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Northern Country Princesses


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One of the posters here, a certain N.K., has suggested that the girls uuup north are much "better" than the Bangkokians.

My own opinion is that there are great girls all over Thailand, all over Asia actually, heck, all over the world.

BUT what is the big deal with these upcountry women? NK "recomended" 18 y.o. girls as partners to someone, but is that really practical ? Do these country bumpkins really make good partners? I can't imagine much commonality - there's enough of a culture / language gap with BKK girls - let alone unworldy country girls.

So, aside from the bleedin' obvious (please please don't state the bleedin' obvious) what is the attraction of an young Thai unpcountry girl over a more worldly BKK babe ?

Would especially like to here from Khun NK.

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For me the answer is in your word 'unworldly'.

Bangkok is so cosmopolitan and girls are exposed to all the 'worldly' values of consumerism. I personally (a) have no money and (:D hate all that neo culture; i.e. I'm 'unworldy'.

So I like a girl of simple pleasures, simple values and isn't obsessed with accumulating stuff. And doesn't mind that I'm as poor as her parents and don't even have a buffalo.

BTW apart from 18 yr olds there are many very sweet and innocent ladies in their 20s and 30s. Of course there aren't many farangs up north so they aren't exposed to much English. I find that an advantage; one of my many disaffections with farang women is that they never bleedin' stop talking. Women everywhere are the same but at least if yo udon't share a common language she has to chew someone else's ear off - ah the peace! :D

But that's just me. I don't claim to be normal. :o

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Having read your accounts of your last 2 years adventures in Nepal, andy, it is odd to read your comment, didn't seem like the farang women were the excessive talkers. And I'd say your not understanding the language didn't seem to have made any difference to the one that had almost succeeded in chewing off your ear and worse.

If you think Thai country girls are more secure and contented in themselves than the Bangkokians and won't give you a long talking to without reason, you are in for an unpleasant surprise when you move to Thailand.

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Ah - reality check Stroll! :D

I was referring to the farang relationships I had back in Farangland before I left it for good. The Western women - and men for that matter who visit or work in Nepal tend to be - how can I say? - the 'best' sorts of westerners.

And yes, when after a year and a half of keeping women at arms length I did venture into a relationship it was an unmitigated disaster and I'm still beating myself up over it. Nevertheless I hope I've learnt from that one, am a lot wiser and am now ready for a whole new disaster with a nice Thai lady! :D

So you've been reading my scarily frank weblog - gulp! :o

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It is going back a few years when I was in a cab heading to the airport in Bangkok.

We were driving down Asoke when the driver asked where are you going and I replied Chiangmai.

His next question was "you have 'gf' there?" and I replied in the affirmative.

He then said Issan girl much better than Chiangmai girl.

Why do you say that I asked.

He replied with "Chiangmai girl very lazy, like sleep a lot, not like work, not take good care of man"

He went on "see all these girls who have mobile food stall, they are all Issan girl, Chiangmai girl not do, too lazy"

Well there has been a bit of water down the creek since then but whilst you should not make generalisations I do tend to agree with that driver.

Leastaways, that has been my subsequent experience. :o

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It is going back a few years when I was in a cab heading to the airport in Bangkok.

We were driving down Asoke when the driver asked where are you going and I replied Chiangmai.

His next question was "you have 'gf' there?" and I replied in the affirmative.

He then said Issan girl much better than Chiangmai girl.

Why do you say that I asked.

He replied with "Chiangmai girl very lazy, like sleep a lot, not like work, not take good care of man"

He went on "see all these girls who have mobile food stall, they are all Issan girl, Chiangmai girl not do, too lazy"

Well there has been a bit of water down the creek since then but whilst you should not make generalisations I do tend to agree with that driver.

Leastaways, that has been my subsequent experience.  :o

That would be like going to a Hotel in say California .. Look at all the House Keeping staff .. Mexican .. Very Hard workers ... white girl would not do this .. Too lazy ..


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Girls in the north are more "Thai" than their city sisters
While I think that I know what you are trying to say, I find saying one group of people more or less Thai than an other, a bit misleading. Its a bit like calling a Londerner, more British than say a Cornish farmer.

If you think about the country that you came from and its many different ways of life, country farmer, miner, rich city stock trader ect.... They all come from the same country and probably share the same core cultrual belifs, but their ways of life would be very different from each others.

When we say Northen girls what exactly are we talking about, cos North Thailand is'nt Issan, parts of which are more southernly than BKK!!, and all regions have some quite large cities, where the girls are not much different from BKK, or are we talking about "country girls", where even the lifestyles from person to person, village to village vary.

