FEEL NOT DIRECTED AT YOU PERSONELLY. As for being half Thai Your comments and views should be valued.

I personely value your answers and queries.

As you have a better insight in to thai culture.


You want to know!!! I have posted here and i get slammed Why? Is this not what this forum is for?? I have been told why are you posting here to find out about thailand why don't you ask your mom and your wife. First of all My mom told me all i need to know What is wrong with finding out on your own?? I posted a thread about starting a relationship with a thai woman. What's wrong with that?? Maybe some people want to read other people's experiences I can only say so much to them and plus I am 10.000 miles away. I just got one of my friends asking me to come with me when i go back to thailand.


When Rainman first showed up on here, he got pissed on as well. I think it is normal for people who have been in Thailand a long time to harass younger guys who've just gotten on the scene. Take it all with a grain of salt.

You want to know!!! I have posted here and i get slammed Why? Is this not what this forum is for?? I have been told why are you posting here to find out about thailand why don't you ask your mom and your wife. First of all My mom told me all i need to know What is wrong with finding out on your own?? I posted a thread about starting a relationship with a thai woman. What's wrong with that?? Maybe some people want to read other people's experiences I can only say so much to them and plus I am 10.000 miles away. I just got one of my friends asking me to come with me when i go back to thailand.

Asking someone to ask there mom or wife who are both Thai may afford straighter answers.Are you looking into this the wrong way.

When Rainman first showed up on here, he got pissed on as well. I think it is normal for people who have been in Thailand a long time to harass younger guys who've just gotten on the scene. Take it all with a grain of salt.

MBKUDA is right take it all with a grain of salt.im just waiting for my turn to get whacked. :o

You want to know!!! I have posted here and i get slammed Why? Is this not what this forum is for?? I have been told why are you posting here to find out about thailand why don't you ask your mom and your wife. First of all My mom told me all i need to know What is wrong with finding out on your own?? I posted a thread about starting a relationship with a thai woman. What's wrong with that?? Maybe some people want to read other people's experiences I can only say so much to them and plus I am 10.000 miles away. I just got one of my friends asking me to come with me when i go back to thailand.

Well, you've got a nice avatar!

Am I being singled out because i am Thai-American?? I know I am going to get slams I want honest answers when i get one I will leave thanks

I don't know how you arrive at any such conclusion. Those expressing negative Thai sentiment on ThaiVisa are likely to get kicked in the butt.


luckely whe can still bash an american once or twice a month :o .

But seriously hang in there baryman i'm sure you're reading more in to it then it is. Just get a feel of the crowd first. It ain't that bad.

luckely whe can still bash an american once or twice a month :D .

But seriously hang in there baryman i'm sure you're reading more in to it then it is. Just get a feel of the crowd first. It ain't that bad.

They ask for it though Dark :o

Am I being singled out because i am Thai-American?? I know I am going to get slams I want honest answers when i get one I will leave thanks

I think the person who tried to single out Mr. Debaryman doesn't deserve our respect. Who was the wretch anyway?

Mr. Debaryman is Mr. Debaryman and as such he is a welcomed participant in this forum. This forum needs Mr. Debarymans. Without him this forum would be like a banana pancake without bananas, a sticky rice which isn't sticky, a sausage without skin.

I honestly didn't know that Mr. Debaryman is representing Thai opinion.

This is a great responsability and we should all be happy that some one is prepared to shoulder it.

Please Mr. Debaryman, shed your light on our a-cultural darkness and enlight us about the inner stirrings of the Thai soul.

You want to know!!! I have posted here and i get slammed Why? Is this not what this forum is for?? I have been told why are you posting here to find out about thailand why don't you ask your mom and your wife. First of all My mom told me all i need to know What is wrong with finding out on your own?? I posted a thread about starting a relationship with a thai woman. What's wrong with that?? Maybe some people want to read other people's experiences I can only say so much to them and plus I am 10.000 miles away. I just got one of my friends asking me to come with me when i go back to thailand.

I for one welcome having Thais read and post on the forum.

One of my reasons is that if more Thai's were to read (and respond to) some of the posts that are (sometimes) critical of the country and if the criticisms were valid it would give the reader cause for reflection.

And another (reason) is that they can give another perspective (or slant) on the thread in question.

