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Teachers Who Get A Freebie ?


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you hear these tales about farangs (dumb) sending BGs money and at the same time they are shagging poorly paid teachers for free, or maybe they pay a barfine and then have a free nights shagging .

i guess teachers do speak fairly fluent thai so can converse easilly and make a good soulmate for a BG ,even though they cannot pay a fee for a nights sex.

is this an urban myth or does this happen ?

(no i dont send money to BGs and never have)

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you hear these tales about farangs (dumb) sending BGs money and at the same time they are shagging poorly paid teachers for free, or maybe they pay a barfine and then have a free nights shagging .

i guess teachers do speak fairly fluent thai so can converse easilly and make a good soulmate for a BG ,even though they cannot pay a fee for a nights sex.

is this an urban myth or does this happen ?

(no i dont send money to BGs and never have)

This is one of the most rediculous posts I've ever read. What makes you think teachers are penniless? That's your first urban myth. Lots of people do it without paying for it. Personally, I think it is unwise to NOT pay for sex with a bargirl. Paying for it seals the deal, no strings attached, no I love yous, ect..

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I've had freebies from BG pals but it has nothing to do with the fact I'm a teacher or that I can speak passable Thai.

I'm certainly not rich but I'm not penniless (Will be soon but that's another story).

I have always been a gentleman as well as a scamp and have taken them out for a meal and paid their fare home and stayed in touch and in many cases this blossoms into a non sexual friendship.

Finally - I am not a teacher or I would be on ajarn.com - I am somebody who is capable of doing the job and who is only half qualified, who is working as a teacher so that he can live here.

Never heard the myth but it's as daft as this post is.

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you hear these tales about farangs (dumb) sending BGs money and at the same time they are shagging poorly paid teachers for free, or maybe they pay a barfine and then have a free nights shagging .

i guess teachers do speak fairly fluent thai so can converse easilly and make a good soulmate for a BG ,even though they cannot pay a fee for a nights sex.

is this an urban myth or does this happen ?

(no i dont send money to BGs and never have)

This is one of the most rediculous posts I've ever read.

Me too,...

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you hear these tales about farangs (dumb) sending BGs money and at the same time they are shagging poorly paid teachers for free, or maybe they pay a barfine and then have a free nights shagging .

i guess teachers do speak fairly fluent thai so can converse easilly and make a good soulmate for a BG ,even though they cannot pay a fee for a nights sex.

is this an urban myth or does this happen ?

(no i dont send money to BGs and never have)

i guess teachers do speak fairly fluent thai so can converse easilly

Teaching is a labor of love for me! :D

I teach not only English! :o

Cheers. :D


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you hear these tales about farangs (dumb) sending BGs money and at the same time they are shagging poorly paid teachers for free, or maybe they pay a barfine and then have a free nights shagging .

i guess teachers do speak fairly fluent thai so can converse easilly and make a good soulmate for a BG ,even though they cannot pay a fee for a nights sex.

is this an urban myth or does this happen ?

(no i dont send money to BGs and never have)

i guess teachers do speak fairly fluent thai so can converse easilly
Teaching is a labor of love for me! :o

I taught in the past.

Long time ago.

And it is always a labor of love.

This is what makes you a good teacher.

Whatever other think.

The ones who never taught,...

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It might not be as silly as some suggest.

I know a couple of teachers (thats what they call themselves) and they get so much pussy that they don't know what to do with it.

And it does help with the grades too :o

this post was bound to upset the better paid teachers around town but there are a large number of lowlife scumbags who masquerade as teachers in BKK.

they cant afford to pay fees for a nights lust .

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It might not be as silly as some suggest.

I know a couple of teachers (thats what they call themselves) and they get so  much pussy that they don't know what to do with it.

And it does help with the grades too  :o

this post was bound to upset the better paid teachers around town but there are a large number of lowlife scumbags who masquerade as teachers in BKK.

they cant afford to pay fees for a nights lust .

