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Do You Get Involved?


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Many of us meet people in different settings such as expat meetings, to watch football games, play tennis, work out at the gym, etc. These people are mostly acquaintances bordering on friends. You know them on a very limited scale and for the most part, they seem to be decent human beings that are fun to hang out with. You never really know anybody behind closed doors, though, do you? I've been reading threads saying, Why doesn't somebody do this or that..... and it's gotten me thinking about something that's bothered me for a while. I've socialized with this guy who comes to Thailand six months of the year and I've recently found out (after his last return home) that he likes to have sex with very young Thai virgins and is part of a paedophile club. Obviously, when he returns, I won't be having anything to do with him any longer, but I strongly question whether this is enough or not. Other people who know him have the attitude that he should just be left alone, that he'll get caught one day. One guy actually said, "This is Thailand. Anything goes". Should I report him to the authorities or just stay out of it the way we're so inclined to do when we see terrible things happening. Yes, Thailand is notorious for sex, but with so many adults that look like they could be 14, why go for 12 year old virgins? I imagine it's to avoid wearing a condom and contracting AIDS or other STDs. Yes, many terrible things do happen here, but I've never known anyone on a social level who was actually one of the monsters in the closet. Has anybody else been in this situation?

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12 views and still no replys? wow!

Rascal, i think it's really totally up to you. It's either you could close one eye (just let it be) or open both eyes and take action.

As for start you could ask your "friend" to see a shrink, you could say like "You know what? I got a friend which I think could help you in your situation (at the same time pass the card to him)". The rest is all up to him, you've done your part.

But if you think you need to take further action on this matter, then do so.

It's either you make a diffrence or let it slip your fingers and live through it.

Explorer :o

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agreed. Would you be happy if he turned out to be defiling your thai girlfriends baby sister? A paedophile is a paedophile. 12 year old virgins do not consent to sex. "This is thailand, anything goes" is a copout. We're not talking about consentual sex here. Dob him in - if he's a pervert then he'll get all the sex he needs in prison ;)

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I have been thinking about the same issue, more in terms of what if....I don't know of anybody you describe at present.

You say you found out. If you have anything to back up your suspicions, and know some personal details of the guy, I wouldn't hesitate to report him. There are several organisations in Thailand one could turn to in confidentiality who would follow up complains. I believe some people involved in the administration of this forum are willing and knowledgeble to assist you in contacting the right institutions.

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20years,,I don't think I would worry about stuff like that,it ain't right but if people check him out,they might not do business with him,usually the ones that get taken are the greedy.

But the pedo, now thats something different all together, he should be put away or done away with, If it wasn't for graft there would be nowhere for the pedos to operate,but I sure would put the finger on him and it wouldn't be to no head shrinker,as I don't think they can do any good,prison won't either,but it will take him off the street and he might not ever make it out,I do not know about here,but in the States a pedo doesn't have a very easy time on the yard.

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That's the first step ... and one you must take for the sake of your eternal spirit! (andyinkat will be able to explain this better than I can.)

Um, how did I get involved in this?? :o

But since I got a citation I'll say that like Rod I couldn't just walk away with that knowledge on my conscience.

Are you sure - or is it locker room heresay?

If you really are in no doubt you could take up Stroll's suggestion - get an administrator or someone here who knows the appropriate organisation to PM you and you can forward the necessary information. Maybe your input will result in busting the whole ring. Now THAT would be a result you wouldn't mind carrying around - and it would do your karma no end of good (eh,Rod!) :D

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How do these people know that he's a member of a paedophile club? It would be wrong to report him to the authorities just because of what someone has said in a bar.

If you do have proof of these allegations then report him, turning a blind eye would be criminal. If you have no proof, then you should get some first before accusing someone of this heinous crime.

I would seriously reconsider socialising with people who tolerate this sick behaviour with the comment TiT.

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Only you know what to do... it's on your conscience ...you have to live with this knowledge

My view is that by doing nothing you are just as bad, but if you do something you'd better make sure you are 100% certain this is what is happening.

Do the right thing !

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i can't believe i'm reading this...

for ######s sake call the police and get this pervert locked up before he can rape any more children... if you are turning a blind eye to this appalling and disgusting behavior then you are just as guilty as him... what's wrong with you lot?

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i can't believe i'm reading this...

for ######s sake call the police and get this pervert locked up before he can rape any more children... if you are turning a blind eye to this appalling and disgusting behavior then you are just as guilty as him... what's wrong with you lot?