I say the more (Thai's) who contribute the merrier. :o

Am I being singled out because i am Thai-American?? I know I am going to get slams I want honest answers when i get one I will leave thanks

I think that sounds RACIST, either you are an American or you are a Thai.

I am an American living in Thailand, I have lived here a long time and I do not plan to leave in my life time, But I am still American and will never be Thai-American or American-Thai,, So where do you get the figures that you are any different?

I think that if you believe the all these people that go around digging up stuff and looking at fossils that everyone is African from the great rift valley,so that makes everyone African- whereever they happen to have been born..Right?

So you would have to be African-Thai-American. That is if your ancestors came directly from Africa to Thailand and never stopped for a generation anywhere else, like maybe China.

Where do you suppose this modern form of racial classification came from?

If you are white then you are American but nothing else., if you are Black then you can be African- American, If you are oriental then you can be Japanese-American,or Chinese-American,Thai- American..

But when I looked in my passport under nationality it just said

nationality-United States of America.

What does your's say???

And since you have lived in the USA since you were 3 years old,how can you post Thai opinions or answers to anything?


Have you been secretly drinking again, Kevin? Are you serious? :D

Debaryman101, I don't think anyone is trying to slam you here as far as I can see.

Everyone has different opinions and might disagree with you or the way you write. So many different people in the world. Don't be too serious! BTW, there are quite a few Thais and Thai/farangs here. :o

Am I being singled out because i am Thai-American?? I know I am going to get slams I want honest answers when i get one I will leave thanks

I've frankly not seen this user name before and this post is not worthy of slamming. Why don't you state your opinion here then? Let's see what will happen. :o


A few points from me, the name of this thread is "Thai Opinions"

1 You were born, here but left when you were 3 yrs old. You may be biolagicaly thai but thats about it.

2 I've yet to really see you put any opinions up other than your opinions about why people are picking on you.

3 I recived a really sarcastic PM from you, I wounder how many others have?

If you want to particapate in this forum, you have to give a bit and take a bit, lighten up !!


Frankly, Debaryman sounds like a Troll so far as I've seen in this thread. Just my opinion.

troll2 /tr@Ul, trQl/

· v.

1 fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat. Ø search for something.

2 chiefly Brit. walk; stroll.

3 sing (something) in a happy and carefree way.

4 [usu. as noun trolling] Computing, informal send (an email message or Internet posting) intended to provoke a response by containing errors.· n. an act or instance of trolling. Ø a line or bait used in such fishing.

– DERIVATIVES troller n.

– ORIGIN ME (in the sense ‘stroll, roll’): of uncertain origin; cf. OFr. troller ‘wander in search of game’ and Mid. High Ger. trollen ‘stroll’.


Yeah, I too received a crappy PM from Derbyman, not the best way to start in a forum, I think he is a troll, in fact I think nearly 50% of the current farang Pub forum is filled with troll posts, not much quality there and offensive to Thai's too, I'm surprised no one else has picked up on it as we usually jump down their throats.

I think trolls are trolling their own posts which makes it all the more harder to spot, whatever, its not good.


Actually, dear Mr. Debaryman, my granddaughter is visiting me at this very moment in Thailand. She is Swedish.

A couple of days ago my daughter, my son in law and I were philosophing about the question if any memory about being here would be entering her little brains.

Now I hear to my great pleasure that you have been living here the first three years of your life. Could you share some of your first memories about Thailand with us?

I don't mean opinions of course, but impressions of sounds, shapes, anything!

Thanks in advance!

Actually, dear Mr. Debaryman, my granddaughter is visiting me at this very moment in Thailand. She is Swedish.

A couple of days ago my daughter, my son in law and I were philosophing about the question if any memory about being here would be entering her little brains.

How awfully stupid of me not to mention that my daughter is about nine months.

My apologies to Mr. Debaryman for this omission.

And how offensive to my granddaughter as well to be called a Swedish person with little brains. I ment little in the sense of half a coconut or a canned pine-apple if you so wish. Not in the sense of only 50 points on the scale of Quetelet.

Sorry sorry.

I think nearly 50% of the current farang Pub forum is filled with troll posts, not much quality there and offensive to Thai's too, I'm surprised no one else has picked up on it as we usually jump down their throats.

I think trolls are trolling their own posts which makes it all the more harder to spot, whatever, its not good.

Noticed the same myself ........come on guys and gals if you have nothing decent to post dont bother posting for the sake of it!

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