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I enjoyed the snake thread...

What about scorpions...they seem to be just about everywhere...

Any good stories?

My GF found this guy in our yard on Koh Lanta recently...it was about 20cm in length. She wanted to know. "Do farang eat?"




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I've seen a few big dark gray guys and several little amber colored ones.

Been bitten on five occassions byt the little ones. Not much fun, but bearable - barely. The tingling pain lasts for a few hours to a half day - sometimes little twinges of pain will radiate out from the bite site like electricity.

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My wife brought one of the big black scorpions in the house. She was carrying it on a bamboo flyswatter. She just wanted me to see it. She says they don't have much of a sting. The little brown ones pack a lot more wallop and the centipedes are worse than the small brown scorpions. Fortunately the took gaes take care of the centipedes. Since the took gae population is back up to normal we haven't seen any centipedes. I'd just as soon avoid them all.

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got some of the little amber/brown coloured ones ocassionally inside the house. Wife confirms these are more potent than the big black ones. Have found some shells left from skin shedding which disturbs me a bit...means the buggers are growing.

If took gaes eat centipedes what eats scorpions ?

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got some of the little amber/brown coloured ones ocassionally inside the house. Wife confirms these are more potent than the big black ones. Have found some shells left from skin shedding which disturbs me a bit...means the buggers are growing.

If took gaes eat centipedes what eats scorpions ?


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I live in an Issan city for 3 years and have never seen one. I got stung by a small one in Arizona & it hurt for a week. It was hiding in my shoe. Arizona had them as thick as flies in some places.Supposedly scorpions like to eat crickets, among other things. So, if you have a lot of crickets, you may have scorpions.

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I've seen a few big dark gray guys and several little amber colored ones.

Been bitten on five occassions byt the little ones. Not much fun, but bearable - barely. The tingling pain lasts for a few hours to a half day - sometimes little twinges of pain will radiate out from the bite site like electricity.


Just an observation but to be bitten once is bad luck, twice very unfortunate but 5 times! are you sure you don't enjoy it?

Must remember to give you a wide berth as so far I have not been stung!


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We've on loads of those large black ones on our land - and a few of the small creme brown ones.

Never wanted to get near to them to find out how strong there sting is - normal a stick through them sorts them out.

Recent had a few large centipedes around the house - I was tidying out the out house of for the chickens and stumbled across a very large one about 6 inches long and about 3/4 inch wide! Suffice to say it didn't live long enough to try bite me!!!!

As for spiders - we've got loads! There is many trapdoor spider holes on our land (although I've never see the spiders - just the holes with webs in them), plenty of huntsman spider (biggest huntsmans I saw was about 4inches from toe to toe - large spangly legs) and a couple of tarantulas knocking about also.

One of the tarantulas was sitting on the gate near to the lock - which nearly bit my wife - a quick removal from the gate with a stick and it was on the floor doing the full fighting display (on hind legs fangs bared). It was quickly relocated using the stick to somewhere less hazardous! I have no problems with spiders and don't kill them since they eat many bugs.

I would of loved to of get a picture of said tarantula to find out what variety it was but no camera at hand - all I can say it it was about 4-5 inches from toe to toe and the body was about 1 - 1 1/2 inch wide and it was a light sandy brown colour. Very nice looking spider.

EDIT: Also you are STUNG by a scorpion NOT bitten!!

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Had a big black one in the overflow area of the swimming pool the other day. About 5 inches from claws to stinger, with his head in the water and body 90 degrees straight up in the air. I was about to kill it when the wife said "wait - I pity that scorpion", at which point she scooped it up in a dust bin and tossed it about 30 meters down the cliff at the side of the house. :o

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maybe kratom? it has a numbing effect like coca. i was stung by a small amber scorpion that was on my bed. hurt like hel_l!!!! like electric shocks going up my arm for the next 2 days.

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I was drinking with a few friends one night and one of the takaap crawled out of a gutter and right up my friends trouser leg! man did he let out a shout, we thought he was drunk and thought of something he forgot to do, and then we saw it, it was 25 cm (10 inches) long! I wish I'd gotten a good picture of it, but it's dead now. two knife-carrying americans took care of that.

other than that, i've seen some pretty big black scorpions, the biggest I think about 17-18 centimeters (7 inches?) when i was driving by- perfectly highlighted by the street lights and the road was kind of shiny from the rain, didn't drive over it though.

just saw quite a large spider earlier today. the big kind that has the very large webs (1.5-2 meters across), the body was about 7-8 centimeters long and about 1.5 wide (3.5 inches long, 3/4 inch wide). the body, not the legs. supposedly these get eaten too, I've heard they taste like grasshopper. maybe I should have captured it on the way back, I'm curious now.

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My home is like a zoo, on this trip I had three black scorpions in various areas of the house, 2 frogs and a snake (small) in the bath room and 1 frog in the bedroom. I've been biten by a small scorpion years back, it is like a bee on steriods, hurt like hel_l.

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