It is a crazy world out there. I read this board sometimes and it gives me the shivers. As a Thai I am ashamed to say that we cannot provide the basics such as feeding, housing, and education. Much less it's obvious that the rich take advantage of the poor, educated vs uneducated, etc.

But the saddest part about reading this post (urban myth or not, but closer to reality), is the fact that that it is even talked about that a teacher can <deleted> their students in the kingdom for grades. Even worse I would say that some of the so called teachers/scumbags are not really interested in teaching but here to support their nightery habbits.

Where else but can this be done except for your basic backwater country? Would this subject be even talked about the US or Europe?

I look forward to the day that the word LOS is not synonomous with Land of Sex but it's original meanning as Land of Smiles. Mind you there's nothing wrong with sex. But when you meet a stranger and you tell them you are from Thailand and the more cruder ones will ask you how much for a women...well

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It might not be as silly as some suggest.

I know a couple of teachers (thats what they call themselves) and they get so  much pussy that they don't know what to do with it.

And it does help with the grades too  :D

this post was bound to upset the better paid teachers around town but there are a large number of lowlife scumbags who masquerade as teachers in BKK.

they cant afford to pay fees for a nights lust .

It is a crazy world out there. I read this board sometimes and it gives me the shivers. As a Thai I am ashamed to say that we cannot provide the basics such as feeding, housing, and education. Much less it's obvious that the rich take advantage of the poor, educated vs uneducated, etc.

But the saddest part about reading this post (urban myth or not, but closer to reality), is the fact that that it is even talked about that a teacher can <deleted> their students in the kingdom for grades. Even worse I would say that some of the so called teachers/scumbags are not really interested in teaching but here to support their nightery habbits.

Where else but can this be done except for your basic backwater country? Would this subject be even talked about the US or Europe?

I look forward to the day that the word LOS is not synonomous with Land of Sex but it's original meanning as Land of Smiles. Mind you there's nothing wrong with sex. But when you meet a stranger and you tell them you are from Thailand and the more cruder ones will ask you how much for a women...well

I sympathise with you 'hkthai' I genuinely do.

But for the image of Thailand and the way the world sees it (but when you meet a stranger and you tell them you are from Thailand and the more cruder ones will ask you how much for a women...well ) to change, the change must come from (and by) Thais.

It cannot come from the nicer expats and visitors not talking about, not telling their friends back home.

Change the facts and you will change the content of the publicity on your country.

Realistically this is to say the least a mammoth task.

Thailand has improved dramatically (in many ways) in the short time (14 years) since I first visited but that does not mean the race is won.


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It might not be as silly as some suggest.

I know a couple of teachers (thats what they call themselves) and they get so  much pussy that they don't know what to do with it.

And it does help with the grades too  :o

this post was bound to upset the better paid teachers around town but there are a large number of lowlife scumbags who masquerade as teachers in BKK.

they cant afford to pay fees for a nights lust .

It is a crazy world out there. I read this board sometimes and it gives me the shivers. As a Thai I am ashamed to say that we cannot provide the basics such as feeding, housing, and education. Much less it's obvious that the rich take advantage of the poor, educated vs uneducated, etc.

But the saddest part about reading this post (urban myth or not, but closer to reality), is the fact that that it is even talked about that a teacher can <deleted> their students in the kingdom for grades. Even worse I would say that some of the so called teachers/scumbags are not really interested in teaching but here to support their nightery habbits.

Where else but can this be done except for your basic backwater country? Would this subject be even talked about the US or Europe?

I look forward to the day that the word LOS is not synonomous with Land of Sex but it's original meanning as Land of Smiles. Mind you there's nothing wrong with sex. But when you meet a stranger and you tell them you are from Thailand and the more cruder ones will ask you how much for a women...well

Ignore anyone like that and at least return the derogatory statement. You have my sympathy for your experiences.

