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Short Changing At Pattaya Mcdonalds


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Has anyone considered that the original poster may be trolling for entertainment?

One would certainly hope so.

The question is, what are you doing eating at McD to begin with?? In Thailand??? Are you serious? :o


It's called addiction. McDonalds didn't become the most successful restuarant chain in the world for nothing.

I must admit that after consuming Thai food for a while, the body screams out for other more familiar foods...and the bowels are thankful for the break. :D

No one's bowels are ever thankful after eating at MacDonalds.

There are plenty of 'western' food, thats not going to shorten your life, and still taste good.

Living in Thailand and addicted to MacDonalds.....jeez, how sad is that?

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It was so long ago I recognized that McDonalds service sucks here big time, especially on deliveries. I have made countless complaints for not receiving what I ordered, then they say sorry and deliver me the missing stuff an hour later. At some point getting 5 wrong deliveries in a row I got so frustrated that I complaint 'cos I didn't get a straw with my coke. The straw arrived 1 hour later.

On what I understand is that it's Mc Thai, not Mc Donalds (because of the ownership rights) here so there you go. So nobody gives a shit.

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While I was eating, I noticed three male farangs ordering and subsequently receiving their orders. The guys were young and there was a lot of interaction between the staff and customers. Two minutes later one of the farangs came back and asked for his change (he claimed he had paid with a 1,000 B note.) Again the counter staff closed ranks and told the farang that he was mistaken. The manager was not called, no counting of the cash till and their was no other attempt to resolve the problem. Farang wrong, case closed.

The farang was visably upset but he controlled himself and left, sans change.

Why did he leave the counter without getting change first? Do you do it in exactly the same way in your own country?

A lot of confusion :o

Either I am too slow today :D , or I go insane :D

Edited by ajarnmark
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After reading through this thread, a few things came to mind;

1) Proffesional error. Mc'd's have bew coffee, and assume every customer wants to try (i dont think this warrents blatent overcharging)

2) Bring back Burger King. (Dont care if i get shortchanged there, as a Mushroom Double Swiss is worth it's weight in gold)

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After reading through this thread, a few things came to mind;

1) Proffesional error. Mc'd's have bew coffee, and assume every customer wants to try (i dont think this warrents blatent overcharging)

2) Bring back Burger King. (Dont care if i get shortchanged there, as a Mushroom Double Swiss is worth it's weight in gold)

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Has anyone considered that the original poster may be trolling for entertainment?

One would certainly hope so.

The question is, what are you doing eating at McD to begin with?? In Thailand??? Are you serious? :o


It's called addiction. McDonalds didn't become the most successful restuarant chain in the world for nothing.

I must admit that after consuming Thai food for a while, the body screams out for other more familiar foods...and the bowels are thankful for the break. :D

No one's bowels are ever thankful after eating at MacDonalds.

There are plenty of 'western' food, thats not going to shorten your life, and still taste good.

Living in Thailand and addicted to MacDonalds.....jeez, how sad is that?

I knew someone was going to come in with a comment about this.

Personally I don't eat McDonalds, however I do occasionally eat KFC and Burger King stuff.

It's sad if people are addicted to junk food anywhere in the world.

Giving the bowels a break is about relieving them from the discomfort of eating too much hot chili, nothing to do with health...sorry I confused you.

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While I was eating, I noticed three male farangs ordering and subsequently receiving their orders. The guys were young and there was a lot of interaction between the staff and customers. Two minutes later one of the farangs came back and asked for his change (he claimed he had paid with a 1,000 B note.) Again the counter staff closed ranks and told the farang that he was mistaken. The manager was not called, no counting of the cash till and their was no other attempt to resolve the problem. Farang wrong, case closed.

The farang was visably upset but he controlled himself and left, sans change.

Why did he leave the counter without getting change first? Do you do it in exactly the same way in your own country?

A lot of confusion :o

Either I am too slow today :D , or I go insane :D

The OP was only assuming that the farang paid with a 1,000 baht note and that he was being honest.

It's pretty stupid to walk away without your change, especially if you pay with a 1000 baht note.

Edited by tropo
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quoted........."You were born and raised in Thailand but not live...."

That's correct. At least I talked from my own experiences. Having spent more than half of my whole life in TL, I know what I'm talking about.

Unlike someone here ( I'm not talking about you) who's never lived in TL, the closest thing he has with TL is that he ' has a Thai wife ' and presently is living in Hong Kong. Yes, HK is neighboring of TL, that's the closest as you can get if he wants to put it that way.

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No one's bowels are ever thankful after eating at MacDonalds.

I always thought that dropping a clinker the next morning was quite easy, clean and painless compared to the nuclear fusion and meltdown caused by spicy Thai food.

Must be the synthetic sauce and artificial cheese acting as a lubricant. :o

Edited by Tony Clifton
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Getting 5 Baht less than you should have is not corruption. Either the cashier was a thief (if she/he stole it) or the entire McDonald's location there is a con operation (doubt it). Corruption is when you receive a bribe from someone to break a promise to someone else (to put it in lay words).

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My advise is to always check your money first before you walk away from the desk!

I noticed that so many Thais are very , and I mean very bad with numbers , always needing a calculator for something

easy to count up . I also noticed because of that they can give a too small amount of cash back , also a too big amount

at times , which I happily receive , bad I know , but I think like, just not being so stupid then .

