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I am just back from a 4 week stay in thailand. It was for me one of the best experiences ever. I went there to see a computer friend, but i met there a woman where ai was not looking for. A long story short: we both fall in love and did the buddhist wedding thing. Unfortunately with no legal status. Emotional it is the same for me and her however. Now she is in Thailand and i returned to Ireland. How to get her here. We have plans to do the legal marriage as well. But what to request for. When i was back home, i found out that she has quit her job (after 11 years) because she thought she could come back with me on the same flight, get a visa at the ireland border and we marry here in Ireland. So, one of the basic requirements for a visa, the reason for return: the job, is not there anymore. Telling them we will marry, is that a wise option.

Are there other things that might be wise to tell or not to tell.

Or is the best option to return to Thailand, do the legal marriage there, legalize the paper and ask for the visa.

Are there other pittfalls we have to be cautious of.

Does somebody have any experiences with the legal wedding in thailand. Is it a sort of walk-in thing or do you have a waiting time after you applied for it. How long does it take before you get the legal papers.

What papers do you need for it and what is the success rate to receive the visa. After all she legally is then  my wife, or are there then still problems and how to avoid them.

Does anybody have any experiences with the lead-time of a visum to ireland

I know it are many questions. I hope that you are willing to give some help. We are reasonable desperate at this moment.

Thank you so much

also on behalf of Sombun


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Or is the best option to return to Thailand, do the legal marriage there, legalize the paper and ask for the visa.

Are there other pittfalls we have to be cautious of.

Does somebody have any experiences with the legal wedding in thailand. Is it a sort of walk-in thing or do you have a waiting time after you applied for it. How long does it take before you get the legal papers.

What papers do you need for it and what is the success rate to receive the visa. After all she legally is then  my wife, or are there then still problems and how to avoid them.

Does anybody have any experiences with the lead-time of a visum to ireland

I know it are many questions. I hope that you are willing to give some help. We are reasonable desperate at this moment.

Thank you so much

also on behalf of Sombun


John, just take it easy!

I am not the marriage manager of Thai Visa, but I would think that marrying here in Thailand is the better option. If your paperwork and that of you sweetheart meet the requirements, the whole procedure can be done in 2-3 days at most (registration in Thailand included).

The thing is, you as well as your lady have to submitt different documents and these papers have to be translated and that takes a few days.

I enclose two files that give you an idea how to proceed:



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Thanks Isaan for your help and answers.

When I am correct, the whole procedure consists of the following elements.

1, request visum at consulate dublin for travel thailand. and not tourist visum at border.

2. arrival bangkok with all the required documents from both sides

3. the marriage

4. the registration of the marriage in thailand

5. the legalization of the marriage at the embassy

what i dont understand is where you go for the marriage. Who is doing that. Is it correct that i have to be in thailand for at least 4 days before we can marry. So, a lot about the registration, but not much about the marriage itself.

Do i understand it right that we both need our passports, birth certificate, home address certificate, single certificate.

What paperwork is there for the marriage itself?

Thanks again


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You do not have to be in-country for 4 days as you can start right away. Correct paperwork and its translation is the thing that usually takes time. I would say you should plan for the whole matter about 1 week in Bangkok. I warn you to look especially into the papers of your lady, because if those are not correct that would really delay the whole thing. Find out with your embassy how they like to check your girl's paperwork.

With your and your lady's paperwork you go to your Embassy in Bangkok first. They will check, if they can accept the submitted documents. If that is the case, the papers of your lady have to be translated into English. With your lady's translated papers you then return again to your embassy and they will issue you a so-called marriage application. That marriage application has to be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (overhead of your embassy). With that marriage application, your passports and your visa you then proceed to any local Bangkokian Amphur (District Office) and have your marriage registered there. All this may differ slightly from embassy to embassy, but it is generally the procedure.

Your points in general and those point 1 til 5 are well taken. What especially your lady needs are ID Card, Tabien Ban, Birth Certificate, Civil Status Certificate and Change of Name Document (only if she has changed her name) and you will need the equivalents like Passport, Birth Certificate, Civil Status Certificate, some proof of income, 2 references in your country. Again this can differ and you would have to ask your embassy in Bangkok, but that is what i.e. Swiss Embassy would ask for.

Good luck!

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this is a bit confusing to me.

In europe you go to the city hall and you tell them you want to get married.

