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Looking For Traders, For Exchange Of Ideas And Trends!

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Hi guys,

I am a daytrader on the stockmarket, using primarily technical analysis, but also fundamental analysis to choose what assets to invest in and with what timing. I wonder if there are other people out there doing the same thing, and whether you guys would be interested in meeting up to exchange ideas and trading strategies in these volatile markets! Good trades for you all!


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sounds to me like u probably run an ebay business.

What sort of post is that ? Beerlao i will pm you and ignore the DH .


Agreed. It's a pathetic post. This new poster is showing a rather boring recurring theme.

Beerlao - good luck with your thread, and please keep the interesting ideas available to read. I don't have enough knowledge in this area to add to your thread but I'm interested to learn.

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the op is certainly not a professional. first off, day trading is almost impossible to do successfully. second off, technical analysis is useless. third off, if he was a professional at day trading, than he would be 1/thousands and would not be posting on thai visa w/ 15 posts and named beerlao to the general section asking if anyone had any advice about trading for me.

maybe he is a professional yahoo play money day trader.

game, set, match, me.

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the op is certainly not a professional. first off, day trading is almost impossible to do successfully. second off, technical analysis is useless. third off, if he was a professional at day trading, than he would be 1/thousands and would not be posting on thai visa w/ 15 posts and named beerlao to the general section asking if anyone had any advice about trading for me.

maybe he is a professional yahoo play money day trader.

game, set, match, me.

How so kiasu of you!

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the op is certainly not a professional. first off, day trading is almost impossible to do successfully. second off, technical analysis is useless. third off, if he was a professional at day trading, than he would be 1/thousands and would not be posting on thai visa w/ 15 posts and named beerlao to the general section asking if anyone had any advice about trading for me.

maybe he is a professional yahoo play money day trader.

game, set, match, me.

How so kiasu of you!

Let him send me the money so I can bless it for him.

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They say the markets are going to be unstable so now is a time when you probably could do the daytrading stuff. The future is uncertain for sure. This is interesting to me too. I hate the junk email junk traders send you trying to get you to buy into some junk stock so they can make a profit off you. I wanna watch that movie Boiler room again. Best of luck with it. Got any suggested picks for gains over the next year in the US. I don't do the minute to minute day to day stuff. I do have an online brokerage account though.

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the op is certainly not a professional. first off, day trading is almost impossible to do successfully. second off, technical analysis is useless. third off, if he was a professional at day trading, than he would be 1/thousands and would not be posting on thai visa w/ 15 posts and named beerlao to the general section asking if anyone had any advice about trading for me.

maybe he is a professional yahoo play money day trader.

game, set, match, me.

suggest you re-read forum rules. Especially number 2 which says:

"Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or any attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants"

while there is merit debating the virtues of day trading, to do so with an underlying ridicule is not on. If you don't have anything constructive to add, don't post. We don't want posts turning into a sh!tfight from the get-go.

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Hi guys,

I am a daytrader on the stockmarket, using primarily technical analysis, but also fundamental analysis to choose what assets to invest in and with what timing. I wonder if there are other people out there doing the same thing, and whether you guys would be interested in meeting up to exchange ideas and trading strategies in these volatile markets! Good trades for you all!


If your name was beerchang I would be more inclined to contact you. beer lao gives me a headache... :o

Just kidding of course...I'm a novice and would certainly be interested in a good trade.

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Hi guys,

I am a daytrader on the stockmarket, using primarily technical analysis, but also fundamental analysis to choose what assets to invest in and with what timing. I wonder if there are other people out there doing the same thing, and whether you guys would be interested in meeting up to exchange ideas and trading strategies in these volatile markets! Good trades for you all!


Good luck to you. If you are succesful in your methods, best you go your own way. My observations here lead me to believe that people here are only interested in markets, the same way they are interested in the weather. They may talk about it a lot, but at the end of the day, whether or not the sun shines on them or they get caught in a deluge is beyond their grasp to change.

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the op is certainly not a professional. first off, day trading is almost impossible to do successfully. second off, technical analysis is useless. third off, if he was a professional at day trading, than he would be 1/thousands and would not be posting on thai visa w/ 15 posts and named beerlao to the general section asking if anyone had any advice about trading for me.

maybe he is a professional yahoo play money day trader.

game, set, match, me.

