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What ever happened to...... government of the people, by the people, and for the people

It's the people that are the problem. This fiasco could never have happened if the peoples greed and ignorance hadn't co-opted them into these "house of cards" financial schemes . The people abdicated their role of citzen watchdog and legislator. The people wouldn't have been too upset about the bailout (after all its their kids that will pay for it, not them) if it had only made their stocks go back up. It hasn't so far and now the people want to know why, and to who the money is going? The pople are going to reap what they have sown. Going to hurt alot of other people in the process.

The average person uses less time and judgement in deciding where to place their capital and ajudging risks than they do in buying a car or planning their next vacation. fuc_k the people.

Lanna yes the people are " unaware " but the people behind the Fed maybe relied on this to get away with this scam !

Congress is demanding more transparency from the Fed and Treasury on bailout, most recently during Dec. 10 hearings by the House Financial Services committee when Representative David Scott, a Georgia Democrat, said Americans had “been bamboozled.” MORE LIKE RIPPED OFF

and where are all the people who shout more conspiracy theories to acuse Representative David Scott this time :o

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It's the people that are the problem. This fiasco could never have happened if the peoples greed and ignorance hadn't co-opted them into these "house of cards" financial schemes . The people abdicated their role of citzen watchdog and legislator. The people wouldn't have been too upset about the bailout (after all its their kids that will pay for it, not them) if it had only made their stocks go back up. It hasn't so far and now the people want to know why, and to who the money is going? The pople are going to reap what they have sown. Going to hurt alot of other people in the process.

The average person uses less time and judgement in deciding where to place their capital and ajudging risks than they do in buying a car or planning their next vacation. fuc_k the people.

I dont know about that.................I am part of the people & so are you.

I voted for no bailout. I wrote my Congressman & my senators.

Look back through my posts & see how LaoPo scolded me for not wanting to bail out the banks. :o

Now I dont want to bail out the auto guys who make crappy cars either.

The government tells me we had to though..... Well the least they could do is tell me who or what is on the bill I & my grandchildren & you will be paying eh?

Also I see & understand that your post is probably sarcastic wit but never the less I also understand that the majority of the folks really are too busy with their nose to the grindstone. Yes perhaps they let things go to far by trusting the fork tongues we call politicians. Perhaps they/we got lazy & said to ourselves we cannot fight city hall. Then again most of the folks I know are not Stock investor types just working folks.They dont spend time like you say deciding where their capital goes as they know it goes to bills....Hmmm perhaps your right but I hope not.

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What ever happened to...... government of the people, by the people, and for the people

Flying, Why in the world is the FED any more compelled to release information to any journalist that asks than say the DOD? I am glad that Bloomberg is shaking the cage a bit, but this has nothing to do with government of the people, by the people and for the people :o

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strap in kiddies, waves two and three are about to begin (notice I didn"t say strap-on, Naam, highdiver, bendix, glyph et al)

and yes LOS will feel the pain as well despite the rainbows and lollipops


Agreed Bingo! The revolving credit crisis will be the next shoe to drop :o After seeing the Chinese import numbers last week and listening to the FED meeting statement today, it is clear that deflationary trends and a bear market in commodities will be with us for more than just a "few quarters" :D As far as Thailand goes, foriegn investment will likely drop off a cliff and unemployment will escalate.

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what a wild night last night, anyone notice the ZN and ZB, and the cross currencies just took off against the $, i thoought the Euro might stop around 139 ish, well it blew that out of the water next stop maybe 145. the Aussie $ back towards 0.70 and cable back to 156 lol

that Euro move was one of the craziest moves i have seen in a long time

crazy insane moves on the long bonds.

Cant for foresee why anyone would be encouraged by what the Fed is doing, this whole mess was caused via cheap credit and now Benspankme wants to get encourage lending again it seems some folks need basis math classes

still i have to thank the FOMC for get the bagholders to rally this to near my ES target of 927-33 or 942-950 ish, where i start to scale in

still with the seasonal timing there is a likley still some upside left in equities

those 10 and 30yr sure look tempting, now that a blow off waiting to resolve itself never thought i would ever see a near 140 print on the 30yr

hmmmm SRS sure looks tempting as well

go long ink and paper :o

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What ever happened to...... government of the people, by the people, and for the people

Flying, Why in the world is the FED any more compelled to release information to any journalist that asks than say the DOD? I am glad that Bloomberg is shaking the cage a bit, but this has nothing to do with government of the people, by the people and for the people :D

I hope all Americans are not so prepared to accept the status quo so readily....

