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Black People In Thailand

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I have experience a few looks & whispers but the best is thai or farang business people that you have been exchanging email for a while and they finaly got to meet and to see that look it's priceless. Once it's knowned that I'm american the attitude change, I have to say that the treatment has been great so far but I'm an easy go lucky kind of guy I always have a smile on my face. Because of that I'm friendly with hotel receptionist, shop attendant, street vendors who has give me gift or show me where to get the best food.

Since I travel alone I can seat at the bar and no one would talk to me until they hear me speak or the darkess thai girl would come over to talk to me. There are some advantages also, I can walk thru Patpong in Bangkok or Bangla Road in Phuket without being drag by two to three girls to a bar. I can go to bar to watch a great game on the tele while listening to great rock music in peace, if you have sense of humour like I have it can be extremely funny to watch people behaviour around me change before and after you talk to them.

I would love to hear experiences from any black person who own small business in the LOS because I really would like to buy a franchise or buy a small guest house.


Just like to say that I think you've got a great attitude, I'm sure with that kind of positive outlook you'll be fine


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The guy who started Soi Cowboy was a Black ex-GI who stayed after Vietnam.  Got to know him fairly well and he was an OK fella - was a minor visionary in his time.

I knew him a little bit too!

Later he ran a saloon up in Washington Square! :o

I heard that he went back to die in the States some years back! :D


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Tiger Woods. Not exactly *in* Thailand, but none-the-less a public figure.

Idolatry in the sports world. May help change some attitudes.

ICYDK, black-american-father-thai-mother. Like father, like-son, a gentleman.

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There is a toothpaste advert on Thai tv by Darlie that could be offensive towards black people.It's the one where the girl looses her balloon and a black man climbs up a light pole and returns it to her then the mother comes running over to get her & carries on a bit.

When i saw this ad i thought it was racist & stupid,a totally unnecessary commercial but god knows how the Thais think sometimes.I'm farang but i still get people pointing and saying falang,farang from kids & adults.Try doing that back home to an asian,we would probably get locked up.It's just so childish.

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The guy who started Soi Cowboy was a Black ex-GI who stayed after Vietnam.  Got to know him fairly well and he was an OK fella - was a minor visionary in his time.

I knew him a little bit too!

Later he ran a saloon up in Washington Square! :o

I heard that he went back to die in the States some years back! :D


Yes, heard he passed away some time ago. Had a bit of a taste for "The Grape"!

Wonder whatever happened to his wife, Lorretta. She ran one of the more up-market places in Soi Cowboy for a long time.

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I'm farang but i still get people pointing and saying falang,farang from kids & adults.Try doing that back home to an asian,we would probably get locked up.It's just so childish.

Try driving through the deep south and stopping at a Hardee's fast food outlet only to realize that you are the only two non whites....their not pointing at you but the stares you get is good enough to make you feel uneasy.

The point here is that it will happen all over the world and not just LOS. I don't necessary think those people are racists just that they are not used to seeing someone different.

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Good point

Back in the mid 80's I was in johor bahru malaysia with a Lieutenant in my unit.Who happened to be black. Eveywhere we went he was being staired at and people would even come up to him and rub on his skin to see if the color would come off. Not racist just facinated. Funny thing was they all thought he was Stevie Wonder. :o

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Out of interest, is anyone on this forum black?

I guess just by looking at my Avatar will answer that question............And If you follow the American Cartoon "South Park", you'll know the name of this character for my Avatar, and understand why I chose it specially for posting here at Thaivisa Forum ! :o

Maybe I was wrong to use it, because so far it seems that I'm not the only Black, or the only Black American here now! ( Which is always comforting to to know! :( )

So I guess the number is currently up to at least three at present.... :wub:

I have seen many black expats here and was just wondering what it's like being a black guy living here.

Well, I'm not an Expat currently living in Thailand, But I spent some time in Thailand, even though it was brief ( and I am a black guy ), so maybe I can sort of answer this...

While I was in the Kingdom, I personally experienced very few instances of racism directed at me, which were somewhat minor, but for the most part, Thai people were very nice and hospitable toward me, from the Hi-so Thais all the way to Hill Tribe people.

And since I've always been in situations where I was the only Black person around, I had no problem being in and around another different majority population, something I believe some, if not most White people who are from Majority White populated countries have problems adjusting to... :D

Are all Thai girls really that hung up on darkness of skin or is it possible or do black guys and Thai girls get it together?

I've once met two extremely beautiful Thai girls, One in Bangkok, and another in Pattaya ( who I might add, were as dark or darker ! ), tell me that they thought that they were ugly because of their skin color... And one even asked me if I wished I was a White man! :D

But As for Black guys and Thai girls getting it together...Yes, It's quite possible....And on that fact I base that on personal experience! :D

Incedentally, my Christmas in South Africa confirmed my suspicions that the whiter ones skin, the less friendly the race - that's just my own generalisation and one of the reasons why I am happier in Asia than in the west.

