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Returning To The Uk


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ahh a class conscious soap dodger with an chip on his shoulder about education...geez that’s new.

Nice attitude Samran , you'll go far , the Uk likes people who throw lovely labels at us , imagine a Brit , on this board , calling Thai's "Rice Eating Gooks" or something similar whilst procrastinating about coming to Thailand to live.

Here's a clue , come and Live in the UK , then tell us how you like it , we may actually listen.

btw Soapdodger is a term that won't be recognised here :o

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"England's great!"

"England's sh*te!"





If you could develop compression software that looked for these patterns in forums, you could probably get massive ones such as this down to a few bytes big...

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"England's great!"

"England's sh*te!"





If you could develop compression software that looked for these patterns in forums, you could probably get massive ones such as this down to a few bytes big...

What's next , <deleted> or Great? , who's opinion will be ummm opined , a Brit who thinks <deleted> , a brit who thinks Great, or someone who has never lived here saying <deleted>/Great/<deleted>?

Or for an outside bet , AndyinClapham , who supports whoever he thinks is the repressed/educated/left/minority today?

I wait with unbaited breasts..... :o

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Samran what is the correlation with Thai immigration and Uk immigration?? I just dont get it, in Thailand you have no NHS, you have no dole, no hand outs, nothing that benefits you as an immigrant either legal or illegal. Why the fuk would any asylum seeker or illegal want to go to Thailand?? ANSWER They dont!!

All the people in Thailand who are not thai pay their own way, whether they are on a tourist visa or a fully employed expat package.

Its a well known FACT that illegals and so called asylum seekers want to go to countries like the UK and AUSTRALIA for one bloody reason, free everything!! A true asylum seeker would stop and apply in the first suitable country he comes to, as is set out in the asylum charter, which means all the illegals trying to get to Australia, especially the Islamic ones, should be appying in MALAYSIA, as they usually go through Malaysia and Indonesia before hitting OZ.

As has been proven in interviews and recorded conversations, the only reason they go on to OZ is because they have been told the government will give them free housing and free money.

I dont see any reason to stop guys who have been in LOS for 6 months on a tourist visa, spending their own money, but I DO SEE the need to get rid of these Illegal immigrants who are destroying the fabric of our societies with their violent culturally offensive behaviour. In the papers these days in OZ, look at the headlines where violent clashes at clubs, pubs etc have occured, funny how all the names are either Eastern European, Muslim, or Asian..

And FYI, I am on a B+ Visa, have been for years, have no desire to stay in LOS permanently, and certainly no desire to ever set foot in the UK, even though I have citizenship there also.

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All very good points RooBoy , but will be met with deaf ears and useful comments as before , bring on AndyinCrapsville with his voice of semen , I mean reason.

ps I never want to set foot in Oz either , ###### I already did , and liked it... :o

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Because the UK is miserable weather wise, the government and local council dictate too much, the rules are dumb and there is no incentive for the self-employed, hours are too long and the bills are just crazy.

Take my advice the place is history, with grey haired men in grey suits with grey powers, looking back at the past and ignoring the future

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Here's a clue , come and Live in the UK , then tell us how you like it , we may actually listen.

btw Soapdodger is a term that won't be recognised here

The problem with the Stupid Aussies is their mouths are as big as thier country, the same for their brains full of BIG empty spaces.

One thing for sure they know they are underdogs, they have the UNION JACK on their flag.

(For you thick Ozzie's, thats the National Flag of the United Kingdom)

Check out this site, find the REAL TRUTH about Australia and is SMELLY people.

Click here to see how Brainless the Ozzies realy are :D:D:D

Bet I get banned on my first post, by a bloody Ozzie moderator :o

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The problem with the Stupid Aussies is their mouths are as big as thier country, the same for their brains full of BIG empty spaces.

One thing for sure they know they are underdogs, they have the UNION JACK on their flag.

