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I've just arrived in Bangkok and will be staying for several months. While I'm here I'd like to meditate with a Sangha and find some teaching in English. Any suggestions? I was told at Wat Mahathat on Sunday that a British monk studying at the university would be offering teaching, but details were lacking. Web site information I've seen (days, times, etc.) is contradictory or out of date.


Thank you, Seonal. I found Dhammanando at E-Sangha and emailed him for information. I talked with Ampai in the International Office at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Wat Mahathat, last Monday and she said a British monk studying at the school was going to offer talks in English. Perhaps that is Dhammanando? Bhatsakorn Piyophaso emailed me that he left Thailand last year but his name is listed as contact for the I.B.M.C. at several web sites, each of which gives different days and times for meeting. For confusing. I wonder if the I.B.M.C. still exists.


I'm not sure about the IBMC. Ajahn Helen used to run it. My name comes up in a web site and it says I'm still running a weekly Buddhist discussion group at Wat Mahatat but I actually stopped it years ago! Please tell Dhamanando I said Hi or PM me his email. Thanks


Yes, exactly!

Here is the full announcement of the Tuesday night series of talks which I found at e-sangha. I'll be there.

Bahn Aree Library Talks

Tuesday evenings - August 28th 2007 - October 2nd 2007 7pm – 8:45 pm

Speaker: British Monk Phra Cittasangvaro

From August to October the new meeting hall at Baan Aree Library is hosting a series of Dhamma Talks in English by a British monk on topics related to the “Insights of Insight Meditation“. All the events are free of charge, and promise to clear and understandable for beginners to Buddhism, and offer fresh insights into well-known topics for regular meditators.

There is a pure psychodynamic aspect of Buddhism that is often buried under religious customs, and which is catching the attention of western societies. The nature of the mind is universal and warrants investigation – the approach of the upcoming talks cuts away much of the dogma and concentrates fully on what is useful to individual practise.

Bangkok has long been a hub for travel around South East Asia but so far has not offered much in the way of one of it’s most precious gems – Theravada Buddhism. At least, not in accessible English language. Now some of the expat community are getting together to organize events and further their investigation into Buddhism and Meditation.

Bahn Aree Library compound has a coffee shop, spa and other facilities, and will host the upcoming talks without charge in their brand new air-conditioned hall. It is situated 20 metres from the Ari Sky Train Station, on the right hand side as one heads towards the Victory monument. Because of the prime location it becomes convenient for the meetings to be held on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm.

All details, maps, contact and background information are listed clearly at Bangkok Meditation Guide


Thanks Wyaryan, for the info. Great job.

Yes, exactly!

Here is the full announcement of the Tuesday night series of talks which I found at e-sangha. I'll be there.

Bahn Aree Library Talks

Tuesday evenings - August 28th 2007 - October 2nd 2007 7pm – 8:45 pm

Speaker: British Monk Phra Cittasangvaro

From August to October the new meeting hall at Baan Aree Library is hosting a series of Dhamma Talks in English by a British monk on topics related to the "Insights of Insight Meditation". All the events are free of charge, and promise to clear and understandable for beginners to Buddhism, and offer fresh insights into well-known topics for regular meditators.

There is a pure psychodynamic aspect of Buddhism that is often buried under religious customs, and which is catching the attention of western societies. The nature of the mind is universal and warrants investigation – the approach of the upcoming talks cuts away much of the dogma and concentrates fully on what is useful to individual practise.

Bangkok has long been a hub for travel around South East Asia but so far has not offered much in the way of one of it's most precious gems – Theravada Buddhism. At least, not in accessible English language. Now some of the expat community are getting together to organize events and further their investigation into Buddhism and Meditation.

Bahn Aree Library compound has a coffee shop, spa and other facilities, and will host the upcoming talks without charge in their brand new air-conditioned hall. It is situated 20 metres from the Ari Sky Train Station, on the right hand side as one heads towards the Victory monument. Because of the prime location it becomes convenient for the meetings to be held on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm.

All details, maps, contact and background information are listed clearly at Bangkok Meditation Guide

  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Wyaryan,

LOL that guy is a buddy of mine (the dude at Ban Aree library)... Phra Pandit is his less formal name. He's a wicked nice dude... tell him you know Tyler. You'll probably see a ginger Aussie there helping him out named Mark... he's my best bud so say what's up and he'll tell you all you could ever want to know about Eng speaking sanghas in BKK. We meet up like 5 times a week for a pint or two, and you're welcome to join us.

So you talked to Amphai at MCU? She's a sweetheart but a downright nutter, eh? :o We probably crossed each other in the halls or something... I'm the big fat white guy, and thus easily discernible from all the orange-clad, skin-headed Asian blokes. :D

PM me and I'll give you my phone # and/or that of Phra Pandit.

Bahn Aree Library Talks

Tuesday evenings - August 28th 2007 - October 2nd 2007 7pm – 8:45 pm

Speaker: British Monk Phra Cittasangvaro

Entertaining, easier to understand than listening in Thai and more of a discussion among experts (not me!) for beginners to listen to and understand.



Recent e-mail from Phra Pandit (guy leading Ban Aree library talks):

Greetings to you all,

We have a few Dhamma events lined up in October, as listed below. One way or another you are on our mailing list, but please, if you are no longer in Thailand, or get the news some other way, do reply to this email and we'll take you off the mailing list.

All the events are detailed at www.littlebang.wordpress.com (click Library Talks), along with other topics. All Events are in English only.

In October then, at Baan Aree on Tuesday 2nd, is the final talk by Phra Cittasamvaro on the topic "Insight to Emptiness" addressing the question what are the insights in Insight Meditation.

On Sunday 7th, Suchitra Onkom is leading the Sunday Workshop at the WFB, Sukhumvit – it is always refreshing to get a different perspective than the Patriarchal Monastic one, and Khun Suchitra has earned a well deserved good reputation over the years. Details

Tues 9th Oct, at Baan Aree is open mic – there will be short and sharp vignettes from some of the regulars who you will have seen about, and chance to find out about the other faces in the crowd. Leading things will be East-West Psychology professor and long time meditator Dr Holly together with Khun Miki who will be helping keep things alive and balance the Thai-Western perspectives. One of the aims of the open mic is to find out what you/we as Bangkok Sangha would like to see organized in terms of best days/times, meditation/workshops/talks etc… so as a wide group we can arrange some of these things in the future.

Tues 16th Oct, Baan Aree will be lead by Bhikkhuni Dhammananda – We are very happy that she will spare us the time, and we are hoping to draw on her broad experience from 30+ years teaching Buddhism and religion at Mahidol University, and as a Bhikkhuni, meditator, and now international figure in Buddhism.

Tues 25th , Baan Aree will be lead by David Holmes – writer of several books on Buddhism from his time at Chulalongkorn University, and now editor of the upcoming Wheel publications for the internet. He is a long time associate of the immensely respected Bhikkhu Bodhi.

At the end of the month Khun Danai will spare us some time to lead a live "Dhamma Moment" – He was the author of the hugely respected 'Dhamma Moments' column in the Bangkok Post for many years, now compiled in a book of the same name. Juggling several businesses and a corporate speaker in high demand, his commitment to Dhamma through articles, practise, and facilitator of a large and regular Thai group of meditators, shows one does not need to be a monastic to commit and contribute to Dhamma. Date and venue to be announced.




the psychodinamic aspect of Thai Buddhism is called Abhidam in Pali and Ahbidamma in Thai - it is indeed a wonderful subject

I think you meant that the other way around, abhidhamma in Pali, abhidham (more phonetically, aphitham) in Thai :o

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