I've know some very Bad Dark skined people, and very Good Light skinned people in my life. I'm sure you will also find that out in Asia, as elsewhere in the world.... -_-

Great Thread you started, Gentleman Scamp! Hopefully there will be even more Black guys coming out of the woodwork to enlighten you White guys here about some of their experiences in Thailand!


Avatar represents my reaction when I first came to Nana Plaza during the night...Or was it Soi Cowboy? :D

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Thais are only prejudiced to a 'skin deep' level from my experience. They may be apprehensive about the way someone looks, but once they get to know a person they extend the same friendship to anybody who is friendly.

I've known people in the States who could never be friends with a Black person or a Mexican person just, because. They would not even give a person the benifit of the doubt. Sad really, a potential friend lost.

Anyway, to Narachon, you're welcome here man!

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Out of interest, is anyone on this forum black?

I guess just by looking at my Avatar will answer that question............And If you follow the American Cartoon "South Park", you'll know the name of this character for my Avatar, and understand why I chose it specially for posting here at Thaivisa Forum ! :o

Maybe I was wrong to use it, because so far it seems that I'm not the only Black, or the only Black American here now! ( Which is always comforting to to know! :) )

So I guess the number is currently up to at least three at present.... :wub:

I have seen many black expats here and was just wondering what it's like being a black guy living here.

Well, I'm not an Expat currently living in Thailand, But I spent some time in Thailand, even though it was brief ( and I am a black guy ), so maybe I can sort of answer this...

While I was in the Kingdom, I personally experienced very few instances of racism directed at me, which were somewhat minor, but for the most part, Thai people were very nice and hospitable toward me, from the Hi-so Thais all the way to Hill Tribe people.

And since I've always been in situations where I was the only Black person around, I had no problem being in and around another different majority population, something I believe some, if not most White people who are from Majority White populated countries have problems adjusting to... :D

Are all Thai girls really that hung up on darkness of skin or is it possible or do black guys and Thai girls get it together?

I've once met two extremely beautiful Thai girls, One in Bangkok, and another in Pattaya ( who I might add, were as dark or darker ! ), tell me that they thought that they were ugly because of their skin color... And one even asked me if I wished I was a White man! :D

But As for Black guys and Thai girls getting it together...Yes, It's quite possible....And on that fact I base that on personal experience! :D

Incedentally, my Christmas in South Africa confirmed my suspicions that the whiter ones skin, the less friendly the race - that's just my own generalisation and one of the reasons why I am happier in Asia than in the west.

I've know some very Bad Dark skined people, and very Good Light skinned people in my life. I'm sure you will also find that out in Asia, as elsewhere in the world.... -_-

Great Thread you started, Gentleman Scamp! Hopefully there will be even more Black guys coming out of the woodwork to enlighten you White guys here about some of their experiences in Thailand!


Avatar represents my reaction when I first came to Nana Plaza during the night...Or was it Soi Cowboy? :D

I see you're a newbie, were you joining up anyway or did this thread catch your attention whilst having a browse?

Stick around dude, come and hang out with us! :(

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I'm east african, though having not spent much time in LOS, I was there for a few weeks in earlier this year. I had no problems being black, you might get the odd stares from people, but thats about it.

Strange stuff happens though, at Ayuthaya (sp!) , some thai girls asked my thai gf if they could take some photos with me, dont know why ( i'm no celebrity )

Also went to this pub called scudo (cant remember where it is), just thai's only no foreigners, kinda intimidating at first walking in, had a great time there. Most other pubs/clubs i went to had plenty of foreigners

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There is a toothpaste advert on Thai tv by Darlie that could be offensive towards black people.It's the one where the girl looses her balloon and a black man climbs up a light pole and returns it to her then the mother comes running over to get her & carries on a bit.

Believe it or not, the toothpaste now known as "Darlie" used to be known as "Darkie".

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There is a toothpaste advert on Thai tv by Darlie that could be offensive towards black people.It's the one where the girl looses her balloon and a black man climbs up a light pole and returns it to her then the mother comes running over to get her & carries on a bit.

Believe it or not, the toothpaste now known as "Darlie" used to be known as "Darkie".

Don't know 'bout you but if they came out with a toothpaste called "Whitey" - wouldn't bother me...

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When I first came to live in Thailand, a black guy opened the first good Farang restaurant in Chiang Mai, America Restaurant. His name was Willy and he had been a celebrity Chef in Hawaii, on TV and in the newspapers.

He was a great big, jolly guy and everyone liked him. :D

The funny thing was that none of the hookers would admit that they had slept with him, although most of them did. :D

I still remember that every time he would go to Penang on a visa run, the police would take him - and only him - off the bus and make him bend over and spread his cheeks for a search, and he could never figure out why. :D

We didn't want to hurt his feelings, but every time he went to Penang this would happen, and every time we would end up discussing it. Someone finally said out loud that it might be because he is black, but he acted like he'd never even considered the possibilty, and was pretty sure that that wasn't it. :o

I've heard that he is in Mexico now, but if he reads this somehow... Willy we talk about you often and please know that you are missed!

