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Even if it was Russia, which is doubtful then that should be a lesson to keep out of Russian business in their backyard less we should be dragged into an unwinnable war which will ruin us all. -
British Man Sparks Outrage in Thai Restaurant Incident
So some us get overly agitated when surrounded by non-Brits as it appears this lad has and it has set him off and he gave few of the non-Brits a bit of a spray. If so, he should have stayed in the UK. Coming to Thailand (or for that matter, any other country) and getting agitated when surrounded by non-Brits? Yikes, the man must be nuts! Such specimens that walk amongst us. He was extremely lucky that the non-Brits did not give him a bit of a spray! -
is it possible to get a 60days visa from Thai embassy in Laos ?
Sorry for piggy-backing on this thread. I just had two extended VEs back to back (I exited Thailand through NongKhai to Vientiane where I took a plane straight back to Bangkok DMK), 180 days altogether. My (2nd) extended visa exemption will expire on the first week of April, and I will be around here before going back to work in Switzerland in June. I understand now that I took a risk flying back, especially on the same day. What are my chances of doing a border run in Nong Khai (and staying in Vientiane the two-three nights I just learned about, this time) ? Would I have better chances if I applied for an SETV in Vientiane, then crossing in NongKhai ? -
PM Paetongtarn Angrily Denies Alleged Family "Country Deal"
Post the rules relating to this or refer this to the mods. As I remember reasonable highlighting parts of a persons post be it underlined or bold or indeed the same for an article is not against the rules. Actually changing what someone has posted is or taking part of their post and using it out of context. I'll be happy to be corrected on this. -
Thailand's Smile Fades: Nation's Global Happiness Rank Falls
Number 5 is the Netherlands and the reason we are happy is that we keep our fingers in the dike. Unfortunately, like much of the EU, the Netherlands is socialist and globalist and possibly communist. Nothing is free in life as they say and those paying the highest price for this socialism are the higher wage earners. So really, there is not much incentive to make a higher wage. 2025 rates for box 1 income Taxable income (EUR) Tax on column 1 (EUR) Tax on excess (%) Over (column 1) Not over 0 38,441* 8.17 38,441 76,817 3,140 37.48 76,817 17,523 49.50
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