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U K: New Pensions Reform Bill Received Royal Assent


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Excuse me if this subject has already been posted as the UK bill received Royal Assent when I was in OZ on 26th July.

As far as I can discern from reading the blurb on the DWP website, the qualifying period for a full pension has been reduced from 40 years (for men) to 30 years, for all those due to receive a pension on or after April 2010.

In my case this means that I will now receive a full pension as I already have 34 qualifying years.

The only thing that puzzles me - and I will try to investigate - is that my previous information from DWP was that the number of qualifying years were 44, not 40, so I'm not sure where the 40 comes from.

Anyway it looks like good news for some of us out here in LOS.

PS Apologies that I did not mention 'UK' in the topic title. Can any Mods insert please?

This does not seem to have had much publicity, I believe it started out as equal ops for women so they had to do for all. Great if retired as no need to buy credits and what about the self employed after 30 years credits they can stop paying. This will cost the govt a fortune no?

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Is this the British one? I doubt I'll get any with 5 years work.

How many years do you have to work in thailand?

Hey ... don't knock it ... 114 weeks and you could buy a brand new PICKUP.


Why would I want a pick-up - I'm not Bob the builder. :o and have no livestock.

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