I cant speak for Issan cos I dont know the area that well, but I live in a small village, and youd be suprised , people have cars, TV, runing water all sorts of stuff !!

Anyway I do agree that country girls do tend to stick closer to the more traditional Thai ways and belifs, as for being better or not as rod said....

I guess it all depends on what you're looking for
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I would have to side with RC on this, generalizing and grouping Thai girls or any group of people on the basis of their geographical location is certainly not a clear indicator of how they really are. That's like saying that all girls from Issan are either farmers or prostitutes or all girls from Chiangmai are fair skinned and come from good homes, where do people get these generalizations from? It doesn't matter what background or family income that you come from, even the most poorest of people have succeeded in their lives when some that are well off and pampered are still messed up like ######.

What I always question is why is it when a Thai woman, at any educational level, speaks her mind or has anything else to say rather than "chai ka", "dai ka", "yes mistar"... it's looked upon by farangs as yacking or in comparison to western women? (Which I don't agree as well too since I know some western women that are quite shy and comparable to Thai women)

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This is a message I wrote to another member during my recent TV hiatus:

I do believe that the happiest of people are those that are free from materialism. Not that they don't want to have more but they will usually make do with what they have, which by far is a more humble life than the most richest person in the world. They're happy because they know the simplest joy in life is being able to live, breathe and having a decent meal to eat. What makes people unhappy these days I feel is commercialization, everything has a price, people have a price, it's always about people trying to be better then one another, unlike in small slums or villages, where at times it's more of a family oriented union of people, where everyone looks out for one another. The world seems to be advancing in many ways but has left us trying to always out do one another. I see many times on my way home the people living around one of numerous Bangkok slums usually smiling and happy, watching their more than satisfactory 10" telies, in their less than 10' humble abode, I guess at times not having much makes you appreciate the little things you do have.

The mind is its own place and in it, it can make heaven or he ll.

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Excellent analogy from Lordfoul (ie. Mexicans and Californians). Never realised "working hard" was a requirement from a gf/wife. So the big deal seems to be that Issan girls are more subservient. Hmmmm. I have a theory that the MORE subservient a woman is in youth, the MORE of demanding she will become with age - kind of like all that repressed demand starts to come out to haunt you.

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I have been told many, many times by Thais never to marry a girl from up north, especially Phrae and Phayao.

I live in Phrae, its a small provincial town. There are three buses every day direct to Pattaya. Who do you think fills these 120 seats every day.

The local girls college ( I will not give the name ) has 800 girls and about 640 of them are available for rent.

I am trying not to generalise here, so lets say that at least 75 percent of them would not make a suitable wife for a falang.

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I have been told many, many times by Thais never to marry a girl from up north, especially Phrae and Phayao.

I live in Phrae, its a small provincial town.  There are three buses every day direct to Pattaya.  Who do you think fills these 120 seats every day.

The local girls college ( I will not give the name )  has 800 girls and about 640 of them are available for rent.

I am trying not to generalise here, so lets say that at least 75 percent of them would not make a suitable wife for a falang.

I have to say that sounds like pure crap to me.

My Girlfriend of 5 years comes from Phayao as do many of her friends most of them are Professionals (NOT prostitutes!) with Masters degrees or PHDs.. are you going to tell me I just happen to know the few decent women from a poor province??... The idea that 75% of any group of women are prostitutes (especially ones who are trying to better their education) is completely ridiculous.

Welcome to ThaiVisa where educated women are treated like prostitutes and prostitutes are treated like queens.


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Let's not get carried away Bluecat, I'm sure some prostitutes are princesses, but they are not ALL princesses.

As Rod said, until proven wrong.

And unfortunately, I'm afraid that with the ladies from the night, quite a few people have been proven wrong.

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Welcome to ThaiVisa where educated women are treated like prostitutes and prostitutes are treated like queens.

Not by everyone. Educated or illiterate ... princess or prostitute ... young or old ... I treat all women with respect unless they show themselves to be unworthy of respect.

Well put !

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Hi Lordfoul,

Sorry if my posting has offended you, I was only repeating what Thais have told me about Phayao.

I have however lived in Phrae for ten years and the local population refer to this college as the dirty girls school. I have spoken to students there who freely admit that 19 out of the class of 23 are on the game.

The vast majority of evening waitresses attend this college and it is nearly impossible to have a drink here without being approached.

It may sound like crap to you but unfortunately it is true.

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