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But the saddest part about reading this post (urban myth or not, but closer to reality), is the fact that that it is even talked about that a teacher can <deleted> their students in the kingdom for grades. Even worse I would say that some of the so called teachers/scumbags are not really interested in teaching but here to support their nightery habbits

I agree I think it is terrible, and yes I know it goes on in Australia, particularly in universities.

Don't get me wrong, I think this sort of behavious is objectionable I have never done it, and I never would. It is an abuse of position, and in some ways could be considered rape....

But, I think this is closer to the fact, from what I have seen;

Scenario 1; You have one of the numerous private language schools, outside Siam Square. Possibly in a suburb where there is not an over-abundance of falangs. Teacher "X" has his break from the school and goes to a local shop for cigarettes etc, regularly. The regular day girls there want to learn "prasa Angrit" but cannot afford the stupid fees for the language school. This scenario goes either one of two ways The teacher goes soft and does a private session for 100 - 150 baht an hour or he takes her on as a casual "Girlfriend" while the lessons are going on. Of course what the girls expectations are could be anything.

Scenario 2; Teachers who have students come to them. Not as nice as the first situation, but what I have seen as common is a certain language school has a good number of bar girls whose b/f's are obviously paying for English lessons. They know the value of their time etc etc and usually only enrol in one course, find a teacher of a trade off. I have also seen plenty of non b/g's do the same. After all one-on-one is about 700Baht an hour, so the rest is simple mathematics. The non B/G's also seem to see this as an opportunity to maybe also get a well paid falang B/F.

Other scenarios.....

This is where you get the hardcore, and I have only heard of this sort of thind second hand, the perverts in the girls schools and universities, the oved who abuse their position to apply undue influence over their students etc etc. They also don't seem to care about the havok and distress they cause in other peoples lives as long as their carnal lust is satisfied.

Ok Scenario 1 is a bit cheeky and I suppose OK, the rest are just an abuse of a respected position, and at the end of the day will erode the respect teachers still enjoy in this country.

So the next time an Ajarn decides to do it with a student, just remember a little bit of respect will erode, and one day teachers will be less respected here than they are in some places in the west.

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I agree I think it is terrible, and yes I know it goes on in Australia, particularly in universities.

Don't get me wrong, I think this sort of behavious is objectionable I have never done it, and I never would. It is an abuse of position, and in some ways could be considered rape....

It definitely happens in US universities as well. Having observed some very manipulatuve students try to seduce teaching staff, I don't think it is always as sinister or one-sided as you describe. However, it is enough of a problem in practice that an ethics topic is devoted to it in the teaching staff orientation at most public schools.

As a teaching assistant (student employee helping a professor run classes and exams) at a well known university, I had two students (one of each sex!) try to seduce me during office hours in the same semester. Because of their mediocre performance in the class, I am relatively certain they were looking for grading favors and not simply dazzled by my academic mystique. :o These kids were at most two years younger than I was.

At the same university, it was well known that several of the professors were married to former students, and that at least one of them had started the courtship while being the student's thesis advisor. Whether that was appropriate or not was a great polarizing topic to bring up in a cafe when conversation lagged...

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I have yet to hear of a teacher bedding a student but I'm sure it does happen - I have heard it happens a lot in Japan.

Last year I had a TA (Teachers Assistant) who was very attractive but after meeting her she became un-attractive as she was too goody goody and innocent for me and obviously a virgin.

We remained friends after she quit and one day she called me in tears, telling me of another teacher (English I'm not proud to say) who she hated as he had hurt her feelings by taking her vaginity and dumping her soon after.

This made me furious because not only was her constant calling and asking for advice causing problems with my girlfriend at the time - who had seen what she looked like and was jealous, but this Martyn bloke had caused it, just so he could sleep with a virgin - a male ambition I have NEVER understood.

I told her to report him but I don't think she did - she quit instead.

More than six months later I met him as I was helping out at the same school and he became nervous when I asked him about it - especially when I told him he was fortunate I had not met him half a year earlier.