"First off", anyone who risks real money is a "professional" in my view, as opposed to the dilletantes who post endless articles and opinions on what may or may not happen and the reasons why. "Second off" technical analysis is not useless at all, but people who have no understandingof it, often believe that to be the case. "Third off" people engaged in any activity, whether it be professional or hobby, often seek out people with similar interest to exchange ideas, knowledge and friendship.

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I always wonder why there are so many experts giving advice based on their technical analysis which turns out to be wrong. Even though they are wrong they are back on giving advice again two weeks later. If a weatherman said it was going to rain and it did not rain then he said it again and it did not rain and again and again a few times the network would kick the guy off the air. They should be harsher on these analysts. I wish there were a way to record what they say every time they are on the air then compare it later to what really happens. There are just too many people who say they know it all.

Despite my distrust of the analysts, I do still follow them as I like to watch the business news. Everyone has their own way of predicting the future. Is there a stock Jatukarm?

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I always wonder why there are so many experts giving advice based on their technical analysis which turns out to be wrong. Even though they are wrong they are back on giving advice again two weeks later. If a weatherman said it was going to rain and it did not rain then he said it again and it did not rain and again and again a few times the network would kick the guy off the air. They should be harsher on these analysts. I wish there were a way to record what they say every time they are on the air then compare it later to what really happens. There are just too many people who say they know it all.

Despite my distrust of the analysts, I do still follow them as I like to watch the business news. Everyone has their own way of predicting the future. Is there a stock Jatukarm?

Tecnical analysis isn't a forecast exactly it's more about defining "where you are". When you can see where you are you can relate it to similar past occurrences and create probabalistic models. The most important thing is to know what you're going to do if your wrong. I think many of those people you watch don't flesh out that aspect of it. I don't know, I never look at what other people do.

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Daytrading can become successful using technical analysis for a few people who are able to come up with a super good and UNIQUE trading system. It is believed that less than 5% of traders are able to achieve this.


That super good "trading system" becomes TOTALLY USELESS once the successful trader shows another person how to do it!

Sorry BeerLao... they won't share with us! :o

Edited by junkofdavid2
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Daytrading can become successful using technical analysis for a few people who are able to come up with a super good and UNIQUE trading system. It is believed that less than 5% of traders are able to achieve this.


That super good "trading system" becomes TOTALLY USELESS once the successful trader shows another person how to do it!

Sorry BeerLao... they won't share with us! :o

There are lots of tools, that work for most people, most of the time. The number one difficulty most people face is they don't have the correct psychological make up. I'm no different. You'd be hard pressed to find a more risk averse person than myself. I just had to become mechanical about my methods. Anyway, the guy wasn't soliciting anyone for anything. Looked like he was just looking to form an interest group of similarly interested people.

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Hey guys,

Wow I did not expect this. First of all, I am no Superguru and I do not want to offend anybody with either my number of posts, my name, or anything else I might have said. I am just a daytrader (a successful one (you do not have to believe me if you don't want)). My objective is it to find people that share my passion with me and exchange ideas and trading strategies. I am a student so you will understand that I have lots of time at my disposure to watch cnbc all day. My trading system works for me and I make my share of %.

Anyway lannarebirth, thanks for the support;).

So if anybody has something constuctive to say about my post, please go ahead and post. I open for criticism too, as long as it is well argued and does not contain insults;).

beerlao (the best SEA beer)

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Hi lannabirth,

I know exactely what you mean, but I know how to filter the information given there. I just need it for the handful of good analysts and the fast newscoverage;). But thanks for warning!


Hi beerlao,

Why would a daytrader (or anyone else for that matter) care what an "analyst" thinks? If they aren't making direct deposits to your brokerage account my suggestion still stands. Shut it off. Bias is something you absolutely don't need.

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Hi lannabirth,

I know exactely what you mean, but I know how to filter the information given there. I just need it for the handful of good analysts and the fast newscoverage;). But thanks for warning!