Hear hear

This guy needs to be put away now

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Thank you everybody for your valued input, and you especially, Rod. I'm not 100% sure, as I have not had a chance to ask him personally and probably won't. He has mentioned to more than one person that he pays bargirls a lot of money to bring him the younger girls and he sets it up on webcam to feed to an underground site. He is not a young man, but he is in good shape so he's very proud of his virility. Maybe some expats on this site might now realize who I'm referring to, or who I even am personally. Hopefully this won't ruin my anonymity. There was an incident over a year ago when his friend was arrested for groping a teenage boy in the sauna of the gym. Very ugly. Very public. The boy is still a member of the gym. His friend isn't. He very loudly voiced his opinion in defense of his friend. The person who told me about him received information first hand and IMO is very reliable.....but who knows. I was always told that character assassination is one of the worst things you can do. I'm wondering if I report him, will they simply watch him for a while to confirm, and more importantly, if all turns out to be true, will they be able to track other users of his website. You're right, though, Rod. Paedophiles never view themselves as rapists. Wanting to have sex with children is a mental sickness. It will never and could never be cured behind bars.

There was a paedophile in Pattaya (died of AIDS two years ago) who wrote an article to the Pattaya Mail defending the actions of his friend who was arrested. He said that what they do is provide much needed love, attention, and affection to the children. Unfortunately, the Pattaya Mail was retarded enough to print such <deleted>! Just about every expat in this community knew who wrote the article (he signed his name Bob - which coincidentally, was his real name). Everybody knew for years what he was doing - but nobody stepped up to do anything. Why? Why are we so much more tolerant/passive in Thailand than we would be at home? I'm mainly referring to expats who have lived here for many, many years. Just out of curiosity, I'd like to know how many of the people who responded to this live here, and if they do, how long they've lived here for. It's the exact same thing with drunk driving. I can't count the number of expats here who have killed others while driving under the influence. Several cases are multiple offenders with multiple deaths. 30,000 - 300,000 Baht. Paid off. Simple. Friends still smile at them when they walk in the bar and order a drink, tell them what a lucky son of a bit_h they are to get off so easily, the guy buys a round and all is okay and forgotten by the time he staggers out the door and gets behind the wheel again. Why have we become so much more tolerant/passive here than we would have ever been by remaining in the US or the UK? Dig down for an honest answer. Do many of us somehow believe that life IS cheaper here? Do many of us have double standards? Sorry to ramble on. Touchy subject for me. Thanks again, everyone, for your valued input.

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Contacting the police would not be my first action. You don't want to accuse somebody without proof, and also you don't know whether a police officer is involved. You need to contact somebody who knows the score and help you approach the right people in a way that is neither making yourself vulnerable nor pulling 'witnesses' in without their approval. It is a good idea to check that those who know about the guy's activities are willing to take it further as well.

Don't hesitate to ask for further support here, if this feels appropiate.

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I am so relieved to see that men here think like this. Thank goodness all of you have not lost a sense of what is right. Made my day. Of course, along these shores, women are also very often the perpetrators of trafficking/abuse.

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there is an organisation (actually a charity i think) called ECPAT ,end child prostitution and trafficking (i think ) and i think they are based here in bangkok . sorry for being vague ,but i read something about it a few years ago , and so im not 100 percent sure my facts are straight . i do remember this organisation saying to get in touch if you had evidence or suspicions about these people and they would check things out . might be a good idea to contact these people first . either that or just STAB THE C**T :o

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For your own peace of mind and confidence, get more info, see him again if it's possible - making sure you know where he lives or where to find him and if you are 100% CONFIDENT that he is what Rod.K aptly refers to as a 'rockspider' then - and only then, assasinate his character to every other man you meet - especially fathers.

If you can continue faking the aquaintance/friendship then get drunk with him and get your photo taken together, one that you can half and post on here.

If you attack him yourself then you could land youself in trouble with the authorities and he may have more money in his back pocket than you do.

Keep us informed whatever happens.

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I like to add some more thoughts. I made it clear already what I think the right course of action is in the described situation. When 'paedophilia' is mentioned, I assume under legal age, i.e. younger than 15 is meant by 'very young'.

Bur whereas I agree that it is a priority to protect and prevent anyone else being victimised, I do not share fully the drastic, indiscriminate measures suggested by some posters. As with many issues, when one looks closer, there is a scale concerning the seriousness of the crime. To sum it up briefly, I would put somebody who has occasional phantasies of having sex with pre- or early pubescent children on one end of the scale. Opinion varies whether this is acceptable and healthy, but it is not at all illegal. Then you have people who have been abused themselves, are compulsed to act their obsession out once or repeatedly, hate themselves for it and have the impulse to seek help for their condition. At the far end of the scale are people who deliberatly set out to seek weaknesses in legislation, the practise of the policeforce, and to exploit vulnerable strands of society. And they operate internationally in association with likeminded folks. Clearly, Thailand is one of the target areas for the latter group.

Some forms of paedophiles can overcome their obsession, if they take initiative to deal with it, i.e. go to counselling or therapy. For somebody who agrees under pressure from the courts to go through psychotherapy, chances of a genuine change are slim.

So from this I disagree with the cry to 'castrate or execute all'.

How to best deal with each individual who has been apprehended is best left to professionals who are used to dealing with this topic.

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