He justified his action by saying they had been out on a few dates but he soon realised (after shagging her no doubt) that they were very incompatible and that she had been a drama queen about the whole thing.

Trying to retain sarcasm through gritted teeth I explained that loosing ones vaginity normally is a big deal to ANY girl - especialy if it's to a weasely, smarmy 24yr old <deleted> from South London masquerading as a teacher.

Watching him work, he wasn't very good (used U.K. colloqialisms with the kids that went over their head) however, he did seem to try and care about his job and showed respect to the Thai's at the school.

On discovering that I was several years his senior and had been here a while and knew about his actions the previous year, he became mildly obsequious, trying to befriend me but his conversational ability was reduced to football, girls and how many Thai mates he had, as if to show me that made him worthy of his stay here.


That was one of a few reasons I no longer work with the same agency, the association with those sorts of teachers is one that really depressed me.

I may not be a fully qualified teacher - but I put enough effort into my job to recieve praise, all I have to do is get a good nights sleep and pretend I love it, and at times I sometimes do genuinly love it.

I may have been a butterfly in the past - but only with women of the same ilk, I see nothing atractive about goody goody innocent girls no matter how pretty they are. It would be more of a compliment to have a promiscuous woman tell me she had a good time than for a nervous virgin who didn't know what she was doing, bleed on my sheets.

Finally - I too sympathise with HK Thai, but the post that follows is very true - it doesn't matter how much us expats try to change the image of thailand when we are back home - people just think we are trying to defend ourselves against the association.

More needs to be done to promote the more positive side of LOS.

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The original poster here never mentioned teachers shagging their students; only

freebies with bargirls. Teachers that shag their students are the worst kind of

'teachers.' It should just be understood from the beginning that it is not going to happen.

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Anything for An A

An instructor was sitting in his office one afternoon when an attractive, sexy-looking lady knocked on his door.

Yes?, he replied, how may I help you? The lady said "I need to talk to you about my grade in your class."

"Come in and have a seat," said the instructor.

Is there anything I can do to get an "A" in your class?

"What do you mean by 'anything'," he replied.

She said "Anything!"


She said, in her best sultry voice "I mean ANYTHING."

The instructor got up from behind his desk, sat down beside her and whispered in her ear, "Would you study?"

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[but for the image of Thailand and the way the world sees it (but when you meet a stranger and you tell them you are from Thailand and the more cruder ones will ask you how much for a women...well ) to change, the change must come from (and by) Thais.

It cannot come from the nicer expats and visitors not talking about, not telling their friends back home.

Change the facts and you will change the content of the publicity on your country.

Realistically this is to say the least a mammoth task.

Thailand has improved dramatically (in many ways) in the short time (14 years) since I first visited but that does not mean the race is won.


Agree. Unfortunately, it will not happen in my life time.

When a women can make 50k baht or more per month for looking half decent versus spending 4 plus years for a Bachelors Degree that will earn you 8 - 10k per month which will be used to pay off educational loan...well the choice becomes much easier. Besides, Thailand is not exactly known for education.

And as well, for the niceties that Thais are known for, the powerful have no incentives to enrich the nation less they become a member of the rank and file themselves.

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It might not be as silly as some suggest.

I know a couple of teachers (thats what they call themselves) and they get so  much pussy that they don't know what to do with it.

And it does help with the grades too  :o

this post was bound to upset the better paid teachers around town but there are a large number of lowlife scumbags who masquerade as teachers in BKK.

they cant afford to pay fees for a nights lust .

It is a crazy world out there. I read this board sometimes and it gives me the shivers. As a Thai I am ashamed to say that we cannot provide the basics such as feeding, housing, and education. Much less it's obvious that the rich take advantage of the poor, educated vs uneducated, etc.

But the saddest part about reading this post (urban myth or not, but closer to reality), is the fact that that it is even talked about that a teacher can <deleted> their students in the kingdom for grades. Even worse I would say that some of the so called teachers/scumbags are not really interested in teaching but here to support their nightery habbits.