Hi beerlao,

Why would a daytrader (or anyone else for that matter) care what an "analyst" thinks? If they aren't making direct deposits to your brokerage account my suggestion still stands. Shut it off. Bias is something you absolutely don't need.

well, because when an analyst down- or upgrades a stock during market hours the stock most likely will move intraday under high volume and thats exactly what a daytrader can very well use. It takes rt-data/news feed of course and thats probably what BL is refering to.

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Hi lannabirth,

I know exactely what you mean, but I know how to filter the information given there. I just need it for the handful of good analysts and the fast newscoverage;). But thanks for warning!


Hi beerlao,

Why would a daytrader (or anyone else for that matter) care what an "analyst" thinks? If they aren't making direct deposits to your brokerage account my suggestion still stands. Shut it off. Bias is something you absolutely don't need.

well, because when an analyst down- or upgrades a stock during market hours the stock most likely will move intraday under high volume and thats exactly what a daytrader can very well use. It takes rt-data/news feed of course and thats probably what BL is refering to.

Oh, I see. I don't trade stocks so wouldn't know. Still a news feed would tell you the same information I would think. Not that I look at that either.

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Traders have there own way of doing things , i have traded for 25 years have been retired twice came back trading because i could not leave it alone . In 25 years i have had one losing year and 1 break even the others all winners . I have my own system which is running a base position with a long term view and sometimes using a jobbing position for short term trades . The one thing i was taught early was discipline i have stops in the markets i trade and if i am wrong there is no emotion i execute stop profits as i do stop losses the same .


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I'm trading the E-Mini S&P 500. Make sure you close your positions every day and use limit orders to benefit from movements while you are not watching the market. ** Are you getting real time quotes and see the order book or the depth (bid & ask volume)? Who is your broker? I use DTFutures.com aka Farronline.com

Another strategy for those who hold stocks like GS might be to write options which are priced higher. that way, they could get a return of maybe 20% p.a. ** 3 possible scenarios. #1: nothing happens. You keep the premium, the option expires. #2, the stock falls and you buy back the option for a lot less and have the choice to sell the stock then. #3, the stock rises above the price the option was written for and it will get exercised. You lose the stock at say 200 and keep the premium plus get 200 while GS was trading at 180 at the time you wrote the option. Check it out. bigcharts.com has option chains, too.

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I'm trading the E-Mini S&P 500 these days. A change of 1 or 2% might bring a profit which lets you buy a new car. But this requires a lot of discipline and the use of limits. ** Those who buy and hold stocks might want to consider writing options and getting returns of maybe 20% on some stocks. Take GS. They trade at assumed $ 180 and you sell the option at 200 until January 2008. Unless the stock reaches 200, you keep it and the premium. If the stock falls, you could buy back the option for a lot less and do it again when the price recovers. If nothing happenes, then you keep the premium and the stocks. ** Which brokers are you all using? I use www.dtfutures.com And are you using a local broker as well?

For those who trade, use real time quotes and then look at the market depth (order book). It helps to see the bid and ask volume etc. Just by avoiding market orders, all investors should save money, even stock holders!

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Daytrading can become successful using technical analysis for a few people who are able to come up with a super good and UNIQUE trading system. It is believed that less than 5% of traders are able to achieve this.


That super good "trading system" becomes TOTALLY USELESS once the successful trader shows another person how to do it!

Sorry BeerLao... they won't share with us! :o

i would presume the 5 % stats have been used as some marketing tool to paint a FALSE picture

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Hey guys,

Wow I did not expect this. First of all, I am no Superguru and I do not want to offend anybody with either my number of posts, my name, or anything else I might have said. I am just a daytrader (a successful one (you do not have to believe me if you don't want)). My objective is it to find people that share my passion with me and exchange ideas and trading strategies. I am a student so you will understand that I have lots of time at my disposure to watch cnbc all day. My trading system works for me and I make my share of %.

Anyway lannarebirth, thanks for the support;).

So if anybody has something constuctive to say about my post, please go ahead and post. I open for criticism too, as long as it is well argued and does not contain insults;).

beerlao (the best SEA beer)

this site is probably what you are looking for. HERE a free advice blog, which gives tips on day trades. Careful thou some have been burnt when not following close enough. ie have a very tight stop loss on some of these so called stocks that dont even make profit but soar up in price and crash, too many to mention out there but I think you know which ones if you have done some of your own research.

look me up when you make your first million :o

good luck

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