(For you thick Ozzie's, thats the National Flag of the United Kingdom)

Bet I get banned on my first post, by a bloody Ozzie moderator :o

Awww, did you have a bad day at the little cubicle you call an office?? not get enough porn emailed to you from your whining anally retentive colleagues??

Funny as fuk are the Poms who attempt to ridicule Australia, the funniest thing is when they come down under and dont want to leave, becoming illegals themselves!

Mate go get a life and pull your head out of little Tony's arse, your entire culture is decaying so rapidly you will be gone before the next iceage, which they say is pretty close already.

We will be sitting pretty with our Fosters and our barbies (thats barbeque for the ignorant pommie tossers who havent had a decent meal since they tried to convince the world fish n chips was a piece of rotten haddock and some undercooked potato)

It will be too late for you ya sad git, jealousy is a curse mate, Orstralia is the bee's knee's when it comes to places to live.

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Here is the top link straight out of your HATE page, seems to say it all doesnt it, truth hurts, OUCH!! :o:D

Quote: I hate whinging whining uneducated poms who make websites about how much they hate australia or australians, so this is what i done...

I Got Your Lame HTML ERROR Site Shut Down - See You Thought You Were Good Running Your Mouth Over The Internet , You Thought No One Could Touch Your Or Your Gay Lame Ass Web Site - Well I Touched It , I Violated It - I Penetrated Deep Within The Site And I Ripped Out Its Intestines And Left Them Too Rot On The Ground.

Your Stupid Site No Longer Exists - Another Stupid Pom Gets Beaten By A Aussie !!!

History Seems To Repeat Itself. (again)

You Cant Win Cricket , ###### You Dyslexic Uneducated Pommy Bastards Invented The Game - And The Rest Of The World Kicks You All Over The Field, How Does It Feel To Suck At Something Your Own Country Invented ?

I Guess It Shows Englands True Colors -- Which If I MIght Add - If You Ever In London , Take A Good Look Around, Check Out The Buildings, Check Out Whats Around You, Have A Look How Dirty The Place Is - What A Disguisting Dirty Dirty City..

Its Even Worse To Know That Theres An Entire Population On That Smelly Little Piss Weak Island That Never Take Showers.

An Entire Populas Sitting Infront Of Their Televisions Watching Australian T.V Shows That Were So Bad That Even Australia Didnt Want Them Anymore - So We Made A Deal With One Of The Few Countries On This Planet That Would Actually Have A i.q Low Enough To Be Entertained By Programs Such As Homos Are Gay ( Home & Away ) , And Gaybours (neighbours )

2 Of The Most Pathetic Australian Tv Series To Ever Hit The Air Time, But You Poms Cant Get Enough Of The Shit.

How ######ed Up Are You Lot?

Sit There And Bag Australia All You Want - Truth Of The Matter Is Its A ###### Lot More Interesting Then Piss Poor Piss Weak England -

Wheres Your Great Barrier Reef ? With Thousands Of Kilometers Of Beautifull Clear Crystal See Through Water ? Water So Clear That If You Look Into It You Can See The Sand On The Bottom & All The Sea Life Swimming Around - Dont Forget The Many Islands That Are PARADISE , But I Guess You Will Never See Them Because You Will Be Stuck In England Freezing Your Dyslexic Uneducated Ass Off All Year Round.

Wheres Your Kakadu National Park ? Thousands Of Years Of History Painted Within A Series Of Caves And Ancient Land ? ??(And An Abundance Of Wild Life That You Will Only See On T.v) - - Oh Thats Right - You Got None !

Wheres Your Ayres Rock ? You Poms Have Nothing But A Aging Royal Family And A Bad History.

So Its Here I End My Little Reply Message To EVERYONE Who Ever Said Anything Bad About Australians -

This Aussie Kicked All Your Asses , 1 Aussie Against An Entire Populas Of Haters !! One Man Took Down Many , One Aussie Stood Tall And Shitted All Over You Dyslexic Uneducated Pom Poms.

