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Does anyone know what happens to a forang who is caught by the police with a small quantity of marijauna intended for personal consumption?


The only thing certain is its going to cost him a LOT of money.

He could get deported,

He could spend time in a Thai jail (not nice from what ive heard)

He could get away with it (unlikely, unless he pays off the cops who bust him)

Its even possible he could get the death scentence, as its within the laws of thailand to do that.

Bottom line, if the guy needs/wants to smoke dope, i personally suggest he tries a different country. Maybe the UK or some european country where the laws for dope are a little more relaxed.

Of course the other option is to not get caught, but sooner or later hes gunna have to deal with this situation, its envitable.

Does anyone know what happens to a forang who is caught by the police with a small quantity of marijauna intended for personal consumption?

Marijuana is considered in the same league as heroin, opium, meth, etc., in this society.

Cops that make drug arrests are given accolades and promotions, even cash rewards.

Cops that make drug arrests and take money only get the money.

A smart cop, in my opinion, would arrest you. He knows that the accolades and promotions will pay off down the road probably much more than the money he could get off you in a one-time deal....

Another consideration.....

The fact that you bought drugs is valuable to the guy who sold it to you....If he ever gets busted for his business, your name will be the first one offered up in hopes of a deal. You can count on that.

A court of law WILL find you guilty. It would only be amazing luck that you wouldn't get sentenced to major (up to life!) prison time.

So, is that buzz off crappy Thai pot worth it?


Most people who smoke dope are the most boring people I have ever met.

They have this sort of 'cool gang' mentality and have probably lived very avarage lives and followed the in crowd all of their lives.

Sadly, I have a good friend here who enjoys a frequent joint.

I'd rather have a joint of beef - at least it doesn't make me hyper-paranoid, lazy, forgetful and sick - I've never seen what the fuss is about.


TGS, What a limited selection of smokers you must have met.. Having lived in Holland I can tell you that smokers have in general tended to be far more open minded thoughtful tolerant people than drinkers on every level..

The true crime is that products of nature (hemp / mushrooms / piyote / etc) have been lumped in with processed chemicals in thier legality.. Any further reading shows this has mostly been due british wanting to maintain control of hemp production and paper... Now its lobbied by the breweries..

The UK has pretty much decriminalised on a street level as has germany etc... Europe is learning there is no way to win a war on drugs (bar killing 300 of your population of course)...

Most people who smoke dope are the most boring people I have ever met.

They have this sort of 'cool gang' mentality and have probably lived very avarage lives and followed the in crowd all of their lives.

Sadly, I have a good friend here who enjoys a frequent joint.

I'd rather have a joint of beef - at least it doesn't make me hyper-paranoid, lazy, forgetful and sick - I've never seen what the fuss is about.

I think you don't have a clue about what you talking about.


Thailand - the penalty for smuggling drugs is death (immigration form)

Malaysia - the penalty for smuggling drugs is death (immigration form)

Singapore - the penalty for smuggling drugs is death (immigration form)

Go to the Netherlands if you must smoke dope. Druggies are not welcome in SE Asia - why do you think they send so much abroad? :o


scamp , thats bullshit IMHO. maybe youve had a bit of a sheltered life OR many people who you met and werent boring were smokers and you didnt know . people dont go around advertising that they smoke to be "cool " at least not grown ups :o

Does anyone know what happens to a forang who is caught by the police with a small quantity of marijauna intended for personal consumption?