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It's always a good idea to check your change and receipt.

Shop clerks are generally not shop clerks because they made important breakthroughs in atomic physics at an earlier than usual age. It is not necessarily that they are trying to cheat you, even though that does happen as well.

When a customer loudly and demandingly points out an error, the clerk will often go into defense mode and then you get a pissing contest instead of a swift remedy of the error.

Just be polite - but don't budge either when you see staff making mistakes - if somebody is to lose their temper, let it be them, not you.

Do not assume everyone is trying to rip you off. Some are, some aren't.

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After reading this thread for two days, I honestly can't determine why it has morphed into a debate about corruption.

The guy probably got charged wrong, most likely because the cashier rung it up wrong on the register. More than likely the guy lost his cool & when this happens the Thai's all close ranks and being very stubborn & belligerant won't concede the point at all.

He thought he paid with a 1000B note, however, how many times when one has had a few to drink has one pulled the wrong note out of one's wallet?

All in all, this is not a case of corruption, a scam at worst case scenario (highly un-believable), outright theft (believable) or (IMO) a pissed farang who struggled to get his order across clearly & then believed he tendered a 1000B note when maybe only tendering a 100B note.

I know the Maccas modus operandi, having worked with that pathetic (from an employees point of view) company as a restauarant manager for two years in my youth. If there is any scam going on, only the mgt. (or maybe one or two crew trainers) will be seeing a piece of the action. Individual theft from the staff comes about through stealth (such as promoing an item just before completeing the transaction), not outright ripping the customer off. Whilst shortchanging is common, staff rarely go for large numbers, usually a couple of coins here & there, which they store in their till until the amount equals a large note which they swipe when no-one is looking. Its called "building a bank." If the manager suspects a staff member (or has a complaint from a customer) of short changing he promptly closes the till and checks the balance. Over or under leads to a nasty interogation.


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If you want to see big time corruption go to Mexico. It make Thailand look like a nation or pious choir boys. I have eaten at McDonalds, in the city where I live in Thailand many times, and have never been cheated and never saw any squabbling over the bill, from anyone Thai or Farang. The standards in Thailand might not be what you are used to back home, but Thailand is a long way from being the worst.

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Thai bashing through a forum supposedly dedicated to Thailand and its people is very worrying to me - as it must be for others who love all things Thai. My own experiences are that, generally speaking, Thais are honest, trustworthy and respectable people - especially the women, the elderly and the youngsters. When any Thai salutes you with the traditional 'wai' it is a sign of respect - to you - and when you return it, it is a sign of respect - to them. Thais are brought up, in fact it is drummed into them from a very early age, to show respect for others - it's one of the main teachings of their religion. How a few farang can have the nerve to come up with such unworthy (and disrespectful) comments about Thai people is beyond me. Does it really matter that someone is short-changed 5 baht for crying out loud? Why start a thread with such a miserly comment about such a miserly sum? For all those interested; 5 baht is approximately 1.5 UK pennies - which puts into perspective what we are talking about here. Why not start a thread applauding the Thai people and their way of life. In fact I think I will - just to see the miserable comments I receive - proving beyond doubt that it's probably not the Thai people who have a screw loose - but the odd psychotic farang who must always jump to judge the Thai first - instead of judging themselves first. Posting#8 says it all and shows as nothing else can that not all Thais are robbing rascals - thanks Kit.

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Thai bashing through a forum supposedly dedicated to Thailand and its people is very worrying to me - as it must be for others who love all things Thai. My own experiences are that, generally speaking, Thais are honest, trustworthy and respectable people - especially the women, the elderly and the youngsters. When any Thai salutes you with the traditional 'wai' it is a sign of respect - to you - and when you return it, it is a sign of respect - to them. Thais are brought up, in fact it is drummed into them from a very early age, to show respect for others - it's one of the main teachings of their religion. How a few farang can have the nerve to come up with such unworthy (and disrespectful) comments about Thai people is beyond me. Does it really matter that someone is short-changed 5 baht for crying out loud? Why start a thread with such a miserly comment about such a miserly sum? For all those interested; 5 baht is approximately 1.5 UK pennies - which puts into perspective what we are talking about here. Why not start a thread applauding the Thai people and their way of life. In fact I think I will - just to see the miserable comments I receive - proving beyond doubt that it's probably not the Thai people who have a screw loose - but the odd psychotic farang who must always jump to judge the Thai first - instead of judging themselves first. Posting#8 says it all and shows as nothing else can that not all Thais are robbing rascals - thanks Kit.

1000000% true

every word...

perfect post.

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I`v been to various branches of Mcdonalds in Pattaya over the years and I have never been short changed, in fact I have found the young staff who work there to be extremely polite and helpful.

Mistakes with change can happen anywhere and it is always wise to check your change wherever you are in any outlet throughout the world.

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Ok, I didn't read all the posts but my goodness get a life, 5 baht?? I live in Singapore and just got cheated out of 3 sgd change in a bar but I didn't think it was notable enough to post on a forum.

I would suggest you move somewhere where they won't cheat you or for that matter make a mistake, when you find that place let me know I might be interested in moving there instead of Thailand.


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