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Curriculum Vitae Vital E.H. MOORS


Surname: Vital, Etienne, Helene

Born on: 1 March 1963 in : Bree (Belgium)

Nationality: Dutch

Gender : Male

Civil status: Unmarried

Address: Speenkruidstraat 22 2555 PP The Hague

E-mail: [email protected]

National Insurance Number: 216622554

Passport number: NF 1989294

Education :

2001-2003 Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations The Hague

Postgraduate training legislation lawyer


  • <LI goog_ds_charIndex="549">Introduction to the rules of legislation
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="600">Science of pubic administration
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="640">The legislative system of The Netherlands
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="692">Indication for legislation
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="727">Sorts of legislation
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="756">The legislative system of the European Communion
  • Implementation of European and international law

1996-2001 University Maastricht Maastricht

Master in Law - specialisation constitutional and administrative law


  • <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1019">Introduction in Dutch law
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1053">Introduction in constitutional and administrative law
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1117">Unlawful behavior: introduction to criminal law
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1175">Juridical acts
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1198">Labor and company law inclusive business administration
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1262">European and international law
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1301">Philosophy of law and introduction in economics
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1359">Constitutional and administrative law
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1407">Criminal law
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1428">Civil law
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1446">Capita selecta administrative law
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1490">Administrative procedural law
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1530">Decentralization in polity
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1565">Law of property
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1589">Law of obligations
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1616">Capita selecta constitutional law
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1660">Environmental law
  • Law, policy and organization


  • <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1741">The relation between sensation in media and the right on a fair trial;
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1820">The primate of the Senate;
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="1855">Civil liability of the employer for labor accidents;
  • The reform of the local government in The Netherlands.


The government organization may only act if there is a ground in the law for this action. A citizen who cannot agree with a government decision in which he is directly involved, can go in appeal by an administrative court. At this moment the citizen can only make use from this right if the government decision is laid down in a document. But what to do if the citizen has damage from a government action? At this moment, the citizen can write than to government to complain about it and the answer from government is seen as a written decision. But is a lot of cases the government organization has no ground in the law for making this decision. In the thesis is a looked at the possibilities to find a solution for this legal contradicting which is in accord with the constitutional law and the human rights of the citizens.

1989-1991 Provincial higher trade institute, Hasselt Bachelor marketing


  • <LI goog_ds_charIndex="2929">Sociology
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="2947">Psychology
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="2966">Civil law
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="2984">Labor law
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3002">Business law
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3023">Economics
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3041">Marketing
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3059">Statistics
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3078">Market research
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3102">Accounting
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3121">Publicity
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3139">Logistics
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3157">Dutch
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3171">German
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3186">French
  • English

1984-1989 Episcopal Seminary, Hasselt

Bachelor philosophy and theology

Subjects in the section philosophy (2 years)

  • <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3355">Introduction in philosophy
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3390">History of Western philosophy
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3428">Metaphysics
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3448">Logic
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3462">Epistemology
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3483">Anthropology
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3504">Ethics
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3521">Psychology
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3540">Biology
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3556">Sociology
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3574">Economics
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3592">History of civilization
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3624">Study of the modern culture
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3660">Introduction to the study of the Bible
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3707">Introduction to religious studies
  • History of the catholic church.

Subjects in the section theology (3 years)

  • <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3842">Study of the Bible
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3869">Fundamental theology
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3898">Fundamental morality
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3927">Dogmatic
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3944">Moral theology
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3967">Fundamental catechetic
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="3998">Pastoral theology
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="4026">Liturgy
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="4042">Patrology
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="4060">History of the catholic church
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="4099">Spirituality
    <LI goog_ds_charIndex="4120">Ecclesiastical law
  • Social law

1976-1983 Sint-Mischielscollege Bree secondary education - specialisation economy

Work experience :

2004-2005 Ministry of agriculture, Nature and food quality The Hague

legislative lawyer

  • <LI goog_ds_charIndex="4391">Law on privacy
  • Implementation of the law on accessibility of government information.

2001-2004 Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations The Hague

legislative lawyer

  • <LI goog_ds_charIndex="4595">Law on the integrity of civil servants;
  • Law on accessibility of government information.

2000-2001 JuroFoon B.V. Maastricht

legal advisor

1995-1999 Ministry of Agriculture Brussels

secretary of minister

Advise to minister on matters concerning environmental policy

1993-1995 Ministry of Defence Brussels

Advise to minister on matters concerning public health care

1991–1993 Argus Marketing Group Hasselt

account Executive

Market research for small and medium sized enterprises

Training period :

1991 LVH/Alliance Brussels account executive

1990 Travel agency Tymere Hasselt administrative co-worker

1988 Pilgrims for one day Lourdes guide

1986-1988 Hospital Genk pastoral worker

Seminars :

2004 Dismiss and disciplinary measures OSP legal educations

2003 Europe rich suds control institute (ROI)

2000 Basic education and sequel trainings, Jurofoon B.V.

1993 Political basic education, Institute for Political Education

1991 Sale - and presentation techniques, Jacques Vanhalst Educations

1988 Negotiation techniques, Episcopal Seminary

Expertnesses :

ICT: Word, Excel, Power Point, Web design…

Languages: Dutch, English, French.

Driving licence

Interests :

Southeast Asian history, culture, philosophy and religion.

Buddhist experience :

10-2001 Self-study Buddhism

10-2002 – 07-2002 Meditation course Hilversum

01-2004 – 04-2004 Basic course Buddhism Ven. Kaye Miner Maitreya Amsterdam

04-2004 Buddha potential Geshe Sonam Gyaltsen Maitreya Emst

12-2004 – 01-2005 Meditation course Phra Supachai Wat Thaton, Thailand

01-2005 – 03-2005 Introduction course Rigpa, Amsterdam

03-2005 – 09-2005 Buddhist Theravada monk Ajhan Suthep Wat Thaton, Thailand

10-2005 – 11-2005 Self-study Abbidhamma

11-2005 – 12-2005 Self-study 4 Noble thruths Bhikkhu Bodhi e.o.

01-2006 - 03-2006 Self-study Majjhima Nikaya Bhikkhu Bodhi

04-2006 – 05-2006 Self-study 8-fold path Bhikkhu Bodhi eo.

06-2006 Dependent Origination Dalai Lama Brussels

07-2006 – 09-2006 Theravada different objects

09-2006 – 10-2006 Self-study Lo-rig Ven. G. Churinoff

Geshe Tahi Tsering Nalanda, France

10-2006 The Six Perfections Geshe Losang Jampel Nalanda, France

10- 2006 The Heart-sutra Khensour Rinpochee VajraYogini, France

11- 2006 Retreat Thich Nhat Hanh PlumVillage, France

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