Two farangs was arrested by police two years ago with 30grams of marihuana. One of them run a tattoshop and he also make tatto for the two local police. They stayed in phangan for many years, have no working permit, but all the locals like them. One day a lot of police from surat thani came to the island and raid paradise waterfall known for their parties and drugselling not for the waterfall. One of the boy from the ownerfamily run to the jungle with the drugs and police not find anything. The people from the place said that it was the farang in the hut in the jungle nearby who was the drugdealers. Police went to their hut and find them sleep in the hammock and find a bong and 30grams. Police arrested them and hand them over two the local police. They vas told by the local police that 30 grams is over the limit for a fine and deported. Some local governmentpeople came to the policestation and next day the police told them that they can't find all the marihuana so there is only 8 grams (4 grams to each) of evidence now, so this will be under the 5 grams limit for deported. The police told them that next morning they will be sendt to the court in surat thani and the court will fine you 50k and maybe deported. They was told by police to find a good laywer and told the court that you wanted the court to act as with the Thais. The court accept this and they was free to go back to pangan, but have to came back every weeks. After two months the was fined 10 000 each, but alltogether with lawyer etc, 35k each. No red stamps no deport. If you are arested and acept the 50000bath fine you will also deported. If it is under 5grams you can do the thaiway, two days in jail and no deport or black list. This is only about marihuana, other drugs no mercy at all.

The farang who was arested have now working permit non imm b visa and lisence to make tattoshop in all surat province. I think it will be different if you arrested in Bangkok or up in the north. Koh Pha-ngan is more libareted to marihuana than other province in Thailand. In koh pha-ngan i met people who was arested four times and still no red stamps.


But I recomend people who do drugs, stay away from Thailand. You can't buy dope without a lot of people know that the farang use dope and one day, some who not benefits from it will sell you to his policefriend. Don't take the risk.

The UK has pretty much decriminalised on a street level


All you have to do is go into any of our cities Manchester,Liverpool,london or even Towns like Wigan, Warrington, on most nights of the week. :o

I know why i want to live in Thailand. :D

The UK has pretty much decriminalised on a street level


All you have to do is go into any of our cities Manchester,Liverpool,london or even Towns like Wigan, Warrington, on most nights of the week. :o

I know why i want to live in Thailand. :D

When the gowernment in Thailand make war on drugs, you have to live with that. If they liberated it in Europa you have to accept this too. I prefer to sit in a coffeshop in Amsterdam with a joint and speak with creative people than with Thai or farang Lao Khao drinkers.

TGS, What a limited selection of smokers you must have met.. Having lived in Holland I can tell you that smokers have in general tended to be far more open minded thoughtful tolerant people than drinkers on every level..

I'm not saying drunks are my favoured company but what I am saying is that not everyone NEEDS to get high to be imaginative and open minded.

I am naturally creative, think on another level and have a different attitude to life than many so I don't need drugs to expand my mind...

Before you ask me how much I love myself - I didn't mean the above to sound arrogant, if anything I envy those who use drugs to open up their minds and think on a different level, because being able to do it naturally is a pain in the arse because I think too much, analyse everything and often suffer from insomnia... Something I doubt most pot heads suffer from... dude. :o

Most people who smoke dope are the most boring people I have ever met.

They have this sort of 'cool gang' mentality and have probably lived very avarage lives and followed the in crowd all of their lives.

Sadly, I have a good friend here who enjoys a frequent joint.

I'd rather have a joint of beef - at least it doesn't make me hyper-paranoid, lazy, forgetful and sick - I've never seen what the fuss is about.

I think you don't have a clue about what you talking about.

You don't think I have a clue what I'm talking about?

Well I do know what I'm talking about because I was talking about my opinions.

If I said I prefered tomato soup to chicken soup and you didn't agree, would you come out with the same statement?

It's you that doesn't know what you're talking about - probably because you're stoned out of your bonce you <deleted>.

scamp , thats bullshit IMHO. maybe youve had a bit of a sheltered life OR many people who you met and werent boring were smokers and you didnt know . people dont go around advertising that they smoke to be "cool " at least not grown upsĀ  :o

'MOST' - The word that started my original post.

. I prefer to sit in a coffeshop in Amsterdam with a joint and speak with creative people than with Thai or farang Lao Khao drinkers.

Believe it or not you dont have to sit with drinkers, Thais or Falang if you dont smoke weeds.

There are other things in life to make you feel better. :o

Thats if you need to be made to feel better. :D

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