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Nice one , my post was actually directed towards Samran , who I believe is a Thai , I think someone misquoted me , but at least we know where you stand.

It must be nice living with all of that hate mate , chill will ya? :o

ps as you haven't ever set foot in the UK the word ignorant must be tatooed on your forehead , you great Gullah.. :D

btw I think OZ is a nice place , but I have been there 4 times , what would I know?

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Very good points Samran , but one is missing , the refugees coming to UK, for whatever reason , in the main, bring no skills , no money , no hope to an already overpopulated country.

Does Thailand welcome refugees/illegals/asylum seekers?

Would you prefer them to the current crop of Eurotrash etc?

I agree it is not the fault of the refugee's that their country has become unsuitable or unsafe to live etc. It is not my fault either.

Discuss et tu..

I disagree with you on this. Look at the Times 100 richest Britains and see how many of them were born outside of the UK. I would hazzard a guess that its about 30% and rising every time they do the survey. Britain is a country where success can mean wealth creation in similar ways to the US wealth creators. What attracts people to the UK is apart from the handouts, an ability for a hard working foreigner to make something of themselves and be sure that the laws are applied as equally to them as to an indigineous Brit. If you look at the tax payments MADE by immigrants you will underxtand just how much they do contribute. last time I was back in the UK I visited the local fish and chip shop that is know run by Slovakian brothers. Considerably cleaner than it used to be and the food was way better than before. These 2 guys are working hard and contributing becasue they feel that Britizan is their home and that laws are in place to protect them.

The problem as I see it is that there are far too many lazy indiginous Brits who spend all their time moaning rather than getting on and doing something about it. Loads went to Spain and then have moved to Thailand as they feel Spain is too expensive. Wont be long before these guys also move onto another country.

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Nice one , my post was actually directed towards Samran , who I believe is a Thai , I think someone misquoted me , but at least we know where you stand.

It must be nice living with all of that hate mate , chill will ya? :o

ps as you haven't ever set foot in the UK the word ignorant must be tatooed on your forehead , you great Gullah.. :D

btw I think OZ is a nice place , but I have been there 4 times , what would I know?

u talking to me?? I said ARE U TALKING TO MEE?? :D

this thread is going all over tha place now, I have visited and lived in the UK, Orpington actually, ahh the nice life, with Felicity treacle Kendal and Richard sugar flavoured snob Briars....

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The problem as I see it is that there are far too many lazy indiginous Brits who spend all their time moaning rather than getting on and doing something about it. Loads went to Spain and then have moved to Thailand as they feel Spain is too expensive. Wont be long before these guys also move onto another country.

Agreed on that 100 percent. We still have the 4th largest economy in the world , but for how long?

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Interesting question and very interesting and diverse answers.

From own personal experience as a person born in the UK and have travelled and experienced the world from behind a camera, I can honestly say the country has no future and has lost itself in its past glory.

I do not blame the immigrants, I don’t blame the people but the entire country is in the grip of a few grey haired men in grey suits that steer a grey paths.

I left the UK vowing never to return as the county will have no future for my kids and soon many others will leave as the incentive for life is drained from individuals who try in preference for those who don’t.

To sum up the UK --- Bad weather, bad government, bad rules, bad councils, bad feelings bad service, many restrictions, rules, little Hitler’s in the councils, expensive, dull, boring, speed cameras, Blair & Bush sharing the same brain, traffic wardens, the Dome, tax, tax and more tax followed by more tax and then stealth tax………. and at PETROL at $3000000000.05 a litre

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disagree with you on this. Look at the Times 100 richest Britains and see how many of them were born outside of the UK.

Sure I see it all the time, people from the sub continent say "I came here 30 years ago with two suitcases now look at me" what they failed to say what was in those two suitcases.

Samran, as you are will be working for the government on one of your many days off (with pay) why not take a trip up the M1, M6 to Manchester or sometimes known as gunchester.