Where else but can this be done except for your basic backwater country? Would this subject be even talked about the US or Europe?

I look forward to the day that the word LOS is not synonomous with Land of Sex but it's original meanning as Land of Smiles. Mind you there's nothing wrong with sex. But when you meet a stranger and you tell them you are from Thailand and the more cruder ones will ask you how much for a women...well

Ignore anyone like that and at least return the derogatory statement. You have my sympathy for your experiences.

Believe me Dr. a comment like that does not get ignored...rather critical reply is always called for.

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But the saddest part about reading this post (urban myth or not, but closer to reality), is the fact that that it is even talked about that a teacher can <deleted> their students in the kingdom for grades. Even worse I would say that some of the so called teachers/scumbags are not really interested in teaching but here to support their nightery habbits.

This is a twisted post. It went from teachers receiving freebies from BGs to teachers preying on their students. Us teachers sure get a bad deal around here with such accusations. Sure, there are some degenerates in Thailand who see the teacher role as open season but those can be found in any country (and I hope you were refering to teachers of adults 21+).

Most of the teachers I have encountered here in the years I've been here are legitimate folk with good intentions. Every profession likely has a few deviants lurking around, so goes the nature of humans.

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No such thing as 'a freebie'.

You always pay one way or another.....Teacher or not!

No that is tottaly incorrect, "a myth". I've picked up hookers on and around Sukhumwit Rd, out of bars, and taken them home bonked them, sent on there way in the morning as I need to go to school and teach. Sometime I've only had a taxi fare to get to work as I hadn't been to the bank yet, and the BG has even been nice enough to pay for breakfast. One day a cheeky BG asked for a taxi fare home, so she took 2 packs of Mama noodles to compensate.

I've needed had any ongoing communication with most of them, just when I go near there workplace the next time and they want to return to my home again for another round of bedroom olympics.

I also have the opportunity to wear a hood.

So where is it that I will be paying?

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So where is it that I will be paying?

Where is it that you will be paying?

At your school just after lunch break when you realise how knackered you are.

...That and the 40-60bht for the pack of hoods.

LOL, no that's the way to get through to every Friday, and the girls usually pay for the hoods at 7/11!

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No such thing as 'a freebie'.

You always pay one way or another.....Teacher or not!

No that is tottaly incorrect, "a myth". I've picked up hookers on and around Sukhumwit Rd, out of bars, and taken them home bonked them, sent on there way in the morning as I need to go to school and teach. Sometime I've only had a taxi fare to get to work as I hadn't been to the bank yet, and the BG has even been nice enough to pay for breakfast. One day a cheeky BG asked for a taxi fare home, so she took 2 packs of Mama noodles to compensate.

I've needed had any ongoing communication with most of them, just when I go near there workplace the next time and they want to return to my home again for another round of bedroom olympics.

I also have the opportunity to wear a hood.

So where is it that I will be paying?

Low life.

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No such thing as 'a freebie'.

You always pay one way or another.....Teacher or not!

No that is tottaly incorrect, "a myth". I've picked up hookers on and around Sukhumwit Rd, out of bars, and taken them home bonked them, sent on there way in the morning as I need to go to school and teach. Sometime I've only had a taxi fare to get to work as I hadn't been to the bank yet, and the BG has even been nice enough to pay for breakfast. One day a cheeky BG asked for a taxi fare home, so she took 2 packs of Mama noodles to compensate.

I've needed had any ongoing communication with most of them, just when I go near there workplace the next time and they want to return to my home again for another round of bedroom olympics.

I also have the opportunity to wear a hood.

So where is it that I will be paying?

Low life.

If I may comment...

My guess is that mbkudu called you a low life in response to the way you wrote/said what you did.

It doesn't exactly convey a decent attitude.

Try re-phrasing the whole lot.

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