They fill in some paperwork and they settle a date for the ceremony with you.

Then the actual marriage comes where both partners have to say 'yes' to each other and where the fresh couple and the official sign some paperwork. Then you are legally married.

I am missing this part in thailand. Is here such a ceremony for a legal marriage or are you just going to some desk in some office where you fill in a paper and then you are married. And what is the role of the embassy in this part?

We dont want to marry in the embassy. We just want a legal thai wedding that is recognized worldwide.

I understand that you can legalize it for your home country through the embassy, if you choose to do so. What are the benefits of that?

Thanks again for all of your help

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this is a bit confusing to me.

In europe you go to the city hall and you tell them you want to get married.

They fill in some paperwork and they settle a date for the ceremony with you.

Then the actual marriage comes where both partners have to say 'yes' to each other and where the fresh couple and the official sign some paperwork. Then you are legally married.

I am missing this part in thailand. Is here such a ceremony for a legal marriage or are you just going to some desk in some office where you fill in a paper and then you are married. And what is the role of the embassy in this part?

We dont want to marry in the embassy. We just want a legal thai wedding that is recognized worldwide.

I understand that you can legalize it for your home country through the embassy, if you choose to do so. What are the benefits of that?

Thanks again for all of your help

Just desk work. see it as the same as in europe till the part where they settle a date, they just settle it straight away over the desk. :o

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I am Irish and married my Thai wife in Bangkok. The Irish Consulate there may want proof of a long relationship prior to marriage before granting a visa for Temporary stay in Ireland. Also, if my memory serves me correctly, they need to check if you are already married. We married 12 years ago so my memory isn't great and things may have changed. We had to wait 4 weeks or more for our visa. Needed guarantor and proof of funds etc.

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thanks joe

would it make a difference if i would go with the application for the visa to immigration in dublin, or does my wife need to apply herself in bangkok.

we have no long relationship history. i know the irish are difficult, but if you see what is walking in the streets of dublin, there should be hope, i would say.

The non-married check is not difficullt as i will have a cert for that from the dutch embassy in dublin (i am dutch but live in ireland)

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John, if you are really so desperate, why not get a Single Entry Tourist Visa from a Thai Consulate in your country, hop into a plane, bring along all your valid paperwork required and help your lady here to sort out her papers required for marriage. The romance part will really start once the paperwork is done.

If you do it the other way round, your sweetheart needs paperwork too as to obtain her visa at the Irish embassy (or is it the British embassy?) here in Bangkok. And she probably has to do an interview there and may be refused a visa for whatever reason.

Once you are married it is almost peanuts to deal with immigration as you may well have noticed from the already submitted material.

I love Ireland and I really mean it. I have no objection if other Irish/Thai couples do have a different view than me, but I would just play it safe.

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I am just back from a 4 week stay in thailand. It was for me one of the best experiences ever. I went there to see a computer friend, but i met there a woman where ai was not looking for.

Conas atá tú.

John, please be very careful. I do not want to say anything negative and I am sure your judgement is good, but be aware that a 4 week romance and then marriage is a wee bit hasty, don't you think? If you want to reply and tell me to mind my own business, please do so. Just, don't rush into things. I know I sound like a father, mother or relative, but, as we say here...TiT (this is Thailand) and anything can happen (and often does!).

Anyway, best of luck

Go maire sibh bhur saol nua agus go nEiri an tAdh leat.

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thanks to all.

i am currently organizing my paperwork and will go to thailand. you are right. it is better to organize it there.....

Big a, thanks for your concerns. I can really imagine where you are coming from. I'll keep it in the back of my head when i am in thailand. i know that many things can happen there. also good things........... (sometimes)

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One of our Thai friends here in Limerick, Ireland has a complex visa problem. She came on atourist visa a few years ago and has worked as a nanny for past few years (informally). She recently married a local farmer (wise move). She needs, essentially, to sort out her visa predicament and get residency based on marriage. To make a long story short, none of us can advise her what best to do. There is a retired immigration officer who has set up as a consultant. He is working on her case. It has cost her 2,000 euro to date. I think your case is much simpler and it might be worht giving him a cal. His name is Lally. I expect his contact details can be got in phone book or via directory enquiries.

I tend to agree with Big A. On my first visit to Thailand I fell in love every few days. I wouldn't rush into things. What's the hurry.

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