Give Didsbury, Prestbury( more millionaires per acre than anywhere else in the UK) and Chorltonville a miss and try Moss Side near the bus station about 3AM there you can sample really LOUD music from BMW's ands Merc's with really good sound systems as what they do is park up in the street and enjoy, sod the neighbours and who is going to complain?

No point in during the day as drug dealers don't clock on.

Try Gooch close for a really interesting view of west Indian life ( take a tip wear a bullet proof vest) when you get fed up all you have to do is nip round the corner to the tourist attraction of Cheetham hill ( keep the bullet proof vest on) there you will see how to screw a country up good style.

Then you can go back to work and see how much more the Brits will take before saying enough is enough.

However on a lighter note if you really want to endear yourself to the vast majority of the population of the UK shoot at least one estate agent a day.

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To sum up the UK --- Bad weather, bad government, bad rules, bad councils, bad feelings bad service, many restrictions, rules, little Hitler’s in the councils, expensive, dull, boring, speed cameras, Blair & Bush sharing the same brain, traffic wardens, the Dome, tax, tax and more tax followed by more tax and then stealth tax………. and at PETROL at $3000000000.05 a litre


Here Here! I could not have put it better myself, I never intend to return. 11pm closing hours, expensive taxis and rip off fees for drinking after 11pm.

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To sum up the UK --- Bad weather, bad government, bad rules, bad councils, bad feelings bad service, many restrictions, rules, little Hitler’s in the councils, expensive, dull, boring, speed cameras, Blair & Bush sharing the same brain, traffic wardens, the Dome, tax, tax and more tax followed by more tax and then stealth tax………. and at PETROL at $3000000000.05 a litre


Here Here! I could not have put it better myself, I never intend to return. 11pm closing hours, expensive taxis and rip off fees for drinking after 11pm.

Got to put my 2 Bobs worth in here (even that has sadly gone)

I Hope i never have the misfortune ever to go back to England to live other than to see my Family with my wife and son for a short holiday.

It realy is all <deleted>@@ed up . :o

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I've read every single post in this topic and must say I am sad to see such ill will against both one's own mother land and toward each other as members of a community albeit forum based. Equally I've read some very well thought out, lucid analytical arguments on who or what is to blame for the general unrest that people feel toward their own governmental system.

I am English and proud to be as should anyone who represents a by-gone era when being English spoke itself. Unfortunately that has all changed as all cultures change when integration takes place over long periods. We have had a very long tenure, but now the power shift has taken place and we must accept that this is progress ( if progress is the right word).

The Egyptians had there day as did the Romans and now us. We have contributed a great deal to the world much of which is overlooked, and now as other great nations we are paying the ultimat price for our successes. Over the last 400 years we have both colonized half the world, enforcing our culture upon them and systematically robbed them of their riches, as did the Romans.

We now reap what our forefathers unwittingly sowed.

Personally, I hate the way England is gradually being stripped of its culture through mass integration, both socially and economically, but that was inevitable. As much as I and virtually all the poster's hate the thought of it, we will witness a paradigm shift to a United States of Europe before too long where all of our individual cultures will be tossed into the melting pot and become a new powerhouse, necessary in order to compete with the other great continental powers. Today America, tomorrow who knows. What is known is that this is not our time anymore it's our children and their children's time, and we as gaurdians of the flame so to speak, should be absorbing as much information about these infiltrating cultures in order to teach or at least help our offspring to be as best prepared to compete in this new world as we can. Not be constantly bitching about what will no doubt be classed to some as 'The good old days'

You cannot occupy anothers land while restricting him from yours. The world is shrinking before our eyes, very soon we will all be united, fighting against the occupants of the next planet we colonize fighting for 'our' very survival.

The single blessing we can have is to be born to the first world.

The measure of a man is in his deeds. You are what you do!

My apologies if this is too deep and sleep enducing.

Let me get my flack jacket on first!!!!!! :o


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