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I see you're a newbie, were you joining up anyway or did this thread catch your attention whilst having a browse?

I've been on Bangkok Chat for years ( I'm well known there, but I am know there by another name.... And there people assume I'm a farang, even though I never mentioed my race there...:D ) and remember when this forum was set up, but i had no inclination to join, since most of the posts seemed to be about only "Farang this" and "Farang that"... It seemed by looking at all the Posts here that the only men in Thailand were White men from Great Britain! :D

It's only been very recently that I've been posting and joining forums of any kind....I much prefer to chat with people in real time.. :D

Stick around dude, come and hang out with us! :D

I'd love to! Where we goin'? :o

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There is a toothpaste advert on Thai tv by Darlie that could be offensive towards black people.It's the one where the girl looses her balloon and a black man climbs up a light pole and returns it to her then the mother comes running over to get her & carries on a bit.

When i saw this ad i thought it was racist & stupid,a totally unnecessary commercial but god knows how the Thais think sometimes.

"Could be"? :o

I've actually seen the commercial you mentioned, and actually, the commerical is for the Twin Lotus Herbal toothpaste, not "Darlie" toothpaste. And I would quite agree with you that the commerical sounds quite racist. The whole concept of this TV Ad definitely would not even be considered, let alone shown here in America , unless as a skit for a comedy show on TV ( ala Dave Chappelle Show.....:D ) The simple fact of equating Black men with toothpaste product is not the most PC thing to do of course, but it does seem to be a common theme in Asia - If you know the history of "Darlie" toothpaste, you would see that the Twin Lotus Herbal commerical could be viewed in very bad taste outside of Thailand.( Darlie, as has been mentioned in a previous post, actually used to be called "Darkie", and even to this day is still called "Haak Yahn Nga Gou" in Cantonese - "Black Man's toothpaste", in Hong Kong and I think other parts of China - and still retaining a smiling Al Jolson-ish Minstel picture of a Black man on the box. I remember a friend of mine even gave me a box as a souvenier when she returned fom HK! She said, laughing, "This is for you!" :D )

I did a little research on the Internet regarding the Twin Lotus Herbal Company, and their new commercial for their toothpaste,and it seemed that according to market research by the company, many Thais are reluctant to use the toothpaste because of it's dark color, which has the color of it's herbal ingredients. The company wanted

to expand into a younger market, which target consumer group tends to be more socially aware than the older generation, it was thought, so they decided to include social commentary in their marketing promotion, regarding the fact that some, if not many Thais have the general Asian prejudice against people with dark skin

( ie. African or African decent people, Indians, dark-skinned Asians ), which is traditionally associated with "Peasantry". So the marketing geniuses Twin Lotus Herbal Toothpaste decided to equate black/dark-skinned people with their dark colored Herbal toothpaste. The commerical had good intentions, but in my opinion done very ineptly and clumsily, with little imagination. I really don't think that the Ad agency developing the commerical for Twin Lotus did any marketing research on how Black people in Thailand would react to the commerical, but then again, demographic-wise,there are very few of them in Thailand to begin with, and are not the main target customers for the product anyway...

Regardless, I don't expect to see this commercial winning any International Cleo awards anytime soon... :D

I'm farang but i still get people pointing and saying falang,farang from kids & adults.Try doing that back home to an asian,we would probably get locked up.It's just so childish.

Hmmm...I was never pointed at while I was in Thailand, but then again, I'm not what Thais would consider a "Farang"...:D

You gave me a good idea...I think I'll be going outside on Madison Ave here in NYC during my lunch Break, and point to Asian people and say " Farang, Farang", and see what happens!


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  • 2 weeks later...
I have that same toothpaste  But it is another name now in thailand  I saw it last time i was there.  I thought it was funny  "Darkie"  Pretty good toothpaste also


I really wouldn't know, I'll take your word for it! I never opened the box to try out mine that was given to me by my friend in HK... Actually, It's sitting on my bookcase as a souvenier! :D

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That black man toothpaste commercial is actually pretty smart. Notice the black man goes home to lay down on a bed that morphs into a toothbrush, and him as the toothpaste. It seems obvious the message is designed to challenge Thai preconceptions. He did good for the girl despite his color, the toothpaste does good despite its color.

All the balloons he has even pokes fun at the Thai stubborness to change their ideas.

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That black man toothpaste commercial is actually pretty smart. Notice the black man goes home to lay down on a bed that morphs into a toothbrush, and him as the toothpaste. It seems obvious the message is designed to challenge Thai preconceptions. He did good for the girl despite his color, the toothpaste does good despite its color.

All the balloons he has even pokes fun at the Thai stubborness to change their ideas.

It would have even been more funnier if all those ballons morphed into a whole bunch of hot Thai women! But of course, that would never happen... :o

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