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Monitor Problems


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I have my monitor set to turn off after 20 minutes of non-use. Moving the mouse always turns the monitor back on. Until recently. It happened once before, about two months ago, then never again until twice today. Once the monitor comes back on I have a pure white screen, I can see the mouse cursor, but nothing else. I run Windows XP Pro. Any suggestions?

Might point out that this morning when I turned on my computer I got a 'IRQL not less or equal' error message with the BSOD. Restarted the computer and it worked just fine.

Now, to recent changes. New motherboard about a month ago (old one was covered in salty condensation, one of the joys of running a computer at the seashore), and recently installed Mozilla (got sick and tired of IE and it's bugs). That is it. Any ideas?

While I am here, to another annoyance, I get no open windows buttons on my toolbar when I have open windows! So, even if I minimize I can't see the programs/files that are opened. Very annoying. Any ideas here either? (BTW, this annoying little problem only occurs in my user account, other user accounts show the open windows buttons at the bottom).

Here's hoping anyone knows what this is, thanks.

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Restart press F8 before windows starts scroll down to start win with last good config.

Now when win starts right click on click properties settings and reduce the resolutions to 16 mil now download updated drivers for your graphics card.

im off to bed its 1.30 here hope that helps.

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