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Dutch Newbie Looking For Needed Info.

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Let me introduce myself. I am a Dutch guy currently still working in Amsterdam, Holland.

I am going to get married to my Thai girlfriend in Bangkok in october this year. A while after the marriage we wan to go and live in Bangkok. She has work there and I will look for it too.

As I understand I will be able to obtain a non immigrant Visa after all the marriage paper work... :o

1.Is it true that I can better apply for the visa in Holland because it is easier?

2.I know I need money on a open Thai Bank account. How much(Euros or Baht)?

3.Can I work automatically with the "marriage" visa?

4. Do I need to extend the visa every year?

5. Is a non immigrant marriage visa the type "O" visa?


Greetz :D ,

Frumau, Amsterdam

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Let me introduce myself. I am a Dutch guy currently still working in Amsterdam, Holland.

I am going to get married to my Thai girlfriend in Bangkok in october this year. A while after the marriage we wan to go and live in Bangkok. She has work there and I will look for it too.

As I understand I will be able to obtain a non immigrant Visa after all the marriage paper work... :o

1.Is it true that I can better apply for the visa in Holland because it is easier?

2.I know I need money on a open Thai Bank account. How much(Euros or Baht)?

3.Can I work automatically with the "marriage" visa?

4. Do I need to extend the visa every year?

5. Is a non immigrant marriage visa the type "O" visa?


Greetz :D ,

Frumau, Amsterdam

In reply i will keep the answers short and simple,

1) Only after marraige (but could go elsewhere outside of Los whilst here)

2) 400.000 TB

3) No

4) Yes

5) Yes

Sorry short and sweet ,

Best of luck for the future and your marraige.

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Thanks for the reply. I see I will have to get the non-immigrant O Visa and then apply for a work permit when I get to Bangkok.

It is my understanding that it is the prospective employer that initially applys for your work permit ? ( I dont work here but am sure other members or Mods can fill you in)

However with the Non O in place you will be able to do when have gained an offer of employment.

Hope my reply is correct,

Am sure somebody will clarify the situation though.

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After your marriage you can apply for your O Visa. This does not really affect the chances of finding employment. Once you have found an employer who wants to hire you and who is willing to pay the minimum salary for foreigners and apply for your workpermit then you can obtain a work permit.

In ieder geval, ik wens je het beste. Laat me weten wat voor werk je zoekt en ik zal rond vragen.

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You did not mention your age but if under 50 years old you must be employed or have a reasonable chance of employment here (BA degree or higher or special qualifications) to obtain any extension of stay for support of your wife. Other methods to stay in Thailand would include 3 million baht investment or setting up your own business.

Am not trying to sound alarms here but you really don't seem to understand what you are getting into. This is not like a move from one EU state to another. And marriage gives you no right to abode here.

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You did not mention your age but if under 50 years old you must be employed or have a reasonable chance of employment here (BA degree or higher or special qualifications) to obtain any extension of stay for support of your wife. Other methods to stay in Thailand would include 3 million baht investment or setting up your own business.

Am not trying to sound alarms here but you really don't seem to understand what you are getting into. This is not like a move from one EU state to another. And marriage gives you no right to abode here.

Sorry Lopburi but i beg to differ here,

He has the right to remain in Thailand on a Non O visa (after marraige) and that he can show funds of 400k TB on a yearly basis as he is supporting his wife no ?

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Sorry Lopburi but i beg to differ here,

He has the right to remain in Thailand on a Non O visa (after marraige) and that he can show funds of 400k TB on a yearly basis as he is supporting his wife no ?

Not without proof of employment if under 50 from information at:


I expect that proof can vary by the officer involved however.

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Thanks for all the responses :o . I am younger then 50. 28 to be exact. I don't have work yet. My wife to be works in Thailand and abroad from time to time. I am hoping to get a taching job. Preferably at an University. I have a MA in European Studies woth Law and languages.

I will carefully read what you people all wrote for and check what stil needs to be done.



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But what if my wife supports me? Do I stil need a work permit(and for that a job offer) after I have gotten my Non Immigrant O visa? :o

Thailand is a paternalistic society. The laws and culture here don't seem to envisage a Thai wife with a foreign husband as the breadwinner.

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Your wife (to be) doesn't want to join you in Holland?

Why don't you follow a career (with her) in Europe? Take care of your business like company pension and AOW(state pension).She even can obtain dutch passport without loosing her Thai nationality.

Start a normal life with annual holidays to Thailand and retire in Thailand if this is what you both still want.

That is what I did (almost 28 years ago).

I will retire and live in Thailand end of this year .

PM me if you want.(we can communicate in Dutch)

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Your wife (to be) doesn't want to join you in Holland?

Why don't you follow a career (with her) in Europe? Take care of your business like company pension and AOW(state pension).She even can obtain dutch passport without loosing her Thai nationality.

Start a normal life with annual holidays to Thailand and retire in Thailand if this is what you both still want.

That is what I did (almost 28 years ago).

I will retire and live in Thailand end of this year .

PM me if you want.(we can communicate in Dutch)

Yours is a much sounder idea Dutch. :o

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Lopburi, I wonder how reliable that site is?

Not the government one, just Non Khai.

The link shows the old values (20Kpm or 200Kpa) so it is clearly not up to date.

The document is question clearly states the current requirements if you look at the asterisk notation at the bottom of the page. It was written several months ago so the then current requirements were given in the text.

We have discussed the "official" or not nature previously. That Division 3 still links to Nong Khai should give some credence to the site in my mind.

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