But then you were a Bush supporter so that explains so much ......................... :o

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What ever happened to...... government of the people, by the people, and for the people

Flying, Why in the world is the FED any more compelled to release information to any journalist that asks than say the DOD? I am glad that Bloomberg is shaking the cage a bit, but this has nothing to do with government of the people, by the people and for the people :D

I hope all Americans are not so prepared to accept the status quo so readily....

But then you were a Bush supporter so that explains so much ......................... :D

Oh I guarantee there are many that have had it up to there & beyond. :o

We are on the edge.

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Oh I guarantee there are many that have had it up to there & beyond. :o

We are on the edge.

flying, are there actual groups of people or any movements forming in the USA

that might achieve something tangible ?

I do not know midas......

I see so many start ups & we will see how they tie it all together.

There is still not that main central group that is needed. But the mere fact that so many are now aware & talking. The fact that so many blogs & sites have started & are putting up good information. Sites like the crash course etc. are a very good start.

I have forgotten who said it but one of the sites said how important it was to protect the internet & through all of this information gathering & spreading I can see that is very true.

On another note....

Of course you have the militia's that always were there but now you also have many non militant types stocking up. Both on arms & supplies. That may or may not be a good thing but is not for me to say.

One thing is certain many have had it & seek a change. The system here broke long ago. Many cynics will say yes but you all allowed it & did nothing about it.

Please to remember the chains were added one link at a time. Many did not noticethe extra weight as they were working to secure a future for themselves & their children. Trying to achieve what was promised.

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Oh I guarantee there are many that have had it up to there & beyond. :o

We are on the edge.

flying, are there actual groups of people or any movements forming in the USA

that might achieve something tangible ?


There are not groups, in reality.

Nothing tangible.

Americans are very complacent. They only complain vocally, and rarely even demonstrate.

Sheep that are people are sheeple.

And I, am an American.

Americans just sit back and bend over. They complain to friends and family, but just take it.


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"End the Fed". They organised rallies all over the US last month and are planning more.


Thanks very good site & their opening film is well worth the 42 minutes.


I wonder what Ralph Nader thinks about the Fed scam ? :o

End The Fed should get him onboard - he would add an interesting dimension ........................ :D

He has authored over 20 books and been responsible for many laws authored in the 1970s and 1980s protecting consumers’ rights. He has, as well, been a constant critic of the current US/Iraq war. As a child of Lebanese parents

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so much for LOS being "insulated", say bye bye to the economy

Thai auto production likely to fall 20 percent next year: industry

:D Thailand's car manufacturing industry accounts for about 16 percent of the country's gross domestic product. :D


It looks like the first tens of thousands of unemployed will be heading home soon....

Welcome to your new job PM Abhisit...

PS: the 16 % of GDP is a lot more than the 6 to 6,5% of GDP in tourism.... :o


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I dont have a clue what is going on here .

All the banks , finance companies , carmakers etc etc etc have been making motza,s of cash over the last few years ,

while the economy has been rocking along .... they have all been posting huge profits .... their share prices are up up up

And now there is a slow down in their cash flow they are looking for handouts ?

All the CEO.s , board members , upper management of these companies should be held accountable , right ?

Of course not ! Governments of any developed country recognize that small to medium size businesses are the biggest

employers and the backbone of any country , but time and time again they turn their backs on these businesses to give handouts to the big , badly managed corporations .

Next year is going to be a exciting ride , belts on and hang on .

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hello children, well 2008 is now over, and now 2009 is about to begin

for those still in denial and those who bashed me (to my amusement) as their portfolios were ravaged like a yabba addicted bargirl, 2009 is going to be quite fun

waves 2 and 3 are now coming (bagholders will have to double up on the liquor as they try to recoup massive losses by doubling down on more losing positions) .....stay tuned

i will continue to post to enlighten the dim and to also bounce ideas off the 3 other posters on this thread who i actually respect for their financial